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Use \ before commas in usernames
Quote from Prognosis_4:
Sorry to be a nuisance, but I'm also having a problem with the Station ID. This might be a problem in past builds, though, since I've had missing characters before. Anyway, when I input my last name as "Grossé" into the first line of the Station ID (and likely anywhere else), the "é" magically dissapears. Is there a way to fix this, or will I have to settle for a regular e?

Workaround: edit project_job.bat with the special characters and it should work. The characters will look wierd in anri-chan, but it should look good in the video. Do a short test to be sure.
Quote from ballofsnow:
You said avisource fixed the desync...

Oh yeah it did, i was just wanting it in widescreen but nevermind.
I was looking through the code for 3 beta 3 and saw that the :1pass section's neroaac part didn't match the 2pass one or the xvid one. It might be fixed by now if it was a problem but i think i see a %3 where a %4 should have been or vice versa. I don't really know batch code very well either so maybe it is just fine.
Edit history:
ballofsnow: 2008-07-29 07:39:56 pm
Look at what's calling 1pass and the parameters being passed to it.
Oh i see now. I kept trying to pass it wrong args, good stuff snow. My personal java version of anrichan is now complete, yay. That is until you throw a wrench in my parser by changing a method name in a newer version.
don't worry, we're rewriting the whole thing.
Ya but bash is like a god when compared to batch in my eyes and would be so much easier to incorporate into my java version anyways, no parsing needed either except for the dfnd data part. And on top of that it will probably work way better on my mac when i try it with wine. Im getting excited now.
hahaha. well, i don't know how quickly i'll be able to get on it. i mean it's not like last summer when anri-chan didn't exist. i have a lighter load this coming semester though and i'm focusing a great deal of energy on the "day job" side of anri-chan so hopefully it won't be too long now.
I was just trying Anri-chan and I get a certain error message when trying to get a simple, start a new project or preview a statID:

Roughly translated: "The system can't find the specified directory." Sometimes it just appears in a flash just long enough to read it, sometimes it just stays there like in the pic. Anri-chan continues as normal, but instead of making the project directory and the preview file on my desktop, they appear in the Anri-chan root directory. While processing the statID preview there also is an error message:

Btw, I'm using beta 3.
Sounds like it can't find the desktop path. Nate?
I have a Dutch version of Windows XP, that could cause the problem. This batch script should put the location of your desktop in the %desktop% variable, it should be compatible with Windows 2000, Xp and Vista.

reg query "hkcu\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\user shell folders" /v desktop > key.txt
for /f "skip=4 tokens=2 delims=\" %%G in (key.txt) do echo %%G > desktop.txt
set /p desktop= < desktop.txt
set desktop=%homedrive%%homepath%\%desktop%
del key.txt
del desktop.txt

Nate (?) made something similar to this in statid.bat, it involves making a query to the registry. The desktop directory doesn't have it's own environment variable, so this is a workaround. I think this could be done without the two txt files but I'm not really that into batch scripting so I don't know. To test this, append

echo %desktop%

to the script and you should get the location of your desktop. On my computer, the 'Desktop' directory is named different, 'Bureaublad' if you're curious, so please try it out.
This took me a few hours to figure out, so I'm gonna get some sleep -_-
that's great, but what's wrong with what i wrote? you seem to be capable of testing it yourself. did your script fix anrichan?
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Poesta: 2008-08-03 10:22:41 am
I didn't test it with Anri-chan yet. I had some problems with the for /f command so I wanna make sure it also works in different languages (English). I don't know what's wrong with what you wrote, but obviously it doesn't get the right name of the desktop, so when run on a non-English windows, Anri-chan uses his own directory instead of the desktop for output.

Anri-chan tries to get the name before the main menu, but if you select statID preview it does it again. Is that to make sure statID.bat can run on its own?

In anri.bat, I found this comment:

REM get the name of the desktop ... old method for safety, then new method

What exactly is the old method and what is the new one?

edit: I've replaced the code in anri.bat and statid.bat and it seems to be working fine: it puts the preview on the desktop and also creates a project directory there. Also, I ran into another comment in anri.bat, in the header of initialisation:

REM Some obvious stuff in here. todo: describe desktop location

I guess that one could be removed?

another edit: The Nero AAC encoder crashes consistently. Argh.
Quote from Poesta:
I didn't test it with Anri-chan yet. I had some problems with the for /f command so I wanna make sure it also works in different languages (English). I don't know what's wrong with what you wrote, but obviously it doesn't get the right name of the desktop, so when run on a non-English windows, Anri-chan uses his own directory instead of the desktop for output.

