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Tetsuo9999: 2013-08-17 12:27:27 pm
Tetsuo9999: 2013-08-17 12:25:05 pm
Tetsuo9999: 2013-08-17 12:24:54 pm
Tetsuo9999: 2013-08-17 12:23:32 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
My Twitch page is http://www.twitch.tv/tetsuo9999
My Youtube is http://www.youtube.com/Tetsuo9999

I've only got two offers:

- Sengoku Basara 3 Utage - Kenshin any% [estimate 1:00:00] : This is a solid action game that deserves more love, and is the only Musou/Dynasty Warriors-type game that's suitable for marathons in my opinion. I think the fast movementspeeds, optimized boss fights and combos will make this a good marathon game. My current record is 24:57 and is ~45 minutes RTA with a bad final stage, so the estimate could be met for sure.

Video :

-Super House of Dead Ninjas "Ling Tong%" race with Iongravirei (twitch.tv/iongravirei) [estimate 10:00] - This would be a short and simple race that Ion and I have been talking about for a while. My PB is a 5:37, which is #5 on the in-game leaderboard and was #3 at the time of submission. Ling Tong% is using the Nunchaku+, Boomerang+, Shrapnel+ and Fire Magic for a loadout.

Video :
Twitch page: http://www.twitch.tv/buttersbb

1. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Estimate: 00:35:00] – Solid action game for SNES with character variety and fantastic music. Also: Nostalgia!

2. Dungeons and Dragons: Shadows Over Mystara (co-op) [Estimate: 00:35:00] – Fast paced beat ‘em up classic with very deep gameplay mechanics.

3. Zool [Estimate: 00:45:00] – Super zoomed in camera and terrible level design highlight this fairly fast paced washed-up mascot game.

4. Rune Factory 3 [Estimate: 01:40:00] – A Harvest Moon game with action that is not primarily sleeping around! Great DS game that is something different for a marathon. Also, very broken.
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/k1rua

1. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

* 100% [Estimate 1:20:00]: My main category as far as speedrunning is concerned, and the best for this game in my opinion. I currently have the WR for it.
* any% warpless [Estimate 1:00:00]: Also a very good category for this game. Less autoscrollers but lacks some very interesting stages. Lost the WR to Mitch like two months ago.

2. Quake III Arena (PC)

* Beat the game, Nightmare difficulty [Estimate 00:45:00]: This submission is approved by coolkid™. Seriously though, I've actually played this game far more than SMB3. I tried for some time to submit a deathless run to SDA but didn't get it (my best was two deaths). It's 45 minutes of bloodbath and fast straffe/circle jumping.

3. Mr. Nutz (SNES)

* any% [Estimate 00:50:00]: A really cool and surprisingly technical platformer with creepy enemies (developed by a now dead french team). Although I love this game, it's not very famous. Maybe a good graveyard shift contender?
Hey Everyone, enjoying the chaos?

My Twitch Page: http://www.twitch.tv/Obdajr

1: Chrono Trigger 100% [6:00:00] A super popular SNES RPG that has only seen one previous marathon. There are new tricks such as cutscene and boss skips. The hype to time commitment ratio should be good.

2: Chrono Trigger Any% [3:50:00] This category offers less of a time commitment, and still shows off all of the new tricks in the run. Please note that grinding is no longer necessary, and failing the trick for the last boss would only waste like 3 minutes.

3: Mega Man 7 Any% [0:45:00] My game, I'll always offer it. Short, technical, and I'd get another shot at the quick kills.

4: Mega Man 8 any% [1:00:00] Another offer for the mega man block, and will always be a fun watch. The cut scenes are super hype and worth more than $400 >.>

5: The Misadventures of Tron Bonne Any% [0:50:00] I would LOVE to run this at the marathon. It's just an awesome game. and i do it quick.  and it's technically a Mega Man game.

6: Mega Man X 100% [0:42:00] Depending of who's running MMX I could be involved in a race. I'm not at Tiki / Caleb level, but I can get sub 40s consistently without much practice. If I grinded a bunch I could be a contender.
http://www.twitch.tv/Aleck47 - I should have my stream set up within the next couple days (finally!)

