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1:45 is pretty low, I don't think that would be possible.  I think the lowest you can get is like 1:55-1:57
Yeah, you're right, 1:55 seems more likely, I exagerated the time saved by the Comstock Gate Skip. Getting sub 2 hours in SS would be nice but it's starting to be a RNG/Luck dependent run and that's a pain in the a**.
1:45 will come eventually, Reallink is our god and he is a gracious god who showers us in crazy skips.

If anyone is actually still testing comstock gate skip, I would say to switch over to only testing it with HRH.  It seems like the skip acts differently with it, as I have never had it act this way before.  I'm always spawining at the bottome of the stairs now.
If you are using the HRH boost to get to the gate faster and if the skip is indeed timer based, then you probably trip a spawn point but get through the gate before another is set.  I've been doing some testing while wearing the HRH...if you blast through the stair area and through the gate you pretty much always spawn at the bottom of the stairs, but if you walk you spawn at a random place farther on up the stairs.  So far my results with timers have been interesting, but I'll have to do some more exploring later tomorrow to see if any patterns develop.

Edit:  The ramp launch mini game is fun to do after Comstock Gate testing, so far my personal best is seven in a row...why Comstock, why?...
I have also been trying Comstock a little every time I start up the game to try things, but found nothing. It's such a pain to "set up" everything just to end up nowhere every time and with no clear pattern behind it.
Edit history:
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-26 03:27:36 am
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-26 03:09:05 am
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-25 06:44:13 am
I feel like Infinite speedrunning is gonna die really hard and never hit Sub 2 (the dream) if Comstock gate doesnt become at least reasonably consistent.  Grinding HRH is not really that bad and you can usually get it in under 3 minutes and it's only 30 minutes into the run, but getting a quick HRH and losing an urn to the roulette wheel of Comstock gate skip really sucks

Link have you dicked around with HRH to try and skip the handyman fight?  I think I might have just found something to go off of

There is a way to get inside the first Lady, unfortunately the game soflocks as you activate the doors. Its bound to the cutscene before being finished where you comfort Elizabeth or something like that.
Seems like there are many possibilities to exploit HRH in this game?...I was having fun the other day with it; the boost seems to makes it possible to jump farther than normal, so I was jumping into the tree to the right of comstock gate, breaking my shield, and jumping/aim down sights to get stuck on the wall above the fence...I was hoping you could drop over the fence and get OOB and behind the gate, but you can't move once on the wall.

I'm pretty new to glitch hunting in this game but it seems it's easy to get OOB by jumping onto a "vulnerable" spot on the top of Sky Hooks when jumping from other Sky Hooks.  Other surfaces seem exploitable from Sky Hooks as well if you take the time to look, I can get OOB in so many places in Emporia, havn't tried it other places yet.  Not sure if anything of value will be found but it's still fun.

Edit: I almost forgot; I think I've eliminated the need for a second suicide for the Comstock Skip.  I suicide through the gate, spawn, and run straight forward and hop onto the fence along the ledge and use that to walk all the way up to the top level of the stairs where I jump off the edge.  It will spawn you at your last spawn point (in my case, usually right next to the gate or on the Eagle).  I see no reason why it won't work, just have to manage to trigger the spawn point correctly inside the gate while not setting a new one anywhere near the area.
Edit history:
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-26 10:58:31 am
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-26 10:58:03 am
Oh yea I forgot I found a small 5-10 seconds time save with HRH.  When you are waiting for the barge with a patriot on it to get you to the first lady, if you hop on the ship above where the friendly patriot spawns you can HRH jump and get to it early.  If you request a lockpick and look away from it Eliz will spawn on the ship and let you switch directions early
Yeah earlier in this thread when people were trying to find a way to skip comstock gate someone pointed out that you can get OOB in the Graveyard area and from there you can almost get to the building with the gate, only one far jump and another jump you can't make were making it impossible. That one jump could be done with HRH, but the other one is vertical so you can't actually get there.
Another thing you can do with HRH for example is skip the gate opening cutscene before the chase with Elizabeth in Finkton. It does not save that much time though, just makes for some funny ghost chasing.
Fuck you link I thought I was a god for finding that skip.  It saves like 2 seconds at most so its not worth doing at all though.  There is also a way of getting around the train part in that area that saves 1 second at max if it didnt softlock the game

I've been downloading every update I can find for the game and trying comstock gate skip with each one individually.  So far the one with the most success is update  I can get the skip about 60% of the time
Yeah it doesn't have any benefits, if you fail it you lose a lot of time and it uses a boost you could use during the chase. Video since I already recorded that one before and might as well show it then.
Edit history:
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-04-26 08:30:46 pm
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-04-26 08:24:20 pm
Got Comstock Gate with an entirely new strat I've been working on this evening...I'll try to recreate and upload a video tonight or tomorrow.  I'm excited about this one because I feel I've taken alot of the randomness out of the skip, if only I can reproduce it.  Fingers crossed.

