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You can also count me in for chips/cards, 1000 ct monte carlo 14g chips
Sweet, thanks Kashelwhizle.
SGL Scrublord
I'm in!
I'd love to play!  Be a fun way to meet more people in the community!
Just found out I can go, so count me in too!
First post updated, and still looking for a third non-playing dealer if anyone is interested.
I will play. I still haven't won a hand since AGDQ 2015.
I'll join in on this Chessjerk. I'll be there, though I'm still room hunting, but regardless, I'll be around. (I would rather play, but if you fill up and want to give someone else the opportunity, I'll gladly be your third dealer).
I'd like to participate this year.  Can I sign up?
Quote from CrimsonAvix:
I'll join in on this Chessjerk. I'll be there, though I'm still room hunting, but regardless, I'll be around. (I would rather play, but if you fill up and want to give someone else the opportunity, I'll gladly be your third dealer).

Thanks, we shall see what happens. I've updated the first post with a "potential dealers" list so I don't forget who offered to deal.

Quote from Elipsis:
I'd like to participate this year.  Can I sign up?

Absolutely, although you are on the Alternate list. In the previous two years, all alternates who showed up were able to play.
I'd like to be in if I make it there.  I have a fourth place to defend.
I'd love to join! Sounds like fun!
Hopefully I don't get a god hand that gets rekt this time Cry
aka forte27
I would love to be an alternate.

If I don't get to play, I would be happy to deal.  I dealt in the past for SGDQ 2014, so I'd have no problem.
Thanks bassdeluxe27, added you to the potential dealers list as well.
I dont think Friday is gonna work for a couple of us! Can you find a better date?
Count me in! I'm arriving on Friday, probably at noonish, so yeah.

Also, I'm not very good or experienced at poker, I've just played a shitton of online poker in the past and this seems like good fun. Hope that's okay.
Quote from Gamesforcharity:
Count me in! I'm arriving on Friday, probably at noonish, so yeah.

Also, I'm not very good or experienced at poker, I've just played a shitton of online poker in the past and this seems like good fun. Hope that's okay.

No worries, we accept players of all skill levels. If you have any questions or concerns of the peculiarities of live poker, just post them here.

Quote from Svenne:
I dont think Friday is gonna work for a couple of us! Can you find a better date?

Well, I've reviewed the current version of the schedule. As of now, the tournament will overlap the Pokemon Yellow run and two "setup" blocks (and possibly the games before the start of the Mega Man block). Generally, it is good (IMO) to schedule this so that it overlaps one really long run to minimize the number of potential players affected. Unfortunately, this idea only allows for a few options (times are approximate):

1: Paper Mario (midnight Friday morning)
2: Secret of Mana (8 AM Friday)
3: Pokemon Yellow (1:30 PM Friday)
4: Zelda OoT (9:30 PM Friday)
5: Zelda MM (11:30 PM Friday)
6: Super Mario Galaxy (5:30 AM Saturday)
7: FF4 (9:30 PM Saturday)

Early morning times won't work for me, since I'll be attempting to maintain a relatively stable sleep schedule, so 1, 2 and 6 aren't good options. Having it during the final game of the marathon doesn't work either, since the winners won't get to apply their winnings meaningfully, so 7 isn't good either. That leaves 3, 4, and 5. If (as Svenne noted) 1:30 PM doesn't work for many people, #4 (9:30 PM) or #5 (11:30 PM) would be OK.

I encourage any participants with any thoughts on this matter to post them here. I will be going away for the holiday week, but I will check in periodically.
I vote on Majoras Mask!
I actually do have somewhat of a dumb question.

Can you explain (or even just link me to a resource that describes) how blinds work? This is something that was typically just done automatically in the online pokers I've played. I'm assuming they're just a kind of entry fee per round? And do they have to do with how much it is to call in the beginning of a round?

Really sorry for the beginner-esque questions. Would rather ask them here and look dumb than hold up the tournament with them in person.

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it now. Also a dumb question, however, but are we playing holdem or some other kind of poker like 5 card draw?
There are no dumb questions, buddy. We almost always play holdem. I don't think anything else has been played. If it has I missed it. I wanna say we typically increase blinds every 15 minutes. Starting around 10 and increasing to 15, 30, 50, etc. I'm never a dealer so forgive me if those two facts are incorrect.
Edit history:
Andreww4: 2015-11-29 03:53:33 pm
Andreww4: 2015-11-29 03:52:00 pm
Andreww4: 2015-11-29 03:51:02 pm
Blinds are mandatory bets when the hands are dealt. They are after the button. There is a person who is the button, in the small blind, and the big blind. The big blind is double the amount of chips that the small blind holds. For example: If the Big blind is 1000 chips, then the small blind is 500 chips. Everyone else on the table has to call to the 1000 chips, raise, or fold their hand. Blinds increase throughout the game to get the game generally more exciting, offer incentives to play the hand for the blinds, get people to play, and ladder positions. The button, small blind, and big blind positions moves clockwise to the next players after the play is done for the table.

If Antes are in play as well, ante is a mandatory amount of chips everyone plays every hand. Antes also increase along with the blinds.

Hold Em' is you receive two pocket cards in your hand along with 5 that can be drawn on the board. First round after pre-flop (Where you just have your hole cards (2 cards in hand) is the flop with 3 cards on the board, the turn has 4 cards on the board, and the river has 5 cards on board.

Ask anything else! I'm glad to answer!
The path of the righteous man...
I'm down!
Would be happy to be the last dealer if you still need one. I can also play if you have a spot.