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sorry for the double post but i cant edit but just look at twitch now over 22,000 are watching a fish play pokemon , popular games and popular stuff bring in viewers a lot
Edit history:
KVD: 2014-08-08 03:47:56 am
KVD: 2014-08-08 02:16:10 am
KVD: 2014-08-08 02:14:33 am
^That just underlines that striving for the highest possible viewer nrs should probably not be among the main targets for ESA. At least I hope it is not. The masses flock to silly drama (like Pokemon above).
Product quality tends to inflate heavily when something tries to be too trendy/popular; it's like selling your soul to the devil (or in Twitch' case selling to google...indeed the same principle can be observed in action with Twitch itself now; it has grown to the point of self-corruption).

While it's healthy to strive for the highest market portion of your target audience, going out of your way to have max appeal to mainstream can easily lead to self-corruption.
Edit history:
RoboSparkle: 2014-08-08 03:50:51 am
RoboSparkle: 2014-08-08 03:50:06 am
Magical. Flying. Bathtub
I mentioned this at the time but I would like to echo something about the lanyards and wristbands.  I was told that the wristbands were used because the lanyards were comparatively expensive (would have amounted to a couple of extra euros per attendee) and the decision was taken to use the wristbands to cut down on costs. 

I personally don't mind shelling out a little more for lanyards although I can see that might bother some people. Having said that, the wristbands were extremely durable (it survived over a week's worth of showers and a dip in the lake and I only removed it after I was made to) so I was comfortable with that too.  Maybe make an option for people to choose which ID they wear?  That might just make things more complicated though.  Maybe put it to a vote during the ESA 2015 planning stages, tell people how much more it would cost to get the lanyards (or wrangle a better deal) and ask if we collectively would be happy to pay it?

Also, if the streaming room is at fault for the sleeping thing then it's no longer my fault if I have a nap there Tongue
I watched more of Yellow than Blue, but 2 things bothered me:

1) There was a ~30 second dead time video between games early on in the marathon. Good for short delays, bad when it was a 5+ minute gap. Given that I didn't see/hear it from day 2 or 3 on, I gather it wasn't popular. Would've been a fine video loop if it had varying songs (with potentially longer videos) or a separate song playlist happening.
2) Complete dead silence between games (after the first day or so) except for occasional low-context comments. Sometimes so much so that if I had it on but wasn't watching, I'd think it froze/buffered. The game lead-in videos often had no audio, which was disappointing.

I enjoyed the layout, for sure; dark layouts don't distract as much as SGDQ13's (12's?) initial toxic green one, as an example. It took me a bit to notice the race color-coding, and cam+layout names didn't often match positionally, which was disappointing.

Rooms looked small on camera, which gave me a feeling of it being less formal (in a good way) and made the presence of viewers more meaningful.
Infinite Combo
Cool Stuffs:
The People.
Shower at the venue (Nyeport)

not so cool stuffs:
Do not move someone who needs to practice before their run whether it be 5h away or 1-3 hours away from the TV in the practice area.

Trashbags in the cafe area was a horrrible idea. especially since they were there in the middle.

People should brush their hair more often or take care of it better so we dont have the waterworld incident again, I take partly fault in that too
but it did NOT feel the greatest to have soaked a part of Nyeport very close to the DH PCs.
(Shoutouts to MLSTRM and the other guy whose name I did not get  for helping out.)

Blue Stream room
Not great on the Oxygen.
it was very easy to fall asleep in there (therefor I put a pillow on my head during MGS by mrhazuki) same problem as AGDQ2014 had. (or well similar, AGDQ2014 had a whole nother level of resident sleeper effect in the stream room)
needs more improved communication between donation station and commentary/runner so that it won't be too quiet during runs.

I liked the layouts. even if the race layouts weree finicky but oh well

I am still kinda dead since ESA.. so I will write more as I remember.

not more stuff I can say for now.
ESA was great. it isn't meant to be like GDQ. it's made for Beethoven. and Shaq Fu.

I really liked the solution me and Flicky got for the Smashers.
Sorry if we still were kind of in the way. but we chose a decent place so the blue practice room wouldnt be dead I think.

