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chessjerk: 2015-12-01 11:19:27 pm
chessjerk: 2015-12-01 11:18:55 pm
Quote from Svenne:
I vote on Majoras Mask!

OK, thanks. Does anyone else have any preferences? If not, we will go with 11:30 PM Friday night.

Quote from spikevegeta2:
Would be happy to be the last dealer if you still need one. I can also play if you have a spot.

Thanks, I added you to both the alternate list and the potential dealer list.

Quote from Gamesforcharity:
I actually do have somewhat of a dumb question.

Can you explain (or even just link me to a resource that describes) how blinds work? This is something that was typically just done automatically in the online pokers I've played. I'm assuming they're just a kind of entry fee per round? And do they have to do with how much it is to call in the beginning of a round?

Really sorry for the beginner-esque questions. Would rather ask them here and look dumb than hold up the tournament with them in person.

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it now. Also a dumb question, however, but are we playing holdem or some other kind of poker like 5 card draw?

I think your questions were already covered, but I will add more description to the first post about what we will be playing (No Limit Texas Hold 'Em) and some idiosyncrasies of playing the game live (for those who may have played online but not live poker).

EDIT: I added a whole lot of information to the first post on what we will be playing, the rules of the tournament, and so on. I encourage everyone to review them and post any questions or comments here. Thanks!
The 11:30pm Friday time is fine for me, I think early Friday or late Friday are the best of the options mentioned. Only concern is the schedule getting pushed back on Friday evening (Mario block is currently 9pm) but I am good with moving this a little later or skipping out if needed.
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FearfulFerret: 2015-12-02 12:29:52 pm
FearfulFerret: 2015-12-02 12:09:21 pm
I'm up to play and/or deal. In fact, I think I'd prefer dealing. I've played in the past two GDQ tournaments and have experience dealing for small-time league tournaments.
Looks good so far Chessjerk. One thing I'll mention as a precaution, because I see it as a mistake in games even more experienced players make, is that at no point should anyone mention anything about a hand while action is happening. This can either be people who have a hand making on in jest, or people out of the hand discussing or reacting to play (i.e. "Oh, I shoulda kept my hand" after a flop or reaching in to "recheck" their hands).

Basically put, there should be no talk about the cards in action, while the cards are live.
Quote from FearfulFerret:
I'm up to play and/or deal. In fact, I think I'd prefer dealing. I've played in the past two GDQ tournaments and have experience dealing for small-time league tournaments.

Thanks, I added you to the dealers list. If you change your mind and want to be an alternate as well, let me know.

Quote from CrimsonAvix:
Looks good so far Chessjerk. One thing I'll mention as a precaution, because I see it as a mistake in games even more experienced players make, is that at no point should anyone mention anything about a hand while action is happening. This can either be people who have a hand making on in jest, or people out of the hand discussing or reacting to play (i.e. "Oh, I shoulda kept my hand" after a flop or reaching in to "recheck" their hands).

Basically put, there should be no talk about the cards in action, while the cards are live.

Good idea, I'll add this to the first post. Although, I would add that in the spirit of the "have fun!" rule, this should only be enforced at the dealer's discretion if a player is being really obnoxious about acting in this manner.


Quote from Twitter:
@AH_ChurchnSarge sign me up as an alternate. Rip poker this year :'C

Don't worry, you might still get in depending on how many actually show up. Smiley
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Interest check:

We have a leftover room at the hotel, and we need something to do with it. it's 850 sq. ft., pretty secluded on the second floor, but close to the lobby.

We are considering making that a dedicated "Poker Room". Thoughts? If you guys are down for that, how would you like tables laid out? Round tables? Standard rectangular? How many seats for each poker table set?
Quote from Cool Matty:
Interest check:

We have a leftover room at the hotel, and we need something to do with it. it's 850 sq. ft., pretty secluded on the second floor, but close to the lobby.

We are considering making that a dedicated "Poker Room". Thoughts? If you guys are down for that, how would you like tables laid out? Round tables? Standard rectangular? How many seats for each poker table set?

I was actually just asking chessjerk about this yesterday. Glad there's a room. I'm not the organizer here, but round tables should be preferred. Easier to prevent cheating and everyone's close to the pot and whatnot. And I think we're doing 8 to a table?
Sweet, thanks Cool Matty. Definitely prefer round tables, and we would need nine seats at each table (eight players and one dealer).

I suppose this also begs the question about a dedicated poker room when we are only planning for one poker tournament, is there any interest in multiple tournaments?
Quote from chessjerk:
Sweet, thanks Cool Matty. Definitely prefer round tables, and we would need nine seats at each table (eight players and one dealer).

I suppose this also begs the question about a dedicated poker room when we are only planning for one poker tournament, is there any interest in multiple tournaments?

I don't think that's ever happened before. I'd be down to do a smaller, more casual tournament as well as the friday one. Or have one for Omaha or something.
I highly doubt there will be enough demand for a dedicated poker room. Maybe a dedicated poker table, but even then it's tough to imagine it being used much. That said, I'd be up for dealing or playing basically any poker variant throughout the week when I'm not busy elsewhere.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
There may not be a lot of demand, but it's a room without much else of a purpose. So I'll make that the dedicated poker room, and you guys can do whatever poker-style card stuff you want there.
Maybe just make it the tabletop/poker/stuff with cards room? I don't think there's a designated tabletop room yet and it worked great at SGDQ. It was nice having a room where we could eat and drink without having to worry about consoles, have a bit of quiet, and have a consolidated place to put games instead of having to bring them down from rooms whenever people want to play.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from ziggirawk:
Maybe just make it the tabletop/poker/stuff with cards room? I don't think there's a designated tabletop room yet and it worked great at SGDQ. It was nice having a room where we could eat and drink without having to worry about consoles, have a bit of quiet, and have a consolidated place to put games instead of having to bring them down from rooms whenever people want to play.

Nope, actually, there is a larger room dedicated to tabletop/boardgame/etc.
A dedicated poker room is cool, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up playing poker outside of this tourney with some buds so having that opportunity will be great.
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Cool Matty: 2015-12-07 11:30:03 am
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Hey guys, sorry to change plans on this, but I just got off the phone with world9 and we have a more appropriate, event-long use for the room now. It's going to be the LAN PC room, like we had at SGDQ.

So we'll be putting the poker tournament in the board/cardgame room, which should be more than large enough for your poker tournament anyway (and feel free to kick people out for the tournament if you need space). Should note that the board/card game room can seat around 70 people, with round tables.
Ok, thanks for the heads up. We will make this work wherever we need to do so.
Looking at the most recent schedule update, it looks like the MM run is now at 9:10 PM on Friday. If anyone has an issue with that time, please let me know, thanks.
I would like to be an alternate for this tournament.  I just heard about it and will be at AGDQ.  Thank you for your time. -Jam
No problem, added to the alternate list.
Thanks chessjerk!
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zoast: 2015-12-14 05:23:56 am
zoast: 2015-12-14 05:23:19 am
sign me up for the tourny (& poker in general), i have two decks of plastic cards i'll bring regardless
Quote from zoast:
sign me up for the tourny (& poker in general), i have two decks of plastic cards i'll bring regardless

are you coming? I need to have a picture with you for my crew! yey Cheesy
Thanks zoast, I'll add you to the alternates list and the card bringing list.
I can bring chips if needed since I'll be driving.
I also volunteer to deal at any point, and can bring chips.  (I have 150 white, 150 red, 50 green, 100 blue, 50 black)