We had a couple of discussions about submissions, and we've decided that we're going to allow edits for incorrect or missing VODs.
We did not implement edit functionality yet, but we wanted to give you guys a heads up that it will be happening soon.
You will soon have the ability to edit your video, your run time and your availability if your run is Pending, Accepted, or Waitlisted.
So that Mike and the Games Committee don't have to go through a ton of games again, we're going to use the "Waitlist" status along with a comment to indicate that we're interested in your run if you can provide a video. Waitlisted runs that do not have a video may be rejected by gameslist time.
Please note that editing the VOD or Run Time of an "Accepted" submission will place it back in "Pending", and we may not accept it again. Make edits at your own risk and avoid editing your run for small changes to your PB.
Editing your availability will NOT revert your run back to "Pending."
"Rejected" runs can't be edited. If your game was declined and is not waitlisted, it is most likely for selection or game-related reasons that it was rejected and we will not be reconsidering it.
We will not be extending the submissions deadline.
As a reminder, inappropriate content (including troll videos, sexual, or offensive content) is subject to the Games Committee's discretion. If your submission or edits contain inappropriate text or videos, they may reject or block your submission and your ability to submit games to future events may be affected. If you aren't sure if what you're submitting is appropriate, you may want to leave it out. We understand if there are a few swear words here or there, but excessive amounts of swearing is generally inappropriate.
We did not implement edit functionality yet, but we wanted to give you guys a heads up that it will be happening soon.
You will soon have the ability to edit your video, your run time and your availability if your run is Pending, Accepted, or Waitlisted.
So that Mike and the Games Committee don't have to go through a ton of games again, we're going to use the "Waitlist" status along with a comment to indicate that we're interested in your run if you can provide a video. Waitlisted runs that do not have a video may be rejected by gameslist time.
Please note that editing the VOD or Run Time of an "Accepted" submission will place it back in "Pending", and we may not accept it again. Make edits at your own risk and avoid editing your run for small changes to your PB.
Editing your availability will NOT revert your run back to "Pending."
"Rejected" runs can't be edited. If your game was declined and is not waitlisted, it is most likely for selection or game-related reasons that it was rejected and we will not be reconsidering it.
We will not be extending the submissions deadline.
As a reminder, inappropriate content (including troll videos, sexual, or offensive content) is subject to the Games Committee's discretion. If your submission or edits contain inappropriate text or videos, they may reject or block your submission and your ability to submit games to future events may be affected. If you aren't sure if what you're submitting is appropriate, you may want to leave it out. We understand if there are a few swear words here or there, but excessive amounts of swearing is generally inappropriate.