everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Sorry about the late turnaround.
Essentia: Well you're right, I just looked and the time clearly says 24:27 at the end. Without re-encoding of course, the best I can do is just fixing it on the game pages and the file names. If you would like the stat id fixed, you can ask Nate or I can ask him for you.
JDHyatt: That's exactly what it is. I was actually a verifier myself, and I remember the time in between saying I could verify and Mike telling DD there was enough verifiers and he could submit, was months and months.
Essentia: Well you're right, I just looked and the time clearly says 24:27 at the end. Without re-encoding of course, the best I can do is just fixing it on the game pages and the file names. If you would like the stat id fixed, you can ask Nate or I can ask him for you.
JDHyatt: That's exactly what it is. I was actually a verifier myself, and I remember the time in between saying I could verify and Mike telling DD there was enough verifiers and he could submit, was months and months.