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am a bit late but not too late to thank you for everything mike. wish you well
Hi! I'm andrewg!
I hate you Mike Uyama. I hate you! Sad
Intruding N313 and F014 has 2 mentions of Mike that probably should be changed.
Strange days, incredible days
Thanks for everything, Mike. Don't go anywhere. Tongue
Just stopping by to say that I appreciate all the work you have put into the site.
An evil overlord steps down, another evil overlord steps up to take his place.
But now the previous evil overlord can work on speedruns again.
It all works out in the end.

PS: Demon Rush run. Make it happen. Now.
Waiting hurts my soul...
Mike doesn't run RPGs.
It's not an RPG! It's THE DEMON RUSH!happy
Hi! I'm andrewg!
You know it was funny. I was thinking to myself the other day "I'm one of the only people on the site who has seemed to stay around, oh except Mike Uyama"

it was just kinda funny timing. Anyway, Mike I really appreciate what you've done. It won't be the same without you as a mod. heh
Yep yep yep!
Just wanted to say that I agree completely with all the positive things said in this thread.  While I've never been a very active member, I joined SDA a little while before Radix retired and seeing how much it's changed since then...

Amazing work, Mike, and everyone else who has worked to make this site what it is today.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Wow, this is a surprise. I hope you spend your free time wisely, you'll always be in our hearts. ^_^

I'm looking forward to the new runs that've been posted/will be posted, and even runs that haven't even been planned yet (like La-Mulana for Wiiware). Keep up the good work, everyone!
wise fwom yo gwave
Going to miss rejecting runs for you mike (though when is the last time i actually verified something lol)!
Get some well needed rest good sir.  The marathons are awesome and thanks for making SDA awesome.
one-armed bandit
A lot of awesome changes went through in SDA during Mike's reign. SDA doesn't feel the same without you :p.
Evermore Extrodinare ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ
Mike thanks for all your hard work for all these years Smiley without you a lot of the stuff never would have been possible. Plus with your charisma and dedication I don't think any of the marathons would have happened nor how enjoyable they have been to watch. My hat's off to you for an incredible job well done and I can't wait to see more awesome Uyama runs in the future Cheesy
aw, i didn't realize you were relinquishing so much responsibility til reading the front page today, mike.  i should lurk on the other boards more often.  Smiley

just want to let you know you've done an excellent job with all you did for the site in your tenure.
I very much respect this decision. Good on you, Mike. You definitely need and deserve more free time after all the hard work you put into this place. Thanks for everything you've done around here, and on a more personal note, thanks a lot for walking scurty and I through the entire process of getting our run posted (you too, nate, and whomever else may have had a hand in it, of course ^_^). It's much appreciated. See you around.
Had a thought. You should put SDA on your resume. Wink
SDA Tattoo. Make it so. 
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
As everyone else before me, Thanks for all your hard work, you deserve the time off...  Just be sure to check in regularly for we will miss you if you are gone for too long...
Oh he's not going anywhere. He merely lowered his workload Smiley
Everybody's favorite monster
Quote from FlamingMage:
SDA Tattoo. Make it so. 

I was actually thinking about doing that
I love you Mike Uyama.  I love you! Smiley

Srsly though, I am impressed with how long you have been able to keep up with all the work.  Great job bud.
Edit history:
slowbro: 2011-07-10 10:27:07 am
slowbro: 2011-07-10 10:20:30 am
Wow, this is the end of an era.  Mike has done more for us than anyone could ask for, and I have never seen one negative post or PM from him.  And I see very good news in the, well, news ... mikwuyma isn't leaving the site Grin

I would be extremely proud if I were ever a member of this staff, even if it only lasted a short time.  (I am not very dedicated at anything I attempt so I wouldn't be a good choice to be a staff member anywhere, heh.)  Every SDA staff member I've had dealings with has been unspeakably awesome.

Anyway, I welcome all our new overlords!  And yes, if this means we get new mikwuyma speedruns then this is not all for the worse Smiley