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I don't see a ceilingkick getting you high enough to get anywhere, but maybe I just suck at ceilingkicking. :/
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Awesome. I'll play around with that.

For anyone who wants to see a complete 0 GB, 0% playthrough, I uploaded one to YouTube:

Edit history:
Exchord92: 2012-11-16 09:10:02 am
Exchord92: 2012-09-11 10:47:54 am
I found a new moonkick method that doesn't require any slope or ceiling. Jump towards a ledge, perform an aerial attack so that you can just barely land on it, and then do a kick.

I had actually stumbled upon this one long before I discovered the slope moonkick, but back then I couldn't figure out how I did it. Now I wonder if it can be used anywhere else because this is the only place where I got it to work so far.
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Nice find. I've tried that before, but it seems hard to do. I think the moonkick at 2:49 in this video might be an example of a ledgekick.
so, I have a recording of that 7:10 run that i'd like to submit using AmarecTV but there is a watermark in the bottom left corner. I dont know if this is acceptable or not. I fixed it in a later run but it is 3 min slower and i dont know which one i should submit... I'm out of time to do anymore runs this summer so it's either the 7:10 with the watermark or a 7:13(which is actually single segment now because the 2 resets I used to do turned out to be slower).
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
I've been trying to moonkick to the Helm lobby from a rock in the Blast-o-Matic. I've gotten close and it looks possible. Unfortunately, it's hard to get the rock into the right position. I got lucky on my first try and got the rock into a pretty good spot, but the rock was destroyed when I tried to move it to a better spot. The second time I got a rock inside, I couldn't get it into a good position at all. It doesn't help that the camera is horrible with this trick. I'll try some more later today. If I get it to work, my next goal will be to get two rocks to the spiral walkway on Crocodile Isle without turning in the Aztec key (which raises the platform). If we can do both tricks, we'll be able to beat the game with no percent-counting items except keys 3 and 8.
Edit history:
Manocheese: 2012-08-17 11:37:45 am
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.

I made it!

We're now closer than ever to beating the game with only keys 3 and 8 and no GBs. Because the above trick currently requires you to turn in key 2 to raise the platform to the Factory lobby, though, we're not quite there. There are a few ways we could solve the problem:
  • Find a way to get both rocks onto the spiral walkway on Crocodile Isle without key 2. I had a theory about this that I tested today. Here was my plan:

    1. Use wet storage to get both rocks to Crocodile Isle.
    2. Put one rock near the spiral walkway.
    3. Use wet storage on the other rock.
    4. Backflip on top of the first rock.
    5. Backflip up to the walkway and pull yourself up.
    6. Set the rock down on the edge of the ledge with the W4 pad.
    7. Jump off and grab the rock.
    8. Jump in midair (to avoid fall damage).
    9. Land on the ledge with the entrance to Snide's area.
    10. Put the rock down.
    11. Move the other rock below the edge of the ledge you just came from.
    12. Go back up and drop the top rock onto the bottom rock.
    13. Pick up the bottom rock (see this video).
    14. Use wet storage on the rock you picked up.
    15. Backflip on top of the floating rock.
    16. Backflip up to the walkway.
    17. Repeat steps 6-9.
    18. Drop the rock onto the floating rock.
    19. Repeat steps 13-16.
    20. Pick up the floating rock.

    This worked fine through step 18. However, there were two problems after that. First, the top rock was too high to backflip to, even if I started from the platform that rises up when you turn in key 2 (even before it rises, it's slightly higher than the ground around it). Second, the top rock was too low for me to pick it up from the walkway.
  • Find a way to get a rock inside the Blast-o-Matic without the help of the other rock. You can get a single rock to the spiral walkway by following steps 1-5 above. A backflip doesn't give you enough height to get on top of the pipes below the Blast-o-Matic, though.
  • Find a way to do the last moonkick in my video without a rock. Remember that you can do a moonkick from the Blast-o-Matic without a rock (see #7 in this video). However, from my experience trying the trick with a rock, I can tell you that the moonkick in #7 in that video is short by quite a bit. Just timing the jump and aerial attack better won't cut it.