1. Sonic 2 (0:30:00):  I’ve been running this game for a few years now and am quite confident I can do it justice.  PB about 10 seconds faster than Naegleria's. Tongue

2. New Super Mario Bros. DS (0:35:00 any%):  This will be my main project for now and I’m already confident in a slightly longer estimate.  It’s also worth mentioning that I don’t keep the blue shell after 1-Tower, which makes for a more entertaining run and costs 5 seconds max (saves time if the RNG gods smile on me).

3. Mario Kart Wii (32 course 1:30:00 to be truly safe):  With a little work I could get all the shortcuts down – I’m already very consistent at this game.  Up to 4 players can be supported on the same console, which could lead to a very entertaining run if enough sufficiently talented runners are up for it.  I’d be up for 16 course new or retro as well, but IMO 32 course is where it’s at.
Estimates are mostly rough, but here's what I'm offering:

My Twitch page is: http://www.twitch.tv/yaymarsha

1. X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse [Estimate 30:00] - This one is short and easy to understand. Marathons could always use more beat 'em up love too. (Mike's familiar with this game/run, so I don't think there's much else I need to say.)

2. Halo 2 [Estimate 2:00:00] - I'd love the chance to give Halo the run it deserves. This game has enough cool tricks, shortcuts, and general silliness that it should make for a good watch. Aiming for Legendary, unless I find out that's not reasonable.

3. Valkyria Chronicles [Estimate 3:00:00] - There's a lot of tech and planning involved and it should make for good commentary material. It helps that it's more like an action game that happens to be turn-based. The battle strategies are varied enough that things won't get stale either.

4. Fire Emblem [Estimate 2:30:00] - The genre needs more marathon love and this is an excellent way to do it. It's a well-known series and this is the one most people are familiar with. The run will involve much bending the RNG at will and generally making the game look very easy.
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland - Classic Mode Co-op (10 minutes)
Me and George will route and run this. It's not the most popular of the series, but it does have classic mode co-op which no other has. Think an old Tony Hawk but 2 skaters running around at the same time. Should be really exciting to watch.

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge - any% (35 minutes)
A lot of neat damage boosts and such, one of the best games the Gameboy had.
Edit history:
Studio: 2013-08-17 01:31:27 pm
All estimates are extra safe to include some setup time Smiley
1) Half-Life 2 Any% New Engine, No Scripts [Estimate: 2:25:00] Could go well with Coolkid's run. HL2 is a fun marathon run since you end up chaining cool tricks together that are all very different, very fast, and donation incentives would be for actions during cut scenes (Might need to get pie to sing a song)

2) Bleed Any% [Estimate: 22 minutes] Bleed is a fast paced 2d game that is diverse, simple, and exciting. I played it during bonus stream at SGDQ and even the crappy-been-awake-for-20-hours run seemed to have a good reception. Donation incentive for Normal or Very Hard mode

3) They Bleed Pixels [Estimate: 1:00:00] They Bleed Pixels is a difficult challenger in the same vein as Super Meat Boy, but instead of enemy diversity there is combat and character skills. It's hype and easy to follow.

4) Stranger's Wrath Any% [Estimate 1:10:00] Different category, more consistent, lots of cool skips, and easier to follow. The SGDQ run was well received, but I' don't know how donations went.

5) Border Lands 2 Co-op with SlayerOfBabies, Possibly Poopfist [Estimate 3:30:00] It's BorderLands 2, It's Co-op, lots of stuff to talk about, lots of fun to be had shooting bandits and doing some skips/glitches to #GoFast
(user is banned)
Edit history:
controllerhead: 2013-08-17 03:18:32 pm
controllerhead: 2013-08-17 03:13:56 pm
controllerhead: 2013-08-17 01:09:01 pm
controllerhead: 2013-08-17 01:09:00 pm
controllerhead: 2013-08-17 01:08:38 pm
Are there enough letters here to tel
Hi guys, for those who don't know me, i am a pretty active speedrunner on SRL at http://twitch.tv/controllerhead. This community is really awesome, this would by my first AGDQ, and would love to meet many of you in person! Here are my offerings:

Kirby's Adventure (NES) - any% no UFO glitch - [EST: 50:00, WR: 46:46 by Me] Beautiful NES game. Way ahead of its time. Very technical speedrun. I have put hundreds of hours into this, and have WR for both any% / 100%. I would really love to play this.
Donation Incentives: Useless Splash Power, 1-2 Developer Room