Needs more cool music inbetween games. Preferrably FALCOM (YS games especially) Music.

even if I love the Zelda OOT and MM community.
due to the lack of TVs this year.
it was not cool for you guys to grab like 5-6 TVs for your races...
that's what I think anyway.

but thats pretty much it I think.
Quote from RoboSparkle:
I personally don't mind shelling out a little more for lanyards although I can see that might bother some people. Having said that, the wristbands were extremely durable (it survived over a week's worth of showers and a dip in the lake and I only removed it after I was made to) so I was comfortable with that too. 

I was really glad to not have to wear something swinging around my neck the whole event. I took a quick look and it seems that fabric wristbands cost just over double a paper one in the uk 'from 17p' instead of 'from 7p' ish depending on website.
Planks, do you mean those cloth wristbands? Those would probably be a nice thing to try out next year, I've worn them at multiple festivals and they generally didn't get into my way at all, and are very durable.

As for my feedback, I think most of the points have already been made. It was really nice meeting all the people I met and hanging around with them, not only at the venue but also outside of it. Especially the lake was really nice considering how hot it would get inside...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) rolmander ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Quote from Goost:
Planks, do you mean those cloth wristbands? Those would probably be a nice thing to try out next year, I've worn them at multiple festivals and they generally didn't get into my way at all, and are very durable.

Like this?
I have still mine from the Frequency and NovaRock Festival and I would totally wear one from the ESA Cheesy
Ah, fabric wristbands. Essentially all Swedish cons use those. Myself, I hate them. A lot of people don't and some people don't take them off ever, even if the con was like four years ago. I don't know where I'm going with this.

Still not ready with my actual feedback, but I think my primary piece of it would be about the utter and total lack of HDTVs in the venue - we had a total of three shared across the practice room and blue stream room, then one on the wall in the yellow stream room. I might have to try to bring mine next year.
COMMUNAL MEALS were a huge success it felt to me considering the fact that it was the first time it had been done. the only thing was people not showing up for them (or showing up over an hour late) despite having signed up. Or even just being lazy to sign up for them: it's not any different really from a runner getting a few viewers for their run. Some of the meals were late partially due to the fact that almost no-one gave me a time estimate despite being specifically asked to. I know for many people it's not exactly habitual to cook for so many people in an environment they're not familiar with so I don't blame you for MISSING an estimate, just for not giving me one. Anyway even though I had to go to the shops myself every day (another task I hoped to find more volunteers for) all the meals at least took place and I'm happy so many people decided to give the communal cookery and the meals themselves a try. I'd like to hear more feedback about this BTW from cooks, helpers and diners alike (winkl0r manifestly enjoyed his smörgåstårta :)). The reward wasn't too too great for the amount of work but did you feel happy to do it just for its own sake? I guess it sort of counts for volunteering at the same time. How about the times: it was at 2PM and 6PM this time. Breakfast ran from 7AM (or whenever the kitchen was clean first) to 11AM this year BUT you could get your late breakfast at any time. I'm thinking this eliminated any problems people who were needing to sleep at around that time were having with getting their morning meals.

All in all the KITCHEN RULES, how communal cookery works etc. are probably going to be a lot clearer next year. Like AMVX I don't see a *real* problem with that stuff, it's really more the laziness that was manifest in a lot of attendees that pissed me off. I get that not everyone is used to kitchen work (that having been the main volunteering thing this year) but there were just so many people who came there to have fun and let others do the work it seemed. A lot of people were very nice and open to taking on tasks that I was handing out and it was considerably easier to find people this year than last year (more people to draw from I suppose). Still this has to improve: it shouldn't be me/another taskmaster having to ask around to get the task slots filled. It makes me think like I'm the only one who cares about those things (at some point you can't ignore it any longer as many have noted). We need EVERYONE to do SOMETHING. If you're not okay with that idea, I think you shouldn't come back next year, or at all. Good riddance!

The fridge clean-up project (me and a random volunteer) was carried out at short notice after the kitchen rules had at least been up for one full day. Things that took a lot of space or were unlabeled were moved/disposed of. We did a pretty good job considering.