EDIT: Upper rooms of five-door temple early:

RingRush lately came up with the idea of a fake 101% which gets more than 201 GB's and skips certain items (see the maximum percentage video below). I'm sure that would make a run much easier and faster, but create a new category as well since data corruption is used to accomplish it. So I've been experimenting a bit with the percentage counter and found out the values of the following items:
  • Golden Bananas: 0.4% * 201 = 80.4%
  • Battle Crowns: 0.5% * 10 = 5%
  • Banana Fairies: 0.2% * 20 = 4%
  • Banana Medals: 0.2% * 40 = 8%
  • Boss Keys: 0.25 * 8 = 2%
  • Nintendo Coin: 0.5%
  • Rareware Coin: 0.5%

That actually makes 100.4%, and since the percentage is never rounded up, apparently at least 0.6% are missing. Also, Joe Wiewel's run shows that you can have 101% without collecting the last Golden Banana. Just according to my finds, he should have had exactly 100% at that time. So there must be some trigger(s) in the game which add at least 1% to the percentage. Here are some theories I've already tested:
  • Getting all abilities and upgrades
  • Opening the gate in Banana Fairy island and getting the Rareware Banana
  • Shutting down the Blast-o-Matic and opening the Battle Crown and Nintendo/Rareware Coin doors
  • Freeing K. Lumsy

I had every "% item" except the GB's by using the Funky Weapons glitch to reset the GB counter. So I ended up with 20%. Then I continued by getting 2 GB's (20% + 2 * 0.4% = 20.8%) and did the things listed above, but it stayed at 20% (whereas the Rareware Banana, which I tested seperately, added 0.4% like every other GB). All of those theories seem to be invalid, as it should most likely have been incremented to 21%. So now I'm thinking of two other theories:
  • Opening all boss doors (As usual, I used the C-up glitch instead Roll Eyes )
  • Giving all blueprints to Snide

Opening boss doors seems more likely to be the trigger. After all, Joe Wiewel did this in his run. Besides, there's something interesting to note about the max% playthrough I recently finished:

(see video description for how to do this)

I got 280 GB's so that makes 132% with all the other items I collected. -124% actually stands for 132% since the displayed counter continues at -128 after reaching 127. Well, that means I unknowingly skipped or eliminated the trigger that adds 1%, even though I collected absolutely everything. RingRush did a max% in which he skipped a lot of GB's and he got -124%, too. Neither of us opened any boss doors.

If anyone is interested in doing a 101% run with more than 201 GB's (which I guess would be allowed on SDA, but as a new category), it would be nice to know about that 1% trigger(s). For now, I'll test the boss door theory shortly.
It might be interesting to do. Plus you'd only have to route a certain amount of GB's and then repeat. Not sure about what triggers the 101th percent though.
I've opened all boss doors and the percentage didn't increase. Also, the blueprints theory seems very unlikely because I turned in all blueprints in my max% file.

However, I'm almost sure the key is in part 13 of Joe Wiewel's run (I've posted that before). At the end of this segment, it's the first time that the percentage differs from the total value of the items he collected. My next guess is that freeing K. Lumsy AND getting the K.Rool Takeoff cutscene might be the trigger, which I did not do in my max% playthrough. If the last key you turn in is not key 3 or 8, it will never show up or be unlocked in DK Theatre. I can't remember if RingRush got this cutscene, though.
Edit history:
Manocheese: 2012-08-25 01:20:10 pm
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
I don't think there's a trigger. Maybe your percentages are slightly off. How did you calculate them?
I found out the value of a single GB first, simply by using the trick that copies the GB counter to a new file. That means I had 280 GB's and no other % items. So I ended up with 112%, divided that by 280 and found out that one GB means 0.4%. After that, I used the Funky Weapons glitch to reset my GB counter and collected just one kind of item to find out its total value. Also, I looked up the percentage after getting any item and narrowed down the range of possible values. Eventually I thought about some quite decent values for all the other items. It's really hard to explain this in detail, though. Of course it could have been possible that some of them were actually wrong, but the Adventure screen always showed the percentage I calculated.