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (GB) - any% - [EST: 30:00, PB: 26:51, WR: 26:41 by Laplacier] - Classic mario goodness. You grew up with it. This was a highly competitive speedrunning game a few months ago, between myself, Mugg, Laplacier, Piraeus, who all held WR at one point. Carl Sagan also made a theory TAS. There was also a song? How did it go again?
Donation Incentives: Totaka Song (if we have time, takes 2min), Pipe Glitch Demonstration

Metroid 2: Return of Samus (GB) - any% - [EST: 1:10, PB: 1:13:21 (proposed goal time by AGDQ: 1:05), WR: 57:xx by Behemoth] - Very atmospheric GB game. Difficult and intimidating, the way they used to make games Smiley Alot of in depth speedrun strats. Opinion: this is a game that has yet to be really broken. Behemoth has done some serious work in it, as has coolkid. This is a game i plan or working hard on the next few months, its right up my alley.
Donation Incentives: Select Mash Tile Breaking glitch demonstration (used for glitch TAS)

* I would be open to racing Metroid II or Mario Land 2, provided that another speedrunner would like to do the same. I own and use a GameCube GB Player, and more than willing to bring it.
Edit history:
Klaige: 2013-08-17 12:46:25 pm
Klaige: 2013-08-17 12:44:40 pm

1. Castlevania Bloodlines (Genesis) (Any%) (Estimate: 45:00).  Classic CV that has yet to be at a proper marathon.  Has tons of fun tech and impressive tricks.  Will run expert mode, which can be made a donation incentive, and a character bid war can be done for Morris Vs. Lecarde.

2. Ninja Kun Ashura No Sho (Famicom) (Any%) (Estimate 45:00).  Race with Romscout.  Perfect candidate for a race during awful games.  Absurd little platformer that's funny and will provide some entertaining bloopers while still being fun to watch run.  Race format will ensure at least someone finishes this thing Tongue

3.  Battletoads Arcade version 3P co-op with Murph and PJ (Any%) (Estimate: 50:00)  Co-op Battletoads arcade style with 3 funny gents.  Hilarity is sure to ensue!  Also dat arcade tech!
For reasons that will become clear in the fulness of the thread, I just have one to offer.

E.T. for AwfulGDQ.  Any%.  Estimate: 5 minutes.  And that's because I want to have time to explain what's about to happen before doing the 1 minute run.  But look, this is the game credited with being the tipping point that took down the whole industry in the 80s.  It's quick, it's famous, and it's surely awful.  With practice it's a very reliable route, too.

Speed Run games at 20% coolness
Twitch page: http://www.twitch.tv/dark_frog

Fire Emblem: Awakening (Any% with Renown/NG+) [Estimate 0:35:00] - The fastest time I have seen without Renown is 0:41:15 and the fastest time with Renown is 0:35:00 without planing, Renown allows me to gain a lot of items near to the start of the game, inducing a 2nd seal, a pair of boots, and a lot of stat ups and good weapons
Some Doantion ideas for this game will indude, the name and look of the FeMU and me doing the Apotheosis DLC Map at the end

Final Fantasy VII (with slots) [Estimate 15:00:00] This is going to be a intersting one, I for one never like Cat Sith, I uselly thing he was useless, but after seeing the ways to contral his slots, I desisted to do a speed run of this game
Some Donation ideas for this game will indudle, naming the characters and the window color (RBG from 0-255 for each corner of the window)
Twitch page - http://www.twitch.tv/kefka14 (currently don't stream)
Youtube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/Kefka14

Here are the games I could do at AGDQ and would really like to do! I overestimated the times by a decent amount. The games aren't very popular games, but they're something kinda different Cheesy

1.) Chameleon Twist Any% [Estimate 0:20:00] - Its a short game and it will easily be under this estimate. I have the current world record as of posting this (0:14:25 RTA) and I have a faster run waiting to be submitted as well so it would definitely be a really solid run!

2.)Adventure (Game 1) [Estimate 0:05:00] - This would be a joke run if anything due to its length but it could be fun. I recommend the next category though.

3.) Adventure (Game 2) [Estimate 0:15:00] - This is a more interesting category for running by far. A good donation incentive idea for this would be to show the easter egg in the game, as it was one of earliest (if not the earliset) easter egg in gaming.