About on-site communication: is there a way of using the info screens at Nyeport for showing our own messages? That would be awesome (whoever it was who gave me the idea for this). I know the sheets with the kitchen rules etc. were not very visible, there was all sorts of other clutter unrelated to the marathon all around the building etc. but I simply did not have the time to make it any better having to look for volunteers to man the critical tasks etc. A lot of things in and around the kitchen pretty much just came down to that: woudda shoudda but couldn't. About the storage space: some people (from amongst the organizers) didn't agree with my original plan for how exactly to restrict the cold storage space so that's why the rules were suddenly changed and once again I just didn't have the time to focus on them any more once that had happened.

Biowaste/waste in general: again this relied on whoever took the initiative and I really agree that it wasn't terribly good this year (though I'm not personally too too bothered by flies). It isn't nor is it going to be my area even though it's mostly me who made the whole thing happen in the first place so... Someone suggested to get proper tall bins with lids on them and I agree. However, about their placement: I think they are best kept in that general area, maybe they can be put somewhere to the side where that one tall table was but not any further from the kitchen because that's where most of the trash is produced. Thanks curseddolls and Melodius (?) for the fruit fly trap recipe (one unit syrup, one unit vinegar, one drop of detergent) that at least got rid of those pretty nicely.

I'm thinking there should really be a whole lecture for people who don't understand how kitchens work. If you just leave the cloth dirty and wet it's going to start smelling pretty awful pretty soon. You wash it and you squeeze it. Then you hang it to dry.

Uncleanliness: we really need enforcers next year to keep an eye on who exactly is leaving their things behind and give them warnings. I'd love to get them kicked by the end of the marathon.

Water balloon fights: Would've been optimal if you guys had another source for water so the kitchen floor doesn't get so wet. It is my responsibility to have a concern for safety in the kitchen and I want you to come up with a solution next time that doesn't compromise safety at all. (yes, floors like that get slippery when wet)

Quote from AdamAK:
Breakfast was nice. LotBlind organised it nicely, and I was happy to help with kitchen duty on one of the days.

Thanks for the kind words Adam [and everyone else who appreciated the breakfasts and things]. And the spontaneous volunteering when my helper overslept that morning. Generally speaking only a few volunteers were missing after having agreed to do something and most people were doing their job just fine. Trust me: I do notice if someone doesn't seem to be caring too much and it does have a big impact on my estimation of them as a person.

WIFI: A reliable wifi would have eased my job so looking into this would be smart. I think towards the end of the marathon it may have gotten better but I'm not sure.
Admin computers/Public computers: I think these should be separate if at all possible. Flicky was using one of the Nyeport computers to do admin stuff and I accidentally messed it up a bit when I logged Edenal's account out (because no wifi at that moment).
FLY TRAPS: good idea. Make it happen people who have time on your hands.
NAME TAGS, LANYARDS...: Wearing your name somewhere on you would be fantastic (even just for law enforcing)! Someone just used white tape for this and I thought it was a great idea. So something like this plz!

Agree on the fact that you shouldn't go to the streaming rooms to do something other than follow the runs. However there is a cultural difference: us Europeans aren't as boisterous (take that with a pinch of salt) as you US people. So I personally don't think this is something too big to worry about. Maybe for us it's the polite thing to just pay attention even if you're being kinda quiet. And a lot of people WOULD be a bit shy English being their 2nd language etc. All in all, there's two sides to every coin.

VOLUNTEERING: Yeah AMVX, this came really late, much later than I had envisioned. This is again explained by lack of volunteers (ironically) and the circumstances that caused the entire schedule creating to be delayed by so much. Thanks for your wonderful input mate! You were absolutely key to establishing the sound tech or so I've been told. You shouldn't have had to do anything extra in the kitchen in my view. :p Another thanks to all who volunteered and those who didn't: you must be feeling a little bit ashamed now aren't you? I think having a few runs is not a real reason to try to skip it. You had a long time to practise those runs. That was work that could have been done beforehand. How about the running work around the venue? Some people graciously volunteered when their runs had finished.

