Hi I just signed up for attending the full ESA 2014 meeting.
In case you want to add one more game I can run Goldeneye 100% (PR 1:04:53 rank4) I'm 8th on the overall GE world ranks http://rankings.the-elite.net/goldeneye my full real name there is Ilari Pekkala. I'm not really signed up for running any games at ESA 2014 but I did say to some of the people who I know from the NLG crew that I would be up for participation in the GE multiplayer 2 vs 2.
Time estimate Goldeneye 100%: 1h 20min
I am signed up for racing Eise Smit (admiralsmit) in Goldeneye any% at Dreamhack btw.
But yea just throwing this out there since I will be attending the event and just saying I would be up for this while I'm there.
Most people call me Illu and I stream usually few times a week at twitch.tv/illudude
Oh and yes I am running Goldneye 100% at http://www.twitch.tv/nlg_organisation for their mini marathon event on 23-25 may.
In case you want to add one more game I can run Goldeneye 100% (PR 1:04:53 rank4) I'm 8th on the overall GE world ranks http://rankings.the-elite.net/goldeneye my full real name there is Ilari Pekkala. I'm not really signed up for running any games at ESA 2014 but I did say to some of the people who I know from the NLG crew that I would be up for participation in the GE multiplayer 2 vs 2.
Time estimate Goldeneye 100%: 1h 20min
I am signed up for racing Eise Smit (admiralsmit) in Goldeneye any% at Dreamhack btw.
But yea just throwing this out there since I will be attending the event and just saying I would be up for this while I'm there.
Most people call me Illu and I stream usually few times a week at twitch.tv/illudude
Oh and yes I am running Goldneye 100% at http://www.twitch.tv/nlg_organisation for their mini marathon event on 23-25 may.