4.)Kirby 64 (100%) [Estimate 1:30:00] - Not a lot of tricks or skips in the run, but the nostalgia alone would bring some hype I would think! My PB is 1:22:14 so I could easily get a great run going!

Thanks for the consideration. Hope to come out and play/spectate/support!
Edit history:
Cyberdemon531: 2013-08-18 11:36:17 am
Cyberdemon531: 2013-08-18 11:35:43 am
stream - http://www.twitch.tv/cyberdemon531

EDGE - EST: 45 Minutes - A fun indie title on PC that's fun to play and fun to watch (from my experience). It's got tons of neat tricks, and it's very fast and 100% skill based, so no "marathon luck" to worry about. Current PB:

SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge - EST: 40 Minutes - A pretty hilarious Spongebob game on the playstation console. It's a pretty short sidescrolling platformer with a lot of cool speed tricks. Arguably a terrible game. Current PB:
My Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/roatheeternal (Not much there at the moment)

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (PC) [Estimate: 5:00:00] This estimate should go down by quite a bit once I get a chance to really practice. Donation incentive for Light vs Dark ending definitely. Possibly also character name and maybe a couple other things through the run if I get comfortable enough with it.
Edit history:
Dime: 2013-08-17 12:35:52 pm
Dime: 2013-08-17 12:34:03 pm
Dime: 2013-08-17 12:33:56 pm
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/kingdime

Ultimate Doom PC (UV-Speed) [Estimate 40 minutes]: One of the most competitive speedrun games of all time.

Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment (UV-Speed) [Estimate 1:15:00]: Most underrated installment of doom, highly praised by many hardcore doomers and the mapping community. Fast paced, lots of action with higher tier monsters, and an introduction to the arch-vile jump.

Each would be played on the chocolate doom source port, and I think it would be cool to see some doom considering the 20th anniversary is Dec 10, 2013.

VVVVVV (PC) (100%) [00:30:00] - Platformer that doesn't have a lot of trickery to it, but is known for being difficult. It's incredibly fast paced with minimal dialogue breaks and is completely skill-based. Add in a few new room strategies and I think this is a more entertaining run than last year. (100% should be a donation incentive like previous marathons.)
Edit history:
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:54:41 pm
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:51:52 pm
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:48:51 pm
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:46:28 pm
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:45:36 pm
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:44:47 pm
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:44:22 pm
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:42:20 pm
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:38:35 pm
Graviton: 2013-08-17 12:37:49 pm
Hello everyone.

My twitch page is www.twitch.tv/graviton29

1. Blast Corps 100% (All Platinum Medals) - [Estimate: 2:00:00] - peaches_ and I would like to race this (he will post later to confirm). Blowing stuff up is always fun, plus the nature of this game being extremely difficult makes a race pretty exciting because it's never over until it's over (and we are both extremely close in skill). I'm only a couple minutes behind the WR with only a handful of completed runs.

Good luck to everybody with their games!
Edit history:
TLoZSR: 2013-08-17 12:53:48 pm
TLoZSR: 2013-08-17 12:52:09 pm

twitch page: twitch.tv/tlozsr

1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Any% Japanese [5:55:00] My current PB is 5:31:40, it's a really great marathon game as it's really hard to lose more than 10 minutes. Also never been at a marathon. I've worked on this category for over a year now, and I'm a really optimized runner. I know it's long, but give it a shot Smiley
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Monopoli: 2013-08-17 12:33:31 pm
My twitch page is www.twitch.tv/mistermonopoli

1. Halo 2 (Legendary) [Esitmate: 2:30:00] - I currently have a 2:15 (WR), and I will be consistently sub-2:00 by AGDQ. I have put countless hours into routing and running this game. There are a ton of awesome tricks that I am very good at doing and explaining as I run. If you have reservations about Legendary, I can do an Easy run [estimate 1:35:00], but I would very much prefer Legendary. If you want, it can be a donation incentive.
Edit history:
lillbrorsan: 2013-08-17 12:41:59 pm
lillbrorsan: 2013-08-17 12:39:27 pm
lillbrorsan: 2013-08-17 12:35:38 pm
lillbrorsan: 2013-08-17 12:32:51 pm
lillbrorsan: 2013-08-17 12:32:15 pm
Truljin @ Twitch
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/truljin

1. Joe Danger [Estimate 1:30:00] - One of my favorite games of all time, it is light and has a sense of humor but still offers a challenge on later levels when it comes to timing and whatnot.

