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Oh, if only the demos could be expanded like that...

Another problem that I have is that the glitchy graphics cover up not only the status bar, but the screen at the end of a level that displays the time.  This sucks for obvious reasons...I actually tied Chris Chokan's speed record for E2M1, but a demo won't verify that unless someone else can see the end screen. =/

DJGrenola, I thought about cooking it by hand, and I think I cooked it. Check this out:

the image is hosted in imageshack, so it could disappear or something without warning, it sucks, I know.
I only mapped the maze section, and you're going to need a key or two before going there. The yellow line is the main route, the red ones are routes where you have to go back. I doubt there's much to optimize about them, because the order shouldn't matter to the length of the maze. I also drew circles around the items that simply cannot be collected (the upmost part you have to choose which thing to take, but the room I picked seems to have 2 items, the other only one (the nazi man?)). I don't know which thingy resembles which item/monster/key/whatever in the map, so that could mean some tweaking, altough it's probably all the same which items you get first (keys are a exception, of course).

I hope this helps anyone who is trying to speedrun this game.

Hmm, maybe I should register...
dinosaur from the past
Actually, I've always found Imageshack to be a very reliable, kick-ass image hoster. *shrug*
Alright, bumping this up...

So, here are some general tips I've found...

1. Straferunning roxors.  Obvious, sure, but in this game it's especially fast.

2. Bring 'Em On difficulty would produce more entertaining runs for the casual viewer.  Death Incarnate is the highest difficulty, but there's a lot more stopping to kill stuff there.  Maybe we could do runs for both...

3. There are a couple levels where secret pushwalls save time.  The only two that spring to mind right now are E3M6 and E4M8.  In the former, there are a couple pushwalls that lead you to the silver key; normally, to get it, you'd have to fight through a whole gauntlet of SS and officers, in a room that's out of the way.  In the latter, there's a pushwall by the first locked door which leads you to another locked door that uses the same key.  The difference?  The normal door takes you to a maze of chipped wood, which you have to fight through to reach a maze of blue stone.  Somewhere in here you'll find the other key, after which you need to go BACK to the chipped wood area and find the locked door.  The hidden door takes you right to the blue stone maze, allowing you to run through the rest of the level in one pass.

Oh yeah, there are several levels with pushwalls which are necessary to complete them (most notably E4M5, in which the required gold key is EXTREMELY well-hidden), but I was just thinking of optional ones.

4. There are a few levels where you can get enemies to open locked doors for you.  The only two I can think of right now are E4M2 and E4M7, in which this trick is a MAJOR shortcut, but there's probably others.

That's all for now, I'll see if I can make some quality demos here...

Does anyone still plan to do this?
Edit history:
ballofsnow: 2006-01-07 02:03:23 am
Does anyone still plan to do this?;action=display;num=1133664176