When I decided to look for the 1% trigger in Joe Wiewel's run, I made a spreadsheet for convenience and edited it while watching the run. The result was correct in every segment except at the end of part 13. Well, if hadn't sped up the videos in VLC, it would have taken me 9 hours to finish this, so I made a table for Banana Medals just in case I missed one. You can experiment with it in the "free to edit" sheet or look up the percentage at the start of part 11, 12 and 13. (Okay, I could have made a sheet for every segment, but that wouldn't help because the numbers of certain items are not revealed during gameplay.) Just keep in mind that the in-game percentage display simply drops the decimal places.

If you try collecting particular items or watch a 101% run while editing this sheet, I guess it will become clear why those item percentages are correct and how I found them. It's just a matter of trial and error in some way.
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
At least the golden banana percentage should be easy to verify: If .4 is correct, the 3rd, 5th, 8th and 10th (and every other number ending in 3, 5, 8 or 0) should augment the percentage by one.
Thinking of it, the other values should follow the same rule with every second, every fifth and every fourth item in question augmenting the counter by one.
I tested this for Ringrush a bit. I used an already 101% file and duped banana's in Fungi until I had 205 and it went up to 102% but I'm not sure if it went up a % prior to the 205 or not :\
Edit history:
Exchord92: 2012-11-16 09:09:19 am
Exchord92: 2012-11-16 09:08:57 am
Exchord92: 2012-08-28 08:39:01 am
Quote from Manocheese:
I don't think there's a trigger.

Joe got 99% at the beginning of the 13th segment. Then he gets 2 GB's and has 101% at the end of the segment. Provided that there is no trigger, 2 GB's must be worth more than 1%. Now try this: Start a new game and collect just 2 GB's and no other items. Then look at your percentage.

Okay, finding the trigger seems to be difficult and I don't feel like playing through this game again to get all the items. But I'm assuming that a "Banana Duping 101%" would skip that triggered 101st percent anyway, so my spreadsheet should be enough to start planning this run. There are some questions left to answer, though:
  • Which Golden Bananas should we collect?
  • How many times should we use GB duplication?
  • Which items should we skip in the last file?

Speaking of skipping items, Banana Medals take a lot of time walking around to get regular bananas, and we only need 20 GB's to skip all of them (or less if we get the Banana Medals in Helm). However, I'm not sure about Battle Crowns. They could be an easy 5%, but also take a lot of time to get. I guess some of them should be skipped since GB's are almost as precious as crowns. Tongue

Some important things in case someone wants to work on this: First, it must be clarified if a 101% run with GB duping, data corruption and item skipping would be accepted as a new category. And if this is the case, someone will have to perform this run once planning is finished. I won't be doing a run on this game because PAL is not the best version for speedrunning. Also, even though I've been playing this game for a long time, I probably won't ever have the ambition to plan or execute an entire 101% route. Anyway, adapting the existing route might be the easiest way for 101% runners to get this project started.
Why skip banana medals? If you do 2 copy GBs (which might be optimal) you can just collect 25 bananas each time. Except for a few, most battle crowns are obvious skips since the arenas last a long time.

100% is around 420 minutes without making mistakes. Take out 20 minutes or so for K.Rool and buying moves and it is obvious that an average banana takes <2 minutes. I think 1:30 is a good starting point - find all bananas or items that can be obtained in <1:30 (weighting items properly - eg a fairy needs to be obtainable in <0:45) and see how much % that generates. I'm predicting it may be >101%, so that can be further trimmed down a bit later. Or, if it is <101%, we can just add some of the less-time-consuming remaining bananas.

