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Great, thanks Lack and zoast. Please do so, I added you to the respective lists.

Looks like no recent changes to the schedule, so we are still on for Friday around 9 PM. I guess I will mention here that I will plan on being in the designated area around 8:30 PM to do setup, so whenever enough people arrive, we can begin. Although I'm also thinking that if enough people show up, we could expand to up to 32 people if we can get a 4th non-playing dealer. I suppose we will see how many show up, since so many seem to sign up and forget every year. Smiley
Hopefully this event stays on schedule and I can hop into this thing right after my runs.
I'm hoping the same thing. I've updated the OP with the new start time of 10:30 PM to coincide with the recent schedule changes. Some thoughts of mine:

1. With the number of signups, I wonder how feasible it would be to increase the size of the tournament to 32 (or to just increase it to however many people show up if less than 32 and more than 24)?

2. If the marathon does run late again this year, I may have a conflict with my Saturday 3 AM tech station shift. Hopefully this won't become a problem, but I may have to set a limit as to the latest time the tournament can start. If no one objects, we could aim to start the tournament during the middle of the Zelda OOT run which would be around 9:30 PM or so. I can't remember if anyone had a conflict with that particular run, so please let me know if you do.

3. I still plan on finalizing everything by 12/31. I'm planning to arrive Thursday around noon, and I would like to have a short meeting before the tournament of at least the other dealers and card/chip providers (and players too, if they want). Perhaps have this meeting 2 hours or so before the start time, around 7 to 8 PM Friday night?
So long as we've got the cards and the chips, I don't think there will be any problem with adding more tables. I've got nothing else planned for that evening, so a meeting should be fine. Probably best to leave time in between for people to grab food before the tournament starts.
I just thought of something we could try this year that we haven't done. Why not have different tables take like, 10 minute breaks one at a time? It allows people to stretch their legs, gets some of us out of what will probably be a very hot room, let's people grab a drink or food(if no food or drink allowed in the room), etc. It wouldn't really slow down the progress of the tournament that much, since the other tables would continue playing.
I don't think that would work, because then I would need to maintain separate clocks for each table. It's much easier for everyone to be on the same clock.

Here's an idea: There is currently a break scheduled for the end of level 6 to color up the chips. How about we also have a short break when a certain number of players are eliminated? For example, when we reach 16 players and are about to redraw for two tables, we have a short break at that time, and then the same for the final table.
I'll sign up as an alternate.
No problem, added.
Quote from chessjerk:
I don't think that would work, because then I would need to maintain separate clocks for each table. It's much easier for everyone to be on the same clock.

Here's an idea: There is currently a break scheduled for the end of level 6 to color up the chips. How about we also have a short break when a certain number of players are eliminated? For example, when we reach 16 players and are about to redraw for two tables, we have a short break at that time, and then the same for the final table.

That would work well. I always believe that giving a break is best when natural ones occur (coloring up of chips, reassigning tables, etc.) With the slightly shorter blinds, waiting until color up and seat draws should work well. If anyone else needs one before then (for restroom or whatever), they'd just have to fall back into the rule of having their hand mucked if they aren't at the table (so obviously best time to do that would be out of the blinds).
The bigger, the better.
Me and Spec want to be added as Alternates. Cheesy
Breaks are fine, but they should be at the same time for all tables. Asynchronous breaks don't really make sense. One break for chip-up and another break when tables break sounds good.

Is there any particular order for which dealers will stop dealing once tables start breaking? I'd be happy to deal all the way down through the final table.
My whole goal with individual tables breaking was that the rest if the tournament could continue so that the break didn't slow down play too much, but in hindsight it doesn't work. I was probably super tired when I thought of it.
OK, the first post is now final. The current version of the schedule has the MM run starting at 10:10 PM, so I am setting the start time of the tournament at 10 PM. Since this can be adjusted depending on if the marathon runs ahead or behind, I would encourage all participants to be in the board game room at 9:45 PM. If you signed up and know you won't be able to play for whatever reason, feel free to post here or find me at the marathon after noon on Thursday when I arrive. If you did not sign up but still want to play, please show up anyway, based on my experience in the past two years, anyone who was present and willing to play was able to do so. I make no guarantees, but you never know.

As mentioned, I would like to have a meeting of at least the other dealers and card/chip providers around 8:00 PM if possible. Please pass the word around for those who are probably already at the marathon and may not be watching the forums. Players are free to attend this meeting as well.

Regarding breaks, we will have a short break (<10 minutes) at the end of level 6 for the chip color up and whenever a table is broken (going from 4 to 3 tables if we have >24 players, from 3 to 2 tables, and when the final table is assembled).

Regarding when dealers will stop dealing, we can discuss this at the meeting at 8 PM, but if certain dealers want to volunteer to stop first, they can. If not, we can decide randomly. Also, if dealers want to take breaks and other dealers are available, they can switch out. I would prefer to deal the final table myself, but if it takes a while and I need a break, you can deal in my place FearfulFerret.

I will continue watching this thread up to Wednesday, so still feel free to post any questions or concerns here or you can tweet them to me @chessjerk.

See everyone there in a few days!
I try and make things pretty
Apologies, but I have to withdraw from the tournament due to schedule conflicts. Please give my spot to an alternate!
I arrived today with my chips and deck so if anyone wants to play some hold em in the game room just shoot me a txt at 9738007487 and ill be more than than glad to play. Im the dude floating with the fred durst red yankees hat
I wish I paid attention to these forums more often. I'd totally be down for this but it looks to be way overcapped already.
If anyone wants to play poker tonight, im looking for a 4th.
Apologies for the late notice but I'm going to have to withdraw. Please give my sly to an alternate!
Get Schwifty
Apologies for not making the start of the tourney, showed up an hour before MM thinking the run was our start time. GL to all the players!
Well, I'd like to thank everyone who participated. Enough players came through to get to 24 total by 10 PM. I will let the winners come forward if they choose to do so for their own personal glory.

As far as the donating of the winnings, I was unaware that the event no longer accepted cash donations on-site, so I made the donation personally and applied that donation as the winners wanted. I suppose next year I will let everyone know this up front so there are no surprises.

Please post any comments on the tournaments here for next time. I think everything went really well as far as the tournament structure and the timing of the tournament, but there is always opportunity for improvement.

Thanks again everyone, see you next year!