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everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Sorry about the late turnaround.

Essentia: Well you're right, I just looked and the time clearly says 24:27 at the end. Without re-encoding of course, the best I can do is just fixing it on the game pages and the file names. If you would like the stat id fixed, you can ask Nate or I can ask him for you.

JDHyatt: That's exactly what it is. I was actually a verifier myself, and I remember the time in between saying I could verify and Mike telling DD there was enough verifiers and he could submit, was months and months.
on the game list, game-system-choosing-thing (Atari, PSX, Xbox, etc.) there are some inconsistancies between the number of games per system dislayed (False), versus the real number of system (True)

GBA : 17 (true) 18 (False)
GCN : 47 (True) 45 (False)
NES : 76 (True) 75 (False)
PSX : 52 (True) 51 (False)
Ps2 : 79 (true) 80 (false)***
Xbox: 56 (true) 57 (false)

***I'd need verification for this one though
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
You know, this is extremely easy for me to check but I never did it since I only +1 when I have to, plus later it will be all automated so I never saw a reason to synch it manually now.

I already feel bad I'm doing any of this type of work now which will be unnecessary later, but I'll go ahead since it's easy like I said.

I actually feel worse there are situations like this and the list of torrents where people go out of their way to spend effort doing something I could have very easily done myself with no effort.

You were right about PS2, and thanks!
fixed the statid.
Everything's better with Magitek
Hey, thanks, Enhasa and nate!
Edit history:
Enhasa: 2008-09-10 10:31:24 pm
Jurassic Park is listed as Gen/SMS, but it's a different game on each system.

everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
This actually happened a couple weeks ago, so maybe it's not worth saying anymore, but I figure I should, and it's not worth another thread.

I went back and resized all the pictures to correct resolutions so that the heights and widths don't need to be hardcoded. Since the ones that stick out at funny resolutions are typically title screens, this means that I replaced those with real title screens, so every single game on SDA should have a title screen now. A couple I stole from MobyGames, which looks kinda bad with the watermark there, so TheVoid was kind enough to "obtain" 3 games and take title screenshots for them. So thanks a bunch!

I'm making this post to ask that you please report if any game pictures look funny (wrong size, etc). Although like I said, if nobody's complained yet, maybe I didn't make any mistakes. Tongue
we need technology like google's they're using for chrome where they have image analyzers look at pictures of the actual renderings of thousands of pages and try to find problems.
Edit history:
Enhasa: 2008-09-18 09:23:32 pm
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
From today's update:

Philippe 'Wak' Brissonon


The english rules page links to the german faq (under fundamental rules, second list item).  Also, the french faq's link to is malformed (missing the colon after the http).
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
That first one is the wackiest thing ever.

Thanks so much for pointing these out.
Edit history:
Enhasa: 2008-11-22 06:30:24 pm
Very minor thing here, but something I noticed.

On my Paper Mario run, it says 53 segments with an ending segment. The ending actually got fused on to the end of segment 53 so that ending segment doesn't actually exist.

Edit history:
Enhasa: 2008-11-25 10:18:25 pm
destroy them with lazers
I noticed earlier that on the XIII run ones of the pics really big. Don't know if its the same for everyone.

thanks so much, I mentioned the pic size thing on the last page, but this is the first instance of a wrong size
When you sort the games list by game boy color games, only oracle of seasons comes up.  Link's Awakening DX and Pokemon Gold should come up, too.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Link's Awakening DX is a remake that came 5 years later. We just list the original, which is GB.

I thought Gold/Silver was actually released for GB and made to be upwards compatible with GBC. Crystal was actually released for GBC. The creation of the Gold/Silver page was before I joined SDA though, so if you have a really compelling reason I could change it. I think the way it is, when someone submits a Crystal run, it will go on a Crystal page listed as GBC.
I had always thought of it the opposite way, that gold/silver was made for the gbc but was made backwards compatible for gb since blue/green/red/yellow was gb.  I could be wrong, though.  Still, if I'm remembering things correctly, this was around the time gbc/gb games were becoming gbc only (e.g. super mario bros. DX) and this was just an exception. I suppose my best argument for including it in both would the box art:

everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Ok, I'll list Gold/Silver as both GB and GBC, lol. Thanks.
sonic 2 individual level table is on dl/ and it shouldn't be (we only have mq on dl).
Edit history:
Enhasa: 2008-11-28 06:42:42 pm
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
The problem isn't that it shouldn't be on dl/, it's that before when I transfered every single IL video, I missed some. Angry

I automated the downloads from the archive pages. Are there more than one archive page for each game? If so, there could be missing videos for lots of games. If not, well I think I did Sonic 2 first, so maybe that's it.

Edit: lol, you should take Sky Chase Zone from the SS so that this page looks a lot nicer. Grin
not sure about whether there is multiple archive items for each game's ils ... there shouldn't be, but it seems like there might have been for a brief period during one of my harebrained attempts to wean sda off archive.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Nah, I probably just messed up.
Edit history:
Enhasa: 2008-11-28 10:24:39 pm
destroy them with lazers
The pics on LoZ Oracle of Seasons are messed up.

To be precise, it was actually an HTML error from years back. Thanks.
We discussed this on irc, but just as a reminder, all 3 qualities of MegaMan6 on archive have faulty metadata which prevents the audio commentary from playing (the third 'trak' atom is a 'free' atom instead).  The files on dl are fine.
um ... lol. if archive is mutilating our files then i'm not sure what the next step is ... i certainly have no memory of different files going up.
I checked Satoryu's MM9 files on archive, and they've been altered too.  So it looks like the problem is archive remuxing all of our mp4s rather than there being some error on our end.