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Would this work if I don't have a sword?

The hover glitch works with deku sticks, and the megaton hammer.
Edit history:
alexpenev: 2006-08-19 06:21:29 am
Cool. Maybe then I can "hover" to the jabu jabu switch (at least gain a bit of height from the octoroks?).
Cool. Maybe then I can "hover" to the jabu jabu switch (at least gain a bit of height from the octoroks?).

Maybe, but I haven't really experienced the hover glitch too much.  I think you need something to boost you quite far, and I'm not sure if you can gain height without using bomb(chu)s.
wise fwom yo gwave
How interesting would a min% run be? I think it would be VERY neat to watch (from a non-zelda speedrunner, but a zelda fan)!
How interesting would a min% run be? I think it would be VERY neat to watch (from a non-zelda speedrunner, but a zelda fan)!

I think the current run TSA is doing is quite close to min%, esp when adhering to SDA rules.

Allowing CC makes min% a lot more interesting, however SDA won't accept the run.

In either case, SamSim might need to update his site containing the min% guidelines.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Skip slingshot when you skip sword?

How do you beat deku tree without sword/deku stick/slingshot and how do you get deku stick without slingshot?

not sure about sword, but you can skip slingshot then use deku nuts.
Are you sure you can't obtain bomchu from spirit temple without slingshot?

Also, if you get adult wallet, you can just go buy them. If you truly skip slingshot + hookshot + bombs + all those other items you're going to need a lot of bomchu's, and I think in that case buying them is the only option.
SamSim might need to update his site containing the min% guidelines.

You can update it yourself. It's a wiki now!
Edit history:
Acryte: 2006-08-19 02:58:48 pm
Zelda Scientist®
Im updating it right now Smiley

[done updating]
Food goes in here
I don't know if anyone here already knew about this but, I went to to look up TSA's old MM run and found this:
I wonder why TSA never posted this here or something.

Edit: Oh, ok. Didnt know that.
Also tenkiforecast
I don't know if anyone here already knew about this but, I went to to look up TSA's old MM run and found this:
I wonder why TSA never posted this here or something.

He did, actually. There's a topic somewhere...
Edit history:
alexpenev: 2006-08-20 11:45:24 am
I think Deku Nuts are more min% than Slingshot because you won't have a seed bag.

Acryte, can you give me more info on:
- Light Arrows on B glitch. I have a feeling this might not work on PAL...
- Getting the Fairy Bow as Child Link, and finishing the game with Forest (rather the Spirit/Shadow). I assume Forest is finished to make Sheik move aside so you can go back in time...?
- is the "sword glitch" the same as ground jump or hover glitch?
Edit history:
Acryte: 2006-08-20 11:58:37 am
Zelda Scientist®
Just look at the video and read all the instructions that are provided w/ it. They are rather clearcut and ecery step is accounted for.

Sword glitch is the infinite sword attack, where your sword stays out. The groundjump is a completely seperate move. And the Bomb Hover is just a trick that utilizes the infinite sword glitch. But yea because sword glitch is responsible for that I often just say "using sword glitch" to do something, even when it involves hovering. Though saying "using bomb hover" is definitely clearer as to how you do whatever it is.
He's back!
There are two inaccuracies in a minimal

1. Its not possible to skip the lullaby since Kazooie confirmered it was needed for the light arrows on B

2. Its possible to skip two boss keys i.e. Fire and Spirit.
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Fail Boat: 2006-08-21 07:39:30 pm
forum lurker
2. Its possible to skip two boss keys i.e. Fire and Spirit.

No one has yet explained to me how to skip the Fire Temple and Spirit Temple boss keys.
Sorry for being a newb, but how do you skip the Spirit boss key?
I'm not sure, but I /think/ you use the armos to glitch inside the giant statue hting, and hookshot up. I remember this being said, but I don't remember if it was proven or disproven.
Speed is the key.
I'm not sure, but I /think/ you use the armos to glitch inside the giant statue hting, and hookshot up. I remember this being said, but I don't remember if it was proven or disproven.

Even if that was possible, it wouldn't let you skip the boss key (afaik).
Edit history:
Acryte: 2006-08-22 01:47:46 am
Zelda Scientist®
Neither can be skipped. And yea lullaby cant be skipped since we need magic. Dang it.
Three dumb questions:
1)Can you get a bottle on B by swinging a bottle and then crouch-stabbing a fish?
2)Can you get Light Arrows instead of bombchus by getting the bomb bag as an adult with the right number of bombchus?
2a)If so, than can you get an infinite supply of bomb(chu)s by the same method?
I think the boss key "skips" they're referring to is using post-damage invincibility to bypass the rings of fire around the boss key chests so that you don't need to complete the puzzle for that room.
forum lurker
I think the boss key "skips" they're referring to is using post-damage invincibility to bypass the rings of fire around the boss key chests so that you don't need to complete the puzzle for that room.

That would explain the Spirit Temple one, but what about the Fire Temple one?  There is no ring of fire around it.
Zelda Scientist®
Sorry, it was kind of hard to understand that. But lets see...
1)Can you get a bottle on B by swinging a bottle and then crouch-stabbing a fish?

The reason the bottle swap works is because later into the swing when you switch items, it still keeps going and it catches the item. When it does it overwrites that C button item w/ the bottled item. But, when it comes to doing the crouch stab... it can't interrupt the swing and you can't swing a sword while you are catching the fish... so unless you can put a sword on B and then have it put a bottle in your inventory where the sword is, then equipping that... that is the only way it could work... but that is farfetched.

2 and 3 I don't understand at all sorry.

Everybody loves Hypnotoad!
2 refers to this.  He's wondering if you could perhaps get the Light Arrows instead of the Eyedrops.
Sorry, it was kind of hard to understand that. But lets see...
so unless you can put a sword on B and then have it put a bottle in your inventory where the sword is, then equipping that... that is the only way it could work... but that is farfetched.

Crouch stabbing copies some of the properties of the most recent swinging attack, such as damage and whether it can break rocks.  I was wondering if it also copied a bottle's fish capturing, since that is a swinging attack.