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Fucking Weeaboo
The Epoch is AWESOME.  Too bad we were off camera when we first saw it.  The expression on my face (and probably everybody elses) was pretty much the same...JAW DROP!

You do absolutely fantastic work, Aitamen.
Balls jerky
That's ENORMOUS! That must have taken forever to make. Aitamen is a perler god. They all look amazing and seeing them up close at the marathon was even better.
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
dballin: it was 40+ hours of my time, as well as 30+ hours of my gf's time... and it's still not fully done (support layers of board need to be made, it needs to be glued down... that pic was a proxy, heh)

I did see Uyama's jaw hit the ground, and him wave everyone over so their jaws could join his.  I can't wait to watch that moment again, it was hella heartwarming.

Everything about this marathon was so awesome.

Also, I made back all the money I spent on stuff, and all the money I expect to pay for postage, so I'm just over breaking even.

Considering the response in chat and donations, I believe this was a triumph!
Waiting hurts my soul...
Hopefully the advertising will generate some commissions for you as well. The perler art is pretty cool for small things, but is really amazing for the bigger models. Thanks for all the work on them.
My name is unpronounceable
I know I'm going to commission some perler art in the future, but at the moment, I've spent enough on donations.

Aitamen, it won't be for a couple months or so, but is it alright if I PM you about a commission?  I'm more likely to remember your screen name than your email address.
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
Zenic: You paid for the parts to allow me to do it, and this has finally given me the ability to get it off the ground.  Also, you're a great customer.

Moclaimtoh: I'm not going anywhere, and I'll be happy to take your order whenever you get around to it.

Also, not sure where to put this but I do want to make a note of it so people know:

total costs (Shipping and beads): 321$
total tendered sponsor money: 195$
amount paid out-of-pocket to be able to send stuff to the marathon:135$
amount earned from personal comissions after the marathon: 195$ (and rising)
Being a part of this marathon: Priceless

So I made 60 bucks, joined the man club, got a huge amount of advertising, and got to be a part of one of the greatest events of my life.  Yes, it was 100+ hours of work (as well as numerous hours by my loving gf, without whom I wouldn't have completed the Epoch when I did), and some may call me crazy, but it was totally worth it.

Thanks so much for this great opportunity, both with the sponsoring of perlers and with your faith in my ability, even/especially when I wasn't sure of myself.
Willing to teach you the impossible
Aitamen, you are win.
SGL Scrublord
I'm with Heidman, hail to you Aitaman! I look forward to those MM2 Coasters I won! Hope you will be back next year as well Smiley