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Touhou anyone? :D
I guess I'll stop lurking for the day. XD Good luck, Exo. :3
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Quote from Exo:
I just ordered a wii so bad lasers hopefully won't be a problem anymore.

Just don't use a memory card 1019. The Wii has been known to fry them.
Edit history:
Exo: 2011-07-27 01:03:30 pm
Quote from Manocheese:
Quote from Exo:
I just ordered a wii so bad lasers hopefully won't be a problem anymore.

Just don't use a memory card 1019. The Wii has been known to fry them.

I have a logic 3 memory card (4mb, 59 blocks). Let's hope the wii won't fry that one cause I have no way to back up my gc savefiles haha ^^
Quote from Exo:
Quote from Manocheese:
Quote from Exo:
I just ordered a wii so bad lasers hopefully won't be a problem anymore.

Just don't use a memory card 1019. The Wii has been known to fry them.

I have a logic 3 memory card (4mb, 59 blocks). Let's hope the wii won't fry that one cause I have no way to back up my gc savefiles haha ^^

if you can, i would try to get a second or third memory card to back up files as you go.  I have 6 memory cards that i save run progress to....leaves me feeling comfortable knowing i won't lose any lost work.

btw, great job so far with this run Exo!  Happy to hear you'll be able to progress now.  This run is at the top of my 'favorites' list Smiley
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
Quote from Manocheese:
Quote from Exo:
I just ordered a wii so bad lasers hopefully won't be a problem anymore.

Just don't use a memory card 1019. The Wii has been known to fry them.

that shouldn't happen if you disable wiiconnect24 since that's what keeps the wii hot even while off.
my card never had a problem but i moved it back to the GC just in case.
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Strongfox: 2011-07-28 08:05:34 pm
If you want any help when your Wii arrives on softmodding it then just let me know cause i know all about that.  If you softmod it then you can also be able to extract save game files off your GCN memory card and transfor to another card too.
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logitechSDAZ: 2011-07-29 09:55:06 pm
possible lakebed entry without rupee dive

Even if this is possible, it is slower by at least 10 seconds. The only way it might not be slower is if a speedrunner did this during the same segment as Lanayru gate clip.
Edit history:
Exo: 2011-07-30 11:55:43 am
Damnit logitech stop finding stuff Tongue

Quick update :
Having some problems with the ebay seller. Trying to solve stuff. If it doesn't work I'll have to wait to get "my" money back over paypal/ebay :/
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Tompa: 2011-07-30 01:37:23 pm
Quote from Exo:
Damnit logitech stop finding stuff Tongue

Those words sound familiar... I hope Logitech finds more awesome stuff that makes you redo, like good old times.
Quote from Tompa:
Quote from Exo:
Damnit logitech stop finding stuff Tongue

Those words sound familiar... I hope Logitech finds more awesome stuff that makes you redo, like good old times.

No Tompa get out of here or you'll end up finding stuff too ! One is enough ! ^^
I have never found, and will never try to either, glitches or tricks in any of the 3D Zeldas. So don't worry about me.
Quote from Tompa:
I have never found, and will never try to either, glitches or tricks in any of the 3D Zeldas. So don't worry about me.

Good. One thing less to worry about Tongue
Gonna have to wait 15 days to get the money back over ebay -.-
Quote from Exo:
Quote from Tompa:
I have never found, and will never try to either, glitches or tricks in any of the 3D Zeldas. So don't worry about me.

Good. One thing less to worry about Tongue
Gonna have to wait 15 days to get the money back over ebay -.-

That sucks :\
Balls jerky
Quote from Tompa:
I have never found, and will never try to either, glitches or tricks in any of the 3D Zeldas. So don't worry about me.

find me tricks that work in real time for OoA please. and not 0.003% tricks either. I need them for the marathon <3
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UchihaSasuke: 2011-08-02 02:37:46 am
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
inb4 a huge trick is found before the final segment is done by a guest.
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
inb4 a huge trick is found before the final segment is done by a guest.

Knowing my luck I'm sure it'll happen.
Got my money back btw. Gonna buy the wii today (again^^).
Yay! Let's hope you don't get the short straw with some bad eBay seller again!
Good luck! Looking forward to the continuation of the run!
Bought the wii today. Hope it get's here soon so I can continue working on the run ^^
Thanks again to all the donators Smiley
Touhou anyone? :D
Hopefully the dealer didn't lie about the quality of the wii. Good luck, Exo! We look forward to more of your run!
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mzxrules: 2011-08-03 04:21:56 pm
A huge trick (not useful for Any% or 100% fortunately) is in final testing stage.

Quote from Razor7581 on ZeldaSpeedRuns:
I found that if you do infinite bombs & arrows, and then do BiT & die, you will have the bombs and arrows (set to the default values of 30) in your inventory. After discussing this with Logitech, we also believe that this finally makes getting the clawshot before the Forest Temple possible for FT IL runs. Here's the basic route he came up with:

1. infinite bombs/arrows
2. BiT
3. ems
4. clear Faron twilight
5. iron boots
6. BiTE (to get to Kakariko)
7. clear twilight
8. bomb the rock close to Eldin bridge
9. enter lake hylia
10. rupee dive, enter Lakebed, save (to automatically get past the water tunnel)
11. empty bomb bag, get water bombs
12. get ooccoo, blow up rock to Deku Toad, get clawshot
13. warp out, warp to north Faron, enter forest temple
(We could probably also get the