Edit:  I'm literally shaking...I got it, I really feel I got it.  I'll upload a Twitch highlight as soon as the video finishes loading.

Please somebody reproduce...
Looks promising. Do you walk through that load behind the tree to reset something? Anyway, trying it now, hope it works.
Edit history:
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-04-26 08:44:05 pm
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-04-26 08:43:16 pm
I don't know if the load does anything, but I found it awhile ago and hope it resets the load spots behind me...probably doesn't though.  I just ran back there because I failed the HRH double jump and wanted a clean map so to speak.

Edit: It's also important that when running toward the fence you jump on near where I do...if you stray too far right it sometimes spawns you there on the ground.  It's like playing Hot Lava, can't touch the ground Tongue
Edit history:
RealLink: 2014-04-26 09:04:40 pm
RealLink: 2014-04-26 08:59:37 pm
It appears you have done it Cheesy It wasn't first try, but I think I did something wrong, I always bumped into the wall before the fall that should set you back and ended up in front of the building, but the one time I didn't bump it just now I ended up behind it.

e: Just did it again. You're the man!

e2: Yeah seems really reliable, and you can easily fuck up and just try again.
Edit history:
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-04-26 09:27:29 pm
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-04-26 09:11:40 pm
Stoic_Squirrel: 2014-04-26 09:11:25 pm
Woot!  Glad it's reproducible for someone else!  I felt really good about the setup and everything else worked out to make it a pretty forgiving skip.

Just did it 5 times for the fun of it...weeee.  Of course, this means HRH is an absolute must for any serious run now, seeing as this skip in it's current form requires it.

Edit: I got really nervous for a second because I missed it 4 times, but you are right, if you "bonk" anything you miss your spawn point it seems.
Edit history:
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-26 11:29:23 pm
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-26 11:29:20 pm
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-26 11:29:19 pm

Ive put like 20 hours into trying this skip and I wasnt even close to figuring it out
What part of that requires hill runner's hat? I just keep respawning in front of the gate without it.
Man, grinding for HRH sucks. I've been spending 15 minutes grabbing the 2 equipments from "Battleship Bay" and got all kind of stuff but no HRH. Am I doing something wrong ? 'Cause I never seem to get it and now most of the useful skips use it so I can't run or even practice without it.

I hear you guys get it in like 3 minutes ? What's up with that ?
Edit history:
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-27 08:13:29 am
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-27 08:06:15 am
Chadbrochill84: 2014-04-27 06:17:36 am
WOOO SUB TWO HOURS.  First try with the new comstock gate skip.  I missed HoH suicide once, the HRH suicide in HoH twice and i missed prophets cabin skip.  1:55 could be totally possible.  Uploading now, should be up in a few hours

Vanger you just keep reverting until you get it, its only really worth it if you get it in under 5 minutes.

Should be done in an hour
Quote from Chadbrochill84:
Vanger you just keep reverting until you get it, its only really worth it if you get it in under 5 minutes.

Ok so I was doing the right thing. Took me ages to get it, but now I can practice those HRH skips. The Comstock Gate skip is pretty consistent now, I still miss it once in a while (probably because I miss the jump on the last railing).
I'm not too happy about this HRH grinding though, 'cause I get it like really rarely, and that's a RNG runkiller when you're already 30 minutes into the run (and the most boring 30 minutes 'cause that's mainly cutscenes or running).

Anyway, congratz on the new WR Chad Smiley .
Congrats on the WR Cheesy Sub 2h!!
In the Comstock Center Rooftops chapter, if you shoot while inside the house with the man and the woman (12:30 in the above video) the police will open the door in front early, which saves about 4 seconds. Thought I'd drop that here as well.
Are you talking about the building where we pick up the devils kiss?
You would pick up Devils Kiss in the building where you jump through the Window then, on the table.