THE CARD GAME PEOPLE: A classic example of people who come over JUST to have fun. You were being pretty loud as well. Not like I had time to see who was playing but how many of you had even volunteered for anything?

Thanks all you random viewers and SDA/GDQ people for your feedback even though it usually doesn't directly concern me. I think it's admirable that you'd bother coming over to this thread.
Quote from icedpingu:
Quote from Goost:
Planks, do you mean those cloth wristbands? Those would probably be a nice thing to try out next year, I've worn them at multiple festivals and they generally didn't get into my way at all, and are very durable.

Like this?
I have still mine from the Frequency and NovaRock Festival and I would totally wear one from the ESA Cheesy

Yes, like those Smiley The ones with plastic collars are a little better better as they don't need a special tool to press them down.
I think the organisers should be very pleased with their efforts, it was a really good event in a very nice part of the world. I enjoyed my time there both at the event and exploring the town, I think conditions were tough and overall it went well.

However, I'm going to run over some of the negative points and while I don't want it to detract from my overall gratefulness of being able to attend and play in the event, I just want to voice my opinion so you may hopefully improve the event.

I offered to lend a hand before the event but very quickly lost track of the organization of it. Coupled with the fact that I arrived during the event and missed out on all the induction I felt completely out the loop. I mentioned it to Edenal and he said to just go behind the tech station, which I did and I just felt like I was getting in the way so I kinda ducked from that completely. I could have tried harder to lend a hand with tech but I felt totally lost whilst trying to get involved. I apologize.

My Run
I really dont want this one to come across as a gripe anywhere near as much as I'm sure it will do but I have to say the atmosphere in the stream room for my run was particularly poor. While I appreciate perhaps Pokémon speedrunning comes with a negative view from a lot of speedrunners, the point is that 20,000 people are willing to watch a fish play the game yet somehow we couldnt get 10 people in a room to try and generate a bit of a better atmosphere. For such a good spot on the schedule I have to say I'm somewhat disappointed by almost every aspect of the run, I thought it was a missed opportunity to generate a bit of buzz before the SM64 race which, unsurprisingly, drew a much better crowd.

The other major issue I had with my run is the amount I had to carry it, one guy offered to help me out with commentary before the event but I don't even know if I met him or not, the offer was not there at the time of my run anyway. So when it came to it I had to offer out mic'd spots on the couch to anyone who had ANY idea about pokémon in the hope that they could help with commentary. Confounding this issue was, despite being told there was a 30minute setup block, the fact that I found myself starting the run almost as soon as I'd sat down with no time to chat about when and where I'd like someone other than me to talk. So in the end I ended up just trying to do everything, which led to a few silly mistakes (I don't talk AND game all that well). The absolute epitome was in Rock Tunnel where I say something like "I don't really want to talk for the next few minutes can you just say something about the charity or something" to which I was greeted by total silence - this was very disconcerting. At 8pm on the Friday of a large marathon I should expect to have a host with a cheat sheet ready to talk for days about how awesome the marathon, the charity or ANYTHING is (while I cant be entirely sure because I only glanced over for a brief moment  I think the host may have been [at least half] asleep). Instead, the audience got me and Tingle awkwardly trying to promote the charity while I tried to concentrate on riding a bike in the dark. Not ideal.

Maybe it would be a good idea to completely drop or at least limit the mass housing. The Hotel is really good value and I cant help but think that the entire event would have had much more energy if everybody there had spent a night in a real bed. I get that having a cheaper option is good for the attendance levels, but it seems that too many people is a pretty common complaint anyway.

Time of year. While I got the impression that the extreme heat was rare for Sweden, perhaps it would be better to move the event to September where temperatures wont reach as excessively high levels.

Promote prizes and future runs more. I put the squirtle plushie on display during the run before mine to make people aware of it's presence. I hoped someone might interact with it at some point and mention that you could win it during my run. I found it was entirely covered up by a paper Kappa mask during the previous run and had been left like it even during the start of my own run because no one spotted it til I mentioned it.

Have more focused hosts. Also, if you're a host and you're tired, hot and half asleep before a 2-3 hour long prime time run; say to an organizer "Can you get someone else to host this run please?" Everyone is human and I'm sure someone would step in.

