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Thanks for the links, guys.

I have some bad news.

1. I will not be able to engrave the blade. This is due to a variety of reasons which could only be solved with a bunch of money. However, I can engrave pieces which I attach to the blade. They would be basically be little engraved plates, and I could bolt or epoxy them on rather discreetly. They could be say 3/16" thick.

2. The blade itself will be dimensionally different from the artwork. We already established that I'll have to shrink the blade, but in addition to the length, the thickness is also off. At an estimate, I'd say that the game blade is 1/2" thick. That would be heavy, unwieldy, and expensive to make. I think that 3/16" will be about right. Maybe 1/4".

3. The Griever pendant will differ from the artwork. I cannot cast it for a variety of reasons. I'll have to machine it out of a metal plate. Probably the best option is to do a 2D engraving of all the details on both sides and then cut the outline. So it'll have the same silhouette as the artwork, but the details will be all 2D.
Belay my last:

1. I will not be able to engrave the blade.

This is no longer true. The other points still stand, and they will not change.
Cool. Glad you can engrave it after all. Less thickness is understandable. As for the pendant, maybe someone would be willing to donate a pendant, or buy one that you could add on?
That seems like a possibility, though I'm a little concerned that the styles won't quite match. I have no idea what kind of variety is available as far as those pendants go, so maybe it's nothing.

Does the engraving on the blade appear on both sides? If so, is it a mirror image?
Quote from Tom Folino:
Does the engraving on the blade appear on both sides? If so, is it a mirror image?

Yes, and yes.
Fucking Weeaboo
There's quite a few of the necklaces on eBay for under $10 (including shipping) so if you want to just buy one and tack it on, that would be best.

As I said, there's two styles.  Make sure you get the one on a long chain like this.  The other one is a 5th anniversary edition that looks more "cross like" and it's not as nice looking.

For reference, here's the anniversary version that you shouldn't get.
Thanks for the info. For that price, that probably makes the most sense.

I know it's too early to ask for a commitment since no one's even seen the finished product, but is anyone interested in buying one of these things when I'm done? I'm going to make at least 2 of them: one for AGDQ 2013 and one for myself, but if there's any interest, I'll make as many as I need to. Unless something totally unexpected happens, the price will not exceed $800.
Edit history:
Chokehold: 2012-02-05 09:12:11 pm
Chokehold: 2012-02-05 09:09:24 pm
When in doubt, use explosives.
Definitely Squall's Revolver. Take my money.

If I don't win it, I want one for my own and will definitely pay for it. Not even joking.
I actually did have my eyes on a replica that I saw on eBay, but doesn't appear to be available any longer.
The eBay page has a number of images of the finished product it would seem, and they also have measurements (pasted below in case the link fucks up):

Quote from eBay:
Length: 105cm/41 inches
Weight: 4.3kg
Blade Length: 75cm/29.5 inches
Handle Length: 30cm/12 inches
Blade thickness: 5.0mm/ 0.2 inch
Blade width: 12cm/4.7 inches
Material: Hybrid(PVC + unsharpened Stainless Steel(unable to change the title now, but it's stainless steel ))

I hope this can be of help in any way possible. I need this thing to be on my wall.
Along with a Buster Sword and other FF swords I can get a hold of.

Either way, you have a guaranteed off-marathon purchase right here.
Do you know right now if the weapon will be functional or nonfunctional? That is, functioning trigger, cockable hammer and revolving cylinder?

I did some research and found from various sites (no official ones sadly) that most if not all Master Arms weapons (Seifer's gunblade Hyperion, Squall's gunblade Revolver, Vincent's revolver Cerberus and some other bullshit) are 1/6 scale.
The Squeenix shop says it's 9.06 inches long, and I'm guessing that's from end of the blade to end of the handle.
Some quick math tells us that this equals to a full length of 54.36 inches, which also rends my previously provided measurements inaccurate. You can do with this information what you will, I'm still buying one.
This subject is incredibly dear to me and I will help in any way I possibly can.
Mine will be better than that one. That one's made of sheet metal and that handle looks like plastic. Although, mine will be built to smaller proportions. I just can't see making the thing that long.

The buster sword would not be very hard to make given the simple geometry. No curves at all. What a wonderful break. I guess there are a bunch of different versions of it, based on what comes up in an image search. I don't know what's official and what's not.

The gunblade will not have a functioning trigger or hammer. Those parts, along with the frame, will be cut from the steel plate as a single piece. The cylinder may revolve, but it wouldn't index to anything, just free spin. What's your take on this? I don't know what people would prefer, but it's easy for me either way.

I could actually make the hammer, trigger, and cylinder "functional," but that would probably involve using real commercial revolver parts. Of course, even if I did that, the "gun" wouldn't function because it wouldn't have a barrel and there would be no way to load it, but you would be able to dry fire it. This option would be very costly, however. I don't know just how costly, but certainly several hundred dollars.

