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Clippy: 2013-04-15 12:32:17 pm
Quote from Orchisawesome:
...platinum version only.

... Wait i dont have the platinu... *Procedes to check disk*

ok, so that clears everything up for me
So to conclude, the best version is as orch said the platinum ntsc, or pal version. Cheesy

As for the 100% definition i think it should be all skillpoints, goldbolts, missions and items. Not getting all the weapons, as that would just be very boring bolt grinding, and that allows people to select what weapons they would rather get.
I dont see any reason to skip raritanium Huh? Espesially now that we have Cyprys' skip for it.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
As far as I know, all the optional items and both of the "free" weapons have to be acquired to complete all the missions. The Nanotech upgrades do as well, which might be a bit of a problem, but personally I'd include completing all the missions in the criteria for a 100% run.
The nanotech upgrades are part of all missions and it makes sense to acquire all health upgrades in a 100% run.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I agree. I'm just saying a large part of the run would probably have to be based around getting the bolts needed for them.

It looks like Orxon in general would need a lot of bolts. As well as the Nanotech upgrades, you need the Visibomb Gun for one of the Gold Bolts, and the Taunter for one of the Skill Points. You'd need either the Blaster or the Devastator for another one, but I'd imagine you'd have at least one of those by the second visit to Orxon. This is, of course, if there are no ways around these sections.
1) Cypryss' video features getting raritanium quicker, not a skip.
2) You exchange raritanium for persuader and it vanishes from items menu. And, I don't want to make people to run the game twice to get raritanium visible on ending menu, so I'm in favor of not requiring it. This is mostly for a precaution of an actual case of raritanium skip (getting persuader without raritanium).

You only need to buy premium to check off the mission. Ultra is optional. That's why "all items" is a sticky definition for 100% imo.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Just say "all missions", then. That would proof it against that kind of glitch being discovered (I doubt it, but just in case). Not having to get the second Nanotech upgrade would make the run more feasible.
I'm inclined to agree. All gold bolts, skill points, and missions for 100%?
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Clippy: 2013-04-16 11:29:09 am
Clippy: 2013-04-16 11:29:09 am
Clippy: 2013-04-16 11:29:09 am
Clippy: 2013-04-16 11:29:08 am
Clippy: 2013-04-16 11:28:48 am
Clippy: 2013-04-16 10:27:55 am
Clippy: 2013-04-16 10:25:16 am
Quote from Orchisawesome:
You exchange raritanium for persuader and it vanishes from items menu

Yeah, but you still get the raritanium first, thats what i meant Wink

Quote from Orchisawesome:
All gold bolts, skill points, and missions for 100%?

That makes sence, and couldnt possibly cause any confusion. Agreed

Hmm. I was an advocate for both health upgrades being included in 100%, but Im starting to be persuaded... This definition does seem consistent at least.
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ticeman: 2013-06-23 04:43:31 pm
Hey so I see that posts havent been made in this group for a while and i just wanted to talk about some of the new tech that I revealed for this game. Basically sub 42 NG+ is possible now, there is a new much more consistent and efficient way of doing orxon 1 that involves clank super jumping to the infobot as well as a faster method for oltanis. There is also several other little optimizations that can be done to make this game even faster but those probably wont be used until sub 42 happens
video? i'm interested.
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Orchisawesome: 2013-07-07 02:08:50 pm
Actually, found your twitch account, and that new orxon 1 super-jump is just amazing. The same for oltanis quicker too. I think that the most significant thing about oltanis quicker is that it skips grindboot. I'm pretty sure that it's possible to get Gaspar infobot without grindboots. With combination of this, we'd be able to skip Blarg's queen segment and save even more minutes. I believe that sub 35 is doable, if such skip is found.

Currently, I'm away from my ps2/ps3 for more than 6 weeks, so I cannot investigate. But, I did investigate S-I'ing on batalia mountains then hovering to the deserter. I came very close, so, look into that.

Other thing to investigate- orxon1 superjump in ng just might be possible. If you jump from the platform at certain places, then you'd clip into the plant thing- so, there's a possibility that you could do the first part, then jump from there to skip long and tedious part of orxon1. :p

e: orgasmed at veldin 2 hydro/magnet boots skip btw. gj and keep the discoveries going.
Just watched the 39:39 run.  Really incredible stuff.
Hey so I wanted to talk a little bit more about this game. I just beat my record again by 4 seconds (sigh i failed the initial umbris swingshot jump) and if you guys have any questions about this game such as routing how to do rilgar with close to 90% efficiency or just my advice on speedrunning this game feel free to message me on twitch (ticeman12) and I would be happy to answer questions. I am going to get sub 39 and then im probably going to take a break from this game for a while it is beginning to annoy me. I might come back and beat the any% record but idk.
Hello! I'm new to speedrunning, and am wanting to have a try at this game. A lot of people here seem to be doing NG+ (which I have deduced to mean beating the game with the guns and bolts loaded), but I am wanting to try a single segment NG run. Can anybody point me to some resources? I'm primarily looking for a current record, and haven't really found that. Thanks for the help!
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Linkinito: 2013-08-04 01:05:33 pm
This is my avatar
Quote from t3hlazy1:
Hello! I'm new to speedrunning, and am wanting to have a try at this game. A lot of people here seem to be doing NG+ (which I have deduced to mean beating the game with the guns and bolts loaded), but I am wanting to try a single segment NG run. Can anybody point me to some resources? I'm primarily looking for a current record, and haven't really found that. Thanks for the help!

You're welcome! (Commentary mostly in french)
Thank you very much! Right now I'm just doing some planning and testing before I start actually running. Once I get more serious about running and streaming, I will make a post here with progress and info. 

So, ticeman, I saw you got under 39:00 in NG+, and I see you were playing around with any% NG run. Any idea if you are going to go for that record?
I'm going to beat the ng record but I'm taking a break from the game right now.
Yo i'm rebumping this thread because people are actually running this game now. There is 3 relatively new strats that basically make my current time much easier to beat in NG+ so I'm going to be streaming again maybe a little bit tonight after i practice a few things.