Eternal Darkness
I dunno how many people actually watched that run but if the only thing people talk about is about someone on their phone then people should reconsider where they look on marathon streams. I watched the whole run in person and I thought it was very entertaining. Zwajken did a great job on commentary and If he was fine with someone asking questions I dont see the problem too much. It kinda worked for that run.
Hockey enthusiast
Lack of TVs!!!!

Apart from the two brand new Sony Trinitrons me and oasiz picked up late during the marathon. We've arranged for at least 1 PVM, 3 more NTSC compatible CRT's and 2 HDTVs to be delivered to Skövde within this month.

Possibly more CRT's, going to look at two more this weekend.
Hello, I watched my first ESA this year live, having watched the recordings of last year's ESA and enjoying them, and being a fan of speedrunning in general. I thought ESA was a fantastic marathon but there was clearly need for improvement. My biggest complaint is the way the stream space was poorly utilized. The two-player layout was the only good one, it seemed.

The single-player layout is what I disliked the most. In games with 4:3 aspect ratios, all of the vertical space of the stream should be used. We don't need a view of the audience that is equally as big as the gameplay (the focus of the marathon). Having a larger view of the audience leads to more people in chat talking about the audience instead of the game, too. In the 4:3 layout, only 1/3 of the stream space was dedicated to the focus of the marathon. Another third of the remainder of the space was black space with about a third of that black space actually having useful information. This is not a lot of space to work with when you consider that many people these days view things on mobile devices with smaller screens and high resolutions. The typical phone has a 35 square centimeter screen, and if only a third of that is what they are trying to look at, that is a huge problem as the gameplay will be about half of the size of the original gameboy screen! And that's without having chat on, which would further reduce it.

The 16:9 layout was a bit better, but it still could have used expanding.

Besides this, from the viewers perspective it looked like everything went pretty smoothly. Setups were a bit of a snoozer and often too long, though. Please make sure the PC runners get adequate hardware that they have tested in advance to make sure their game will run properly on it (Hard Reset). The moderation in chat was very uneven. Most of the mods were excellent, but as other people have voiced in this thread before me, Efreeti was very difficult for most of the chat to get along with. I think the "grill" "meme" is as dumb as the next guy, but going on a SJW rampage because of it? Come on. Ban actual creepy/rapey comments instead of just banning comments that allude to the gender of the runner without anything else creepy about it. Efreeti's moderation was all over the board. I understand people's opinion of what makes a "good" chat varies a bit, but it looks like it's fair to say that Efreeti's moderation was too heavy-handed for the tastes of most of the viewers.

In future marathons, please make sure you're using as much of the stream space as possible for the game footage, but otherwise excellent job! Thanks for the entertaining week!

(PS: I've never seen a forum where you input your username at what I assume is your first post of the thread? I was shameful_zfg in the chat, I mostly watched the yellow stream aka the mellow stream)
Edit history:
Efreeti: 2014-08-09 03:57:59 am
Quote from yeah:
The moderation in chat was very uneven. Most of the mods were excellent, but as other people have voiced in this thread before me, Efreeti was very difficult for most of the chat to get along with. I think the "grill" "meme" is as dumb as the next guy, but going on a SJW rampage because of it? Come on. Ban actual creepy/rapey comments instead of just banning comments that allude to the gender of the runner without anything else creepy about it. Efreeti's moderation was all over the board. I understand people's opinion of what makes a "good" chat varies a bit, but it looks like it's fair to say that Efreeti's moderation was too heavy-handed for the tastes of most of the viewers.