2. ViViD [Estimate 15:00] - One of the best free indie games I've played so far, really cool retro platformer with a special type of features for each level (or "day" in this case). Quite hard to do a good run of (which i like!)

3. DuckTales Remastered [Estimate 50:00] - A classic remade, tons of fun with currently no known skips. One incentive could be 8bit vs new music. Give this to Capndrake if he wants to run it.
4. Family Guy Back to the multiverse [Estimate 1:30:00] - Not the best game based on Family Guy (and probably one of these Awful Games Done Quick) but still fun and easy to run.

5. Guacamelee [Estimate 1:30:00] - Brilliant metroidvania game. I tend to kill the last boss in the very last phase as chicken only, really cool donation incentive and really intense when running! Give it to lefuden if he wants to (i can still do boss as chicken only)
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2013-08-17 12:46:14 pm
Not a walrus

None of these times include setup.

1. Deus Ex [1:15 to be safe] (PC) - One of the best FPS/RPG games of all time, if not *the* best. Has a ton of awesome skips, though I'll have to figure out just how viable some of them are in real time before I can give a truly good estimate. I might need to abuse some quicksaves but I promise it won't be ten minutes of "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah".

2. Another World [0:15] (PC) - Classic puzzle/platformer. I'd be playing it on the Steam anniversary edition so the graphics would be higher fidelity.

3. Glare [1:05] (PC) - Upcoming PC game that I have early access to. It's an action platformer with a lot of fun movement skills and really vibrant art and I think it'll be an enjoyable watch. I know it's not out yet but I don't really have anything else I want to slot in here, so might as well.

4. Mega Man 5 [0:55] - Hasn't been in a marathon yet. I think some other people have expressed interest in doing this as well, so maybe a race is in order.

5. Rockman No Constancy [0:50] - One of the better MM2 hacks out there. Not as many zip glitches as MM2 due to a change in the way Item-1 works, but there's a couple notable ones that I might be able to get consistent at by January. Before you yell at me about the bonus stream that was because I hadn't played the game in 3+ years. Obviously it'll be a lot better than that once I get some practice in.
I would be happy to race Sonic 2 or Sonic Colors (or any other of my suggested games), as long as the other runners are also cool with it.
Edit history:
TaylorTotFTW: 2013-08-18 11:34:56 am
TaylorTotFTW: 2013-08-18 11:34:13 am
TaylorTotFTW: 2013-08-18 11:33:45 am
my twitch page is twitch.tv/taylortotftw but I don't really stream too often.

Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom [GC] any% [Estimate 1:30:00] This game is probably the best licensed game of all time, and is relatively well known and loved. The hour and a half of gameplay offers some really cool glitches and skips that are very entertaining. I would love to run this, but If a better runner of this game such as Coel or Itspersonnal offered this game as well I would bow to them in a heartbeat.

TimeSplitters: Future Perfect [GC] [Estimate 1:45:00] This is a really awesome FPS for the gamecube, and is essentially the sequel to Timesplitters 2. There are a lot of really cool levels to showcase which your average FPS doesn't really see, and a lot of loveable characters. My personal best for this game can be improved by a lot at the moment so I provided the best estimate I could.

Ocarina of Time any% no Wrong Warp [Estimate 1:10:00] My personal favorite OoT category, this run mainly showcases RBA. I totally get that this will probably not get in, but just know it's another OoT category that is available for you to pick from.

Donkey Kong Country - 101% [1:05:00] - I've been running this game for nearly a year and held All Stages WR for months. 101% offers more content + tricks + much crazier routes through the levels; as well as being a nice change of pace from the previous AGDQ to keep things interesting.

I absolutely love running and commentating this game. I've run it in marathons in the past with much success and would be ecstatic to be able to do so at AGDQ. It would also make for a good race as usual against any of the other Donkey runners that have risen in the past year - Garrison, Reflected, Mundungu, etc. Also, the <10-minute any% would be a fantastic donation incentive that any of us could do.