Hey Manocheese, would you mind if i used some of your videos or tricks for the new dk speedruns site I am making? just to use them for tutorials and demonstration purposes and give you the credit.
Quote from RingRush:
0% / 0 Banana finally possible! At least theoretically...doing this without savestates is going to be really, really hard.
Awesome find. I tried that method for a while, but the timing is really tough. I kept hitting the ceiling with my skid jump, which caused me to start losing height too soon. I attempted to get around this problem by positioning myself so that my skid jump took me under the stairs (or the small rail next to the stairs) so that I wouldn't hit the ceiling so quickly. I had trouble doing the jump and aerial attack into the loading zone afterward, though. Eventually, I decided to focus more on Helm lobby early with DK to try to solve 0 GB/0% that way. I still think that that might be possible, but I'll probably try to do 0 GB/0% with your method first.
Quote from cfox7:
Hey Manocheese, would you mind if i used some of your videos or tricks for the new dk speedruns site I am making? just to use them for tutorials and demonstration purposes and give you the credit.
Sure, you can do that.