Your the best Mike. SDA would not be where it is today without all your hard work. Good luck in your future endeavors and I look forward to your upcoming speedruns.
Congrats to the folks who got promoted, it is certainly well deserved and I know you guys will do what it takes to take SDA to the next level.
I've seen a lot of good things happen for the site since I stumbled upon SDA in 2006. Thanks Mike for keeping the site great and legitimate. You may be the only dictator the people will miss. I look forward to seeing your future runs.
Congrats to Flip, Mooh, and Vorpal. You guys rock and I know you'll all do well.
Thank you for the effort you put into making SDA what it is today, Mike. And good luck those who have taken on increased responsibilities for the site!
I can't thank you enough for all the work you've done for this site. Its certainly been a handful, and you deserve to be able to pass it on after all this time. Kudos to the new/upgraded admins.
It seems the new crowd from the last big marathon was the straw that broke the camels back. I take no credit for starting the bloodless coup and the redistribution of duties to the new (and most worthy) admins. If there was blood though, then yes it was all me.
Thanks Mike, for your work in making this little corner of the Internet truly a unique place. Hope to see you at the next yearly marathon! I'll bring some of Jersey's finest pork roll to celebrate another great year.
Thanks for the kind words everyone! Don't worry, I'll still be around to dictate when the situation calls for it.
UCPro: I'm so bad at finding PoP: SoT routes compared to you. I think I'll just steal from you instead.
Mr. K and Hurblat: I don't feel like spending a ridiculous amount of attempts unless if there's a new timesaver found. :-/
theseawolf1: Honestly, it has nothing to do with the new crowd. I told the staff I wanted to retire back in October before the marathon, but it took us a while to figure out how to change the staff lineup and duties.
Quote from dballin:
Fuck the Genesis version. That is all.
This, I'm pretty sure I told you how bad the Genesis version of Sunset Riders is, Cody.
And yeah, the SNES is closer to the arcade version while the Genesis version is basically a butchered game with half of the bosses and playable characters.
Well, it was a good run, thanks for everything Mike. Best of luck in your future endeavors...
Ah who am I kidding, DON'T GO MIKE! I'm lost without you. ALL are lost without you! Monarchy > Oligarchy! I haven't been this devastated since Brooks Cracktacle.
In all seriousness, the first run I saw that drew me to this sight was your Metal Slug 3 run, which blew my mind. The fact that you have had so many spectacular runs while also running this site so extensively blows my mind even further. And you have been so personable and welcoming to everyone as well!
Massive respect for all you have done and all that you will be continuing to do. Good luck to all the new admins, I'm sure this oligarchy will be run with dignity and pride.
I keed! I keed! I was lurking for a long while before my (obvious) sign up and had noticed you had an extended period of active service. Be sure to do fun retired things full tilt, a little umbrella in every drink and so forth.