Saying I went on a "SJW rampage" sounds like an attempt to insult me. What I was concerned with was spam. Also, I say again, I no longer timed people out for just saying "grill" following the night with Dark Souls/Splinter Cell Blacklist. Thing is, when people saw saying "grill" didn't get them timed out, some chatters went further with it and said shit I really had to time them out for. That is why I leaned towards the heavy moderation I did. Also, I feel I could have been a lot more heavy handed. If I was moderating IRC and someone said "OMG GRILL! RAPE HER!", they would be banned. Banned for real, not timed out for 10 minutes, which I feel is hardly punishment at all.
I was addressing timeouts specifically for "grill", which you do admit to doing. In your post you make it sound like you think it's the correct course of action to take, and it seems like you wanted to continue doing it. There was a guy in chat with a very relevant point that hit the nail on the head, pointing out that strict moderation just results in dozens of people trying to test the line of what is acceptable. I'm not arguing in favor of creepy comments in the chat, I'm arguing for common sense moderation that doesn't pre-police people by punishing them for what you see may evolve into hurtful comments given time. I can't be sure, but I think I share the opinion of the overwhelming majority of the chatters from yellow stream when I say that Tompa's moderation was a million times preferable to yours.
as for moderation of chat, i might have a thing or two to do with that, since i was watching chat quite a lot from the ludendi account, i can't and won't claim responsability because i dont know what problems there were exactly and if i was on at those times or not, but don't expect every ban to come from 1 guy just because he's talkative. i've dished out a more than a  couple of timeouts/bans myself because of comments i've felt were inappropriate, unfortunately modding just comes down to an opinionated/biased call of what you think is right or wrong. sure people will riot because they are trying to find the boundaries, but they will riot when there are no boundaries either. basically people will always RIOT, because that's just how they are, if you can't handle that and how people handle it, then twitch chat is probably just not your place to be.
Hockey enthusiast
We're preparing our reply. It's currently ~3200 word long and still need to be proof read.

And we are of course still reading everything!
From the 5-10 runs I watched, my biggest complaint is from a lack of commentary during the runs. I became actively bored when there were literal minutes in which
nothing was said. If i've learned anything from twitch streams and marathons, it's that constant commentary is very important to engage the audience. While maybe
less noticable in the room, complete dead air on stream is incredibly awkward as a viewer. It brought down the energy for myself as a viewer and most runs I stopped
watching outside of doom and dark forces. Keep iin mind, even if I am a little biased towards old school FPS Ontwoplanks Adam + Wakecold provided constant commentary
which was an exception compared to many other runs that I caught.
Quote from Dime:
From the 5-10 runs I watched, my biggest complaint is from a lack of commentary during the runs. I became actively bored when there were literal minutes in which
nothing was said. If i've learned anything from twitch streams and marathons, it's that constant commentary is very important to engage the audience. While maybe
less noticable in the room, complete dead air on stream is incredibly awkward as a viewer. It brought down the energy for myself as a viewer and most runs I stopped
watching outside of doom and dark forces. Keep iin mind, even if I am a little biased towards old school FPS Ontwoplanks Adam + Wakecold provided constant commentary
which was an exception compared to many other runs that I caught.

on the other hand of the spectrum during my Mirror's Edge run i was providing nearly constant commentary on my own, and i got a comment from twitchchat saying, and i quote: "Is this guy ever going to shut up." it seems constant commentary is something you perfer or not like at all i guess, i personally prefer it too, which is why i learned myself a very commentated way of streaming(possible from the fact i shoutcasted tournaments before i went into speedrunning) but not everyone does.
Quote from j4sp3rr:
Quote from Dime:
From the 5-10 runs I watched, my biggest complaint is from a lack of commentary during the runs. I became actively bored when there were literal minutes in which
nothing was said. If i've learned anything from twitch streams and marathons, it's that constant commentary is very important to engage the audience. While maybe
less noticable in the room, complete dead air on stream is incredibly awkward as a viewer. It brought down the energy for myself as a viewer and most runs I stopped
watching outside of doom and dark forces. Keep iin mind, even if I am a little biased towards old school FPS Ontwoplanks Adam + Wakecold provided constant commentary
which was an exception compared to many other runs that I caught.

on the other hand of the spectrum during my Mirror's Edge run i was providing nearly constant commentary on my own, and i got a comment from twitchchat saying, and i quote: "Is this guy ever going to shut up." it seems constant commentary is something you perfer or not like at all i guess, i personally prefer it too, which is why i learned myself a very commentated way of streaming(possible from the fact i shoutcasted tournaments before i went into speedrunning) but not everyone does.

