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I will knock you all down!
What is a true FMV then? Both the Intro movie and the weapon attack on Junon have 3d stuff in them... Launch of the mako cannon maybe?

Yes, both the intro and the launch of the mako cannon are FMVs. I can also mention the escape from Shinra HQ and the video where Sephiroth puts an end to a certain character's life.
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
The escape from Shinra HQ? You mean with that explosion in the background?

I fail to see the distiction between FMVs and background animation there, but since I don't hve access to an NTSC and PAL version at the moment, I'll have to take your word for it.
The "movement" animations are FMV. If you look closely there's signs of compression. Besides, how can a system with 2MB RAM store around 50 full screen frames at once?
Edit history:
tonicsolution: 2005-08-19 10:15:51 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
The escape from Shinra HQ? You mean with that explosion in the background?

escape from Shinra HQ = Motorbike cutscene

the explosion in the background is in the escape from the reactor at the beginning.
Anyone close to coming under the 7 or even 8 hour mark yet?
Blue Mages will rule this world =)
I dont know about 7 or 8 hours marks yet, but i know 9:30 is very possible to get to the bottom of crater.

But it's was my first run, i guess GarlandG can make it faster. And i've played on emulator.
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GarlandG: 2005-09-02 01:17:27 pm
I will knock you all down!
Hi there, Tsuki! ^_^

Under 7 hours ain't gonna happen. Under 8 hours happened this week, but it was a PC run, and the PC version is much faster, so you can't compare it with a PS run. For the PS version, it's possible to get under 8:30, but not by much. I guess I'll end up between 8:20 and 8:25 when I do my perfect run in February. My record so far is 8:39.

After lolo26 (another GameFAQs guy) did this test run on his PC, I was able to draw the conclusion that the game is beatable in less than 9 hours.
If you beat the game in under 9 hours, the game should literally circle the time in red and write OMFG!!! on the screen just like you did.
Speedruns - 01
I do think a time of 8.3x would be accepted on SDA, due to the extreme fanatic popularity of this game.
Bring it !!!  Grin
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I do think a time of 8.3x would be accepted on SDA, due to the extreme fanatic popularity of this game.

but... that 8.39 is to the bottom of the northern crater.. there's still another 40minutes to add that time, and that's if you want to stop the game before the ending movie...
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I don't know about all of you, but I'd really like to just see someone go through the game, maybe even not skipping through a lot of the text.

Seriously, I'd have no problem watching a 40 hour run. The game is just so damn cool both storywise and gameplaywise that it's worth it.
I will knock you all down!

but... that 8.39 is to the bottom of the northern crater.. there's still another 40minutes to add that time, and that's if you want to stop the game before the ending movie...

Yes, it's 8:39 at the bottom of the crater, but as I said, that run is far from perfect. I did this run more than a year ago, and we have come up with many ways to improve the time. As I said above, we have come to the conclusion that the game itself can be beaten in 9 hours, and we consider the game beaten when the last Sephiroth battle is over, as there is nothing more you can do to inflict the final time after that.
Speedruns - 01
Do you mean the battle where you can't lose against Sephiroth? Because that's where it should end, since then you can't control the characters anymore.
I will knock you all down!
Yup, that's what I mean. Of course, you can't use Omnislash because that would be a waste of time :p
MGS for PS1 forever.
In theory you can die. A friend of mine told me that Sephiroth doesn't attack in that battle and I proved him wrong. However, I also had on counter-attack materia which made Cloud quickly attack once right after. So, if you didn't have any counter-attack materia on or final attack...could you lose the battle?
I will knock you all down!
No, you can't lose that battle. If you let Sephiroth attack, Cloud will counter attack either way.
sda loyalist
Just a thought, but what if Cloud's HP REALLY suck? Smiley

How's progress on this? I'm amazed at the screen shot you posted, GarlandG. By that time I could... maybe at a push... be dealing with Proud Clod? Tongue
Blue Mages will rule this world =)
No, you can't lose that battle. If you let Sephiroth attack, Cloud will counter attack either way.

Coz he has 1(!) HP and deals 31/32  of current Cloud HP,damage. Even Cloud 8 lvl can survive (tested myself)

And that screenshot was MINE Cheesy
Blue Mages will rule this world =)
Sorry for double post, but now i'm registered.

Here you can see battle beetween Cloud L8 and Seph.
MGS for PS1 forever.
Ok...I have stand corrected. I'm just glad that I proved that friend of mine wrong.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
how did you get there on level 8??  Huh?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hi there.

So from what I've read, the NTSC version for PS is the "slowest" cause of speed differences in the FMV's and the in-game cutscenes?  I did a run in this version sometime ago but never finished, and I also recorded part of it for fun.  I just dig up the old tapes and from where I left off (recording anyway), I was at Rocket town at exactly 4 hrs.  Any chance I could finish in the 9-10 hrs range?  I kind of have this little urge now to resume playing it.
Blue Mages will rule this world =)
how did you get there on level 8?? 

Cloud was dead at the end of each battle, and how you know dead peoples dont get expirience.

I was at Rocket town at exactly 4 hrs.

In my speed run i was near Rocket Town at 4:01, and i was able to finish before 10 hours mark.
I will knock you all down!
So from what I've read, the NTSC version for PS is the "slowest" cause of speed differences in the FMV's and the in-game cutscenes?

The NTSC version actually has the correct speed, so if you use the NTSC version, you will get correct times. The PAL version, however, is 1,2 times slower, but the FMVs are run at the same speed as in the NTSC version. Ingame cut-scenes are slower, since they use regular graphics. FMV stands for Full Motion Video and uses cinematic graphics. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not an expert at this territory Tongue

Oh, and as Genji said, you should easily make it in 10 hours. At least to the bottom of the crater, although you might not be able to beat the game in 10 hours.