Ahh yes.. the batch for loop can be troublesome, especially when dealing with spaces.

Anri does a change directory, so if it can't find the desktop, it stays in the folder where the batch script was run.

Anri-chan tries to get the name before the main menu, but if you select statID preview it does it again. Is that to make sure statID.bat can run on its own?

Yes.. but it just happened that way. Anri, sample extractor and statid were originally separate. Statid still is.

In anri.bat, I found this comment:

REM get the name of the desktop ... old method for safety, then new method

What exactly is the old method and what is the new one?

Old method is to use the english word desktop. The new method is the reg query. Here's the new code based on yours without the extra text files.

FOR /F "skip=4 tokens=2 delims=\" %%G IN ('REG QUERY "hkcu\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\user shell folders" /v desktop') DO SET desktop=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\%%G

Also, I ran into another comment in anri.bat, in the header of initialisation:

REM Some obvious stuff in here. todo: describe desktop location

I guess that one could be removed?

Each section should have an explanation of what the code is doing. I just never got around to it.
Edit history:
Poesta: 2008-08-03 12:50:59 pm
Ahh yes.. the batch for loop can be troublesome, especially when dealing with spaces.

Thats why I settled with the backslash.

Also, I tried to do a test project on some other avi file and the Nero AAC Encoder didn't crash, so there was just something wrong with the audio of the other avi file I used.


The AAC encoder still crashes, even on other samples I record. What's wrong? I just record with MP3, I tested it on another video (the Audigy splash screen ^^) and it just worked fine.
Hm, those lines are mp4box..
Edit history:
Poesta: 2008-08-03 05:01:19 pm
Are you sure? I get this popup:

There must be something wrong with the audio.

edit: I've updated the LAME MP3 encoder and recorded a new sample, didn't help. I tried capturing without the audio, but then Anri-chan hangs even before he has processed the video.
mp4box is trying to open a non-existing file then.

If you open the avs files in virtualdub, do they play audio correctly?

Are these fraps files? We had a case where the audio sample rate was abnormally high: 192000 instead of 48000.
Nope, VirtualDub doesn't play audio. If I open it in a media player there is sound. These are the file properties VirtualDub gives for the avs file (low quality):

I also tested low quality XviD, this did actually output a video but it was 0 kB and could not be rendered. These aren't Fraps files, I recorded it with ZD Soft Game Recorder. According to VirtualDub, the original audio is encoded in (Fraunhofer) MP3, 160 kbps, 44100 Hz.
lol at three channels ...
I tried encoding on another computer. It did encode and the AAC encoder didn't crash, but the output video plays about 50% faster. The total time is the same though: when the video is done it continues from somewhere in the middle of the video. The sound is ok. This is the same for H.264 and XviD. I tried it on another avi, just some random file I found on my harddisk. After encoding, the video is just fine, so what's wrong with the other one? On both computers, I'm using Windows XP. Here's the log file for the 50% faster vid.
well i mean your original audio is obviously borked - can't you use vdub to save as wav, fix it (should be stereo 16-bit 48000 hz) and then use audiodub(wavsource("that.wav")) to readd in avisynth? or else just direct stream copy the video and wavsource the audio in vdub to end up with a new master file to run through anrichan.

edit: actually you may be able to do it entirely within vdub - it's been a while since i used audio -> conversion in there though so no idea how well it will work especially on audio that borked.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Doing it inside vdub is flaky. I always do what Nate says and save as wav and convert, even if I'm using vdubmod to process.

Quote from nate:
lol at three channels ...

center mix baby!
I partially figured out what's wrong: I encoded the video using Lagarith with null frames enabled. VirtualDub doesn't handle those frames well so that's why the speed is increased. Just disabling fixed the video. I had to convert the audio though, (the AAC encoder is still crashing) so for the sample I just used PCM.

The recording program (ZD Soft Game Recorder) has it's own MP3 dll and that's the only way to encode the audio. I've tried this on 3 computers and it only worked on one. Any idea what's wrong?

Something completely different: why is the Lagarith codec included with Anri-chan and why isn't it the latest version?
lagarith is included to encode optional nmf to accelerate d1 deinterlacing on encode. didn't know there was a new version out and i guess snow didn't either. we do now though, thanks.