Good reason to not have twitchchat visible for the runners then, there will always be trolls and there is gonna be comments that might give you a bad mood. Imo commentary is the reason people who arent really into speedrunning already get interested. I would actually prefer to always have at least two people talk so it doesnt feel too onesided with just the runner commentating. I'm not saying people need to talk constantly but I think commentary is important and makes the stream fun to watch.
Edit history:
j4sp3rr: 2014-08-13 05:12:43 pm
Quote from Sape:
Quote from j4sp3rr:
Quote from Dime:
From the 5-10 runs I watched, my biggest complaint is from a lack of commentary during the runs. I became actively bored when there were literal minutes in which
nothing was said. If i've learned anything from twitch streams and marathons, it's that constant commentary is very important to engage the audience. While maybe
less noticable in the room, complete dead air on stream is incredibly awkward as a viewer. It brought down the energy for myself as a viewer and most runs I stopped
watching outside of doom and dark forces. Keep iin mind, even if I am a little biased towards old school FPS Ontwoplanks Adam + Wakecold provided constant commentary
which was an exception compared to many other runs that I caught.

on the other hand of the spectrum during my Mirror's Edge run i was providing nearly constant commentary on my own, and i got a comment from twitchchat saying, and i quote: "Is this guy ever going to shut up." it seems constant commentary is something you perfer or not like at all i guess, i personally prefer it too, which is why i learned myself a very commentated way of streaming(possible from the fact i shoutcasted tournaments before i went into speedrunning) but not everyone does.

Good reason to not have twitchchat visible for the runners then, there will always be trolls and there is gonna be comments that might give you a bad mood. Imo commentary is the reason people who arent really into speedrunning already get interested. I would actually prefer to always have at least two people talk so it doesnt feel too onesided with just the runner commentating. I'm not saying people need to talk constantly but I think commentary is important and makes the stream fun to watch.

Sape, the thing is, i wanted viewer interaction, and i didn't mind the guy, i just brushed it off and went: "Well sorry, i'm commentating my run" and left it at that. Runners being able to see twitchchat is THEIR choice, most of em wanted it, some asked us to move the monitor away from them, which we did if asked. Also i wanted a second commentator for Mirror's Edge, but there was nobody there that ran the game, so i was out of luck. Also most people were out looking for food during my run.
Just going to not say that much because already everything got mentioned! Tongue


I was the host when you started to do your Pokemon run and I want to apologize for that moment where I said nothing,
I didn't heared for once what you said and was confused in that moment
(I thought I got asked if there are new donations in there) and for other ,
yes I was tired on that day and took over the shift after the golden sun run
for tompa because he doesn't wanted to do the commentary anymore
and I wanted to help out.
I'm sorry again for doing a bad host job on that part. Sad

Another thing in general

chairs, chairs, chairs!!

Not sure if someone mentioned it, but damn, those chairs were really uncomfortable!
If you had the chairs from the lobby or got lucky enough to be on the couch it was fine.
but those elementary school chairs were just a pain in my ass (literally) I never switched
my seat position that often when I was sitting on one of those chairs ever. Tongue
I know of course it is not possible to get so many comfy chairs in a streaming room either,
but a solution would be a cool thing (pillows on the chairs? Not sure if that makes them comfy though. :P)

best wishes,
Edit history:
Zzzlol94: 2014-08-14 10:59:36 am
Speaking of chairs, we on tech crew on blue stream were living the dream on those Kinnarps 5000. Those are so ridiculously comfy (unfortunately no head/armrests), wanted to get one of the 9000s a few weeks back (but those are really expensive).
Quote from Zzzlol94:
Speaking of chairs, we on tech crew on blue stream were living the dream on those Kinnarps 5000. Those are so ridiculously comfy (unfortunately no head/armrests), wanted to get one of the 9000s a few weeks back (but those are really expensive).

on that note, not sure who on tech kept releasing the thing for the backrest to be locked into place, but please if you do that, put it back, almost every time i went to do tech for the last like 3 days i just barely kept myself from falling over Tongue scared the living shit out of me every time i tried to rest back in the chair and i just flew backwards.