Some things to  note:
1] Duping in Fungi Forest with DK and Chunky will almost certainly be used, as it is <45 seconds per GB.
2] It helps to consider things in bundles rather than as individual bananas. For example, shutting down the blast-o-matic is a bundle of 2.5 bananas (5 b. medals) that costs around 9 minutes over just going to key 8, which is >3 minutes per banana. Thus the blast-o-matic would obviously be skipped.
3] Determining 1 vs 2 resets is a big issue, but it should be clearer as bananas start to get laid out. I can see either being faster. Keep in mind that after a 'reset' you keep moves, weapons, instruments, colored bananas, and golden bananas, -but not- cutscenes watched, keys, crowns, fairies, etc
4] FWG would be used since it saves several minutes of cutscene and we don't need to worry about the stupid fish.

I'll post more later maybe, but have to go right now.
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
It looks like someone submitted a run. Is it one of your 101% runs, cfox?
Edit history:
Exchord92: 2012-11-16 09:05:53 am
Exchord92: 2012-09-11 12:21:08 pm
Exchord92: 2012-09-11 10:46:36 am
I found two tricks:
  • You can skip the exit door cutscene in the Castle library by getting the GB right as you hit the switch.
  • If you do a moonkick on the second slope in Helm and hit the wall at the right spot, you'll clip through it. I don't know a way to get up to the path behind the K.Rool door, but if there is one we could skip the Pineapple Launcher in an any% run without FWG.

Also, I finished watching your 7:13, cfox. Considering that many parts of this game can be really painful, your time was pretty good. Congrats on that run Smiley
Maybe I'll look into it again to find some of the fastest items for the new route.
Edit history:
Manocheese: 2012-08-31 07:50:33 pm
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Nice find. I think I'll try to use that to get behind the K. Rool door.

EDIT: I just tested it and you can get behind the K. Rool door the same way I do it with Diddy in this video:

I didn't actually do the entire trick, though. I used W1, got out of bounds, made my way to the room where you got out of bounds with a moonkick, lowered the OoB floor to where it is in your video, and did the rest of the trick from there. I'll try to get a video of the whole thing.

This means that we can now beat Hideout Helm with DK alone. If we can get to the lobby with DK alone, we can get key 8 at the beginning of the game--not particularly useful, but pretty cool and a good challenge. I've been trying to reach the lobby by doing the moonkick in clip 7 of this video and it actually seems possible. If you can start the moonkick right next to the slope and move up the slope to change your "takeoff point," it may be possible to make it.
Quote from Manocheese:
It looks like someone submitted a run. Is it one of your 101% runs, cfox?

I´ll hope. Current 101% run in the site was horrible slow even it was segmented there was really big errors. Its absolutely not SDA stanard anymore.
yes it is my run. It is the Single Segment run of 101% I did after I figured out how to get rid of the watermark on my recordings. It was a very great run until castle :\ but still really good. It needs some verifiers if anyone is interested.

Also has a fully functional DK64 page now if you guys want to check it out and have any suggestions. I know alot of Trick pages are missing but it's a start :p
Worthless categories WR master
Quote from MASTER-88:
I´ll hope. Current 101% run in the site was horrible slow even it was segmented there was really big errors. Its absolutely not SDA stanard anymore.

I watched it because I used it for my own speedrun, and in Gloomy Galleon iirc, he pauses, for like 4 minutes. But time paused still counts! I was shocked to say the least
Edit history:
Bismuth: 2012-09-05 04:08:53 pm
Bismuth: 2012-09-05 06:22:19 am
Worthless categories WR master
Thanks to and Toes, I have made my first DK64 speedrun. Beforehand, I learned the route in one go, learning most of the tricks at the same time (except for moonkick to Caves, swim through vertical walls and C-up into boss doors). and a few of them gave me trouble in my run (DK barrel blast skip? ugh) but I managed to get a time of 1:12:42.66, which is much better than I expected. There is still work to do if I want to do a competitive time, but I believe this is a pretty solid start! Thank you, everyone who made tutorials and explanations Smiley

Edit: wait, I've just looked at the rules and my time is actually 1:11:42 (I started my timer upon resetting).
Not a walrus
Doesn't DK64 have an in-game timer? Is there some reason you wouldn't use that?
Worthless categories WR master
In-game time can often be manipulated and/or is inaccurate, therefore RTA seems to be the generally preferred way