Long live SF64!
Ok, I found a different shortcut on Oltanis Orbit: Gemlik Base which does allow you to skip the big room full of enemies and some other stuff. Basically you make your way to just past the first group of 3 machine gun dudes where, on the map, you are now in an area adjacent to an elevator and the steps leading up to Quark. You can use decoys to glitch through a railing and through into the elevator shaft. When I did it I fell all the way down the shaft, (the door at the bottom doesn't open) then the lift came down to meet me (I think i jumped up through it), I hit the button and then went up to fight the Quark space battle properly!
The only problem with this level now is that having the decoy glove this early is expensive at 7500, or 5000 bolts with the persuader. This makes buying the Devastator extremely difficult, which would likely mean it would need to be postponed. Without the devastator, the planes on Gemlik base are extremely difficult, and the bomb-firing ships on Oltanis, the next level, are extremely difficult without it as well. Basically I think that while the Decoy glove is insanely awesome, it's also messing up the run because of bolt requirements.
Further in the run I didn't find any other shortcuts except that perfect forcefield skip at Gadgetron HQ that skips straight to the hoverboard races. I also found out how to do different moves on the hoverboard besides just using the R1 button for a "Scratcher." R2, L1, and L2 each do their own move and when combined the effect is phenominal. All 4 different moves and several flips can get you up to 600 points in one big jump! Great for building up that boost meter.
I tried glitching into the room where you need the codebot to get it - the one with the 15000 bolts. I made it into the room, but there were no boxes! I collected the gold bolt, but the boxes weren't there! Interestingly, there were the visuals for some Nanoteck, but no boxes to hold t! I wan hoping for the bolts, but oh well!
I was able to successfully and quickly beat Drek with only the Devastator, Blaster, and Bomb Glove, and no PDA. I used the ammo replenishing techniques mentioned a few posts up to get the ammo refills to appear.
The only problem with this level now is that having the decoy glove this early is expensive at 7500, or 5000 bolts with the persuader. This makes buying the Devastator extremely difficult, which would likely mean it would need to be postponed. Without the devastator, the planes on Gemlik base are extremely difficult, and the bomb-firing ships on Oltanis, the next level, are extremely difficult without it as well. Basically I think that while the Decoy glove is insanely awesome, it's also messing up the run because of bolt requirements.
Further in the run I didn't find any other shortcuts except that perfect forcefield skip at Gadgetron HQ that skips straight to the hoverboard races. I also found out how to do different moves on the hoverboard besides just using the R1 button for a "Scratcher." R2, L1, and L2 each do their own move and when combined the effect is phenominal. All 4 different moves and several flips can get you up to 600 points in one big jump! Great for building up that boost meter.
I tried glitching into the room where you need the codebot to get it - the one with the 15000 bolts. I made it into the room, but there were no boxes! I collected the gold bolt, but the boxes weren't there! Interestingly, there were the visuals for some Nanoteck, but no boxes to hold t! I wan hoping for the bolts, but oh well!
I was able to successfully and quickly beat Drek with only the Devastator, Blaster, and Bomb Glove, and no PDA. I used the ammo replenishing techniques mentioned a few posts up to get the ammo refills to appear.