I don't really want to do this because of the huge price increase. Additionally, I abhor the thought that even a somewhat functional item like this might put its lucky owner at odds with some of those overzealous security personnel who are so common in the world today, particularly around mass transit systems.
Moo! Flap! Hug!
Quote from Tom Folino:
I could actually make the hammer, trigger, and cylinder "functional,"

Then heaven help you if a non-American wins the gunblade and it has to go through customs Sad
Then heaven help you if a non-American wins the gunblade and it has to go through customs

Hmm... I hadn't actually thought of using divine intervention to solve this problem. It's just crazy enough to work.
When in doubt, use explosives.
Quote from Tom Folino:
Mine will be better than that one. That one's made of sheet metal and that handle looks like plastic. Although, mine will be built to smaller proportions. I just can't see making the thing that long.

Any clue right now what kind of proportion we're talking about? I personally would love for it to be able to handle more like an actual sword than a knife (like the Master Arms one).

Quote from Tom Folino:
The gunblade will not have a functioning trigger or hammer. Those parts, along with the frame, will be cut from the steel plate as a single piece. The cylinder may revolve, but it wouldn't index to anything, just free spin. What's your take on this? I don't know what people would prefer, but it's easy for me either way.

This is fine with me. It's not like I'm gonna go to town with it, it's just gonna hang there. In case I'd get someone over to the apartment though, it would be kinda cool to show it off, but this is more fashion than function and I don't think it would be worth it in the long run.

Quote from Tom Folino:
I could actually make the hammer, trigger, and cylinder "functional," but that would probably involve using real commercial revolver parts. Of course, even if I did that, the "gun" wouldn't function because it wouldn't have a barrel and there would be no way to load it, but you would be able to dry fire it. This option would be very costly, however. I don't know just how costly, but certainly several hundred dollars.

The actual gunblade as it is portrayed in the game(s) isn't exactly a bullet-firing gun per se. From what I gather, you load it up with blanks and upon cutting your opponent you pull the trigger and the blank will then make the thing vibrate to inflict more damage and/or pain to said opponent, since cutting someone apparently isn't enough on its own. For the extreme increase in cost, I say dump this idea in the river. A fixed trigger and hammer is very fine with me. Again, personally.

Quote from Poxnor:
Then heaven help you if a non-American wins the gunblade and it has to go through customs Sad

*raises hand*

All in all (it's just another brick etc), I'm totally down with a non-functional trigger and hammer yet functional cylinder. You may have all of my money for this, depending on the proportion question up top.
As discussed briefly above, I was going for a total length of about 26". What I'll probably do is make the handle a realistic size and then scale the blade to an appropriate size to make it able to be "wielded" without making it too small. Chokehold, since you're offering to pay for this and since you presumably represent others in your opinoins regarding this item, your input is welcome.

Any pics you can provide will also help me. Everyone here has been very helpful about providing pics and links, but just to clarify, when I ask for pics, it's not cause I'm too lazy to look for them. It's cause you guys know what you want more than I do, so you can send me in the right direction. A perfect example is how Sir VG made it clear to me that there are actually two different Griever pendants, one right, one wrong.
When in doubt, use explosives.
I was hoping for a bit longer, but I can definitely live with 26" Smiley

One thing I'm not too sure about regarding the pendant on the actual gunblade is whether or not it's "grooved" (not sure of the actual term one should use) on one side and completely flat with engraved text on the other. With grooved, I mean the one with the actual Griever portrait/picture/whatever thing. The "front". My English at 7:30am is getting better and better.
This might be something to consider. Judging however from the pendant's position in these Master Arms Youtube videos (1) and (2) it would seem that it is not flat on one side and grooved on the other, but grooved on both sides. No idea if you somehow would make a mold and mirror it and stick them together or something, but if you're going with sticking on the purchasable pendant that Sir VG posted and if you really want these details to be incredibly accurate, then this could potentially pose a problem.

Those videos also portray how the engraving is supposed to be mirroring-wise and well, it's a higher-res image of the thing.
I just so happened to stumble upon this outline drawing (source here, Photobucket was being a bitch so it had to go elsewhere) when googling. That's the only one I could find though, and it's a higher res than the one randomzero found.

These are things I would use as points of reference, for starters.

And lest I forget, thank you for choosing the gunblade, I almost wet my pants when I saw this thread. Just sayin.
I'm really looking forward to this thing. Seeing the Master Sword on cam this marathon was just... wow. Smiley
Quote from Chokehold:
One thing I'm not too sure about regarding the pendant on the actual gunblade is whether or not it's "grooved" (not sure of the actual term one should use) on one side and completely flat with engraved text on the other. With grooved, I mean the one with the actual Griever portrait/picture/whatever thing. The "front". My English at 7:30am is getting better and better.
This might be something to consider. Judging however from the pendant's position in these Master Arms Youtube videos (1) and (2) it would seem that it is not flat on one side and grooved on the other, but grooved on both sides. No idea if you somehow would make a mold and mirror it and stick them together or something, but if you're going with sticking on the purchasable pendant that Sir VG posted and if you really want these details to be incredibly accurate, then this could potentially pose a problem.

What are you talking about exactly? To my knowledge, the pendant SirVG posted is as accurate as you can get. There isn't supposed to be a flat side with text. Also, Tom has already said that he's not going to do a mold either way.

Nice find on the picture of the engraving.
Edit history:
Chokehold: 2012-02-08 04:57:00 am
When in doubt, use explosives.
Quote from randomzero:
Quote from Chokehold:
One thing I'm not too sure about regarding the pendant on the actual gunblade is whether or not it's "grooved" (not sure of the actual term one should use) on one side and completely flat with engraved text on the other. With grooved, I mean the one with the actual Griever portrait/picture/whatever thing. The "front". My English at 7:30am is getting better and better.
This might be something to consider. Judging however from the pendant's position in these Master Arms Youtube videos (1) and (2) it would seem that it is not flat on one side and grooved on the other, but grooved on both sides. No idea if you somehow would make a mold and mirror it and stick them together or something, but if you're going with sticking on the purchasable pendant that Sir VG posted and if you really want these details to be incredibly accurate, then this could potentially pose a problem.

What are you talking about exactly? To my knowledge, the pendant SirVG posted is as accurate as you can get. There isn't supposed to be a flat side with text. Also, Tom has already said that he's not going to do a mold either way.

Nice find on the picture of the engraving.

Thank you.

And what I'm talking about is the flat side of the pendant Sir VG found.
Looking at the videos, you can see that the pendant thing attached to the handle is more ballshaped and rounded than it would be if it had a flat surface like the pendant Sir VG linked.
In essence; the pendant Sir VG found is optimal in its detail and very good for this use, but if you want every little tiny detail to be accurate and going by the ballshaped thing in the videos, the flat side of the pendant could be a problem.
Edit history:
randomzero: 2012-02-08 05:17:20 am
randomzero: 2012-02-08 05:07:34 am
Oops, I guess it is flat and has text on one side in the link. Sorry about that. Everything you said makes sense now.

Edit: Here's one that would work, but it's not silver:
I'll see what I can do about the length. Making it a little longer shouldn't affect the price or manufacturability very much.

Good point about that pendant being semi-flat. I noticed this too, though I forgot to bring it up. Randomzero: good find on that other pendant. I don't know what that colored crap is, but for the price, it can't be anything too tough. I may be able to remove it with a wire wheel or a polishing wheel. Perhaps I'll buy one and try it out.

Thanks for that Griever profile pic. That makes my job easier.

I still have to figure out how much it's going to cost me in materials to make these things, but unless I get a bunch of order all of a sudden, I think I'll make five. Also, the price may come down from my original estimate of $800. No promises, but I do have every reason to minimize the price because that means more buyers.
Something occurred to me while watching those videos. I hadn't thought to put dummy rounds in the cylinder to make it look loaded (from the front). Is this something worth doing?
When in doubt, use explosives.
No harm done. Smiley

Very good find on that other pendant randomzero.
As for that colored crap, I daresay it could be shitty photography since the amount of miscoloring differs from one side to the other.
So.. either you buy one and take that chance or you can just, you know, contact the seller I guess.

I love the idea of putting dummy rounds in the cylinder. More detail is always welcome in my book.
I can't guarantee anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if my good friend and coworker would be very interested in purchasing one for himself as well.
Ha! Maybe I should give you a discount for referrals.

Now this is ridiculous, but I need some help finding an appropriate picture of the gunblade. Try as I might, I cannot find one, though I guess I don't really know where to look. The pic has to show the GB in profile, not at some tilted angle. It has to be at least a medium resolution, say 1,000 pixels or more on the long end. I've also seen that there's a fair amount of variety involving certain details. The grip, for instance, has finger grooves in some pics but not in others. Any pics you fine people can dig up will be appreciated. And I must emphasize that they show the GB in profile, because I need to trace that profile in my CAD software so that I can machine it.
Moo! Flap! Hug!
This isn't at all useful for your CAD software, but this screenshot from the game should settle the issue of whether or not there are finger grooves:,245002/
When in doubt, use explosives.
The best thing I could find was something with those godawful finger grooves:

I do have all day at work to look further though. Edits to come.
Wow, that's a great pic. I can delete the finger grooves. I'll just draw a line over that gap if that's all that's different.
When in doubt, use explosives.
Right off the bat, that's all that's different yes. And thank you. Smiley

Also, Poxnor is 100% right about the finger grooves. There shall be none.

After image googling for the past 25-30 minutes, I have come to two conclusions:
1) People have paid very little detail to the actual grip, because motherfuckers love those awful and horrible finger grooves.
2) Google is stupid. Searching for "gunblade" with safesearch set to "off" results in hentai and stuff further down the list. Also a closeup of food somewhere along the way. I wouldn't normally complain, but it made me hungry.