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Looks like it's going good, Tom. With any luck, I'll have a job and be able to buy one when they're finished.

Continued good luck.
Raaaaarrr! Return of the Zombie Thread! I hope this doesn't offend those of gentler sensibilities.

Here are a few pics for your enjoyment and assessment.

First pic: Here's a mock up of the GB. The wide lens makes it look longer than it is. It's only about 30" (76cm) long.

Second: End view of the cylinder. When completed, they will be loaded with brass dummy rounds.

Third: Griever engraving. As you can see, the blade hasn't been cut out or polished yet. What you're seeing is what it looks like fresh out of the CNC mill.

Fourth: I'm thinking of making a single "super" gunblade with ten cylinders instead of one. This innovation could lead to production delays.

Fifth: Here you can see the length measurement that I mentioned earlier. There are three pieces of metal here. The stainless piece on the bottom is the actual blade blank which has not been cut yet. The rusty chunk on top of that is a practice blade. The top piece is the template that I'm going to use to cut the blades with my plasma cutter. The reason for this explanation is that I want to take a poll of what to do with the blade tip. Do I keep it correctly proportioned and shorter, similar to the template, or do I extended it further to increase the overall length? You can see that the blade would be 1.5" longer if I extended the lines on that rusty practice piece.

For what it's worth, total weight will be about 8lbs (3.5kg).

So Tom.  I finished a Robotrek speed run and in my audio commentary I devoted it to you.  Do I get a complimentary gunblade?  <_<

Also, golden gauntlets plx.
PJ: please believe that I would never mean to reproach your honor but... there is no Robotrek run listed on SDA. Perhaps it was all a dream?
Edit history:
PJ: 2012-10-24 05:58:57 pm
PJ: 2012-10-24 05:57:14 pm
Edit:  Link removed.

Gunblade looks amazing, though.  For reals.  Not crazy about the super gunblade, but the engraving and template look nice.  ^_^
dat jerk
I need that *drools uncontrollably*
Good news! You don't have to compete over this one since I'm making ten of them.
10 barrel gunblade instead please.
When in doubt, use explosives.
Thing looks bitchin!

I'm not sure if the 5cm difference would do that much of a difference.
My vote goes to keeping the accurate proportion and going with the template you already have.
It's not the length that matters, or so I have been told. On numerous occasions By someone who was told this himself.
I'd like you to avoid making such innuendos before that gives me an excuse to post a pic of the steely dan that I accidentally made one day while making other long, rounded parts on a lathe.
This looks awesome. Can you make it so that, when you pull the trigger, it plays linkin park?
Is this another fan of Spoony or just a hilarious coincidence? I think it was the FF8 review in which he kept playing that awful song.
Nice work so far, Tom. Can't remember if you said so already, but how much are you selling them for?
When in doubt, use explosives.
Quote from randomzero:
Nice work so far, Tom. Can't remember if you said so already, but how much are you selling them for?

Not above $800, as far as I could tell.
Here is another update for those of you who have so graciously shown interest. As you can see, I've done more work to the body of the gun and I've cut out the blade. The blade's edge is not yet cut, and there's still loads more detail work to do, including making the wood grips. Griever pendants are on order. Let's hope they're decent.

The price is indeed $800, plus shipping. I had hoped to make it less, but the commitment of time and money has been more than I anticipated.

Two questions:
1. Who wants one? Send me a PM if interested. Even if you can't pay right now, I can probably hold one for you. Either way, the sooner you let me know that you want it built, the sooner you'll see it.

2. Is anyone interested in videos if this metal stuff being made? I can't guarantee they'll be entertaining, but they will be educational.

3. What happened to Chokehold's picture? He was like the mascot of this thread.

When in doubt, use explosives.
The picture of me with the long hair is not current anymore so I had it removed.

Please enjoy the photo of me tackling the Swedish goddamn winter instead.
Fantastic craftsmanship, but what else should I expect? Great job Tom, it looks fantastic!
This son of a gun is heavy. That Squall fella must be sturdier than he looks.

I'm just posting here for archival purposes. This thread has served its purpose. The project is complete. I'll post pics in the prizes thread later on.

Where is the emoticon for drool?
Quote from Tom Folino:
son of a gun

I see what you did there.
When in doubt, use explosives.
Quote from PJ:
Where is the emoticon for drool?

^ This.

That right there is looking mighty damn fine, Tom. Cannot help but wonder where the hammer is though. Or am I looking at it incorrectly, maybe?
The hammer was eliminated during a round of year-end budget cuts.

Errr... I mean, the hammer is under my thumb. Don't worry, it's there.
Pics pics pics. I'm dumping these here instead of in the prizes thread to save space. Feel free to vent your vitriol in either venue.

I made all of this stuff except for the Griever pendant and the chain. As you can see, I took a little too much off the one side of the blade and so obscured the engraving. The other side looks great though.

Questions? Comments? Let us hear them.

Great, now I have to clean these trousers.
Oh my god.  :O