Well, here's a sample from Metroid Prime 3. Since we'll have a speedrun of it in the not too distant future, and there's always trick videos to be done, we might as well do this now.
Maybe I'm off-topic but just hear me out. When I encoded a movie earlier today, the sound was A LOT late (probably due to Framerate) and there were green disturbances at the bottom of the screen. Is this a side effect of not entering in the correct values? I would upload an sample but it doesn't work to make a sample :S. Here's the error line well, the two error lines when extracting a sample:
Avis [error]: Unsuported input format (DIB) x264 [error]: Could not open input file 'sample.avs'
yeah it looks like the sample extraction tool failed. the green stuff could be due to a bad dvd recorder. definitely upload a sample .vob if you can to one of the file sharing places listed in the faq, preferably filefront or yousendit. you can also make a torrent; pm me if you want to do that and i'll send you the url to our tracker.
what's the game in question and what system is it on?
I cannot extract a sample as the file I created from VDub will not be looked at and my run is being imported straight to my computer with a VCR as the medium.
So, yeah... I have kind of already been told that it's d1 f2, but I'll put this here anyway.
that appears to be pc capture. d1 f2 progressive scan.
Mischief Makers Nintendo 64
I cannot extract a sample as the file I created from Avisynth will not be looked at and my run is being imported straight to my computer with a VCR as the medium.
dunno about the sample extraction failing but mm is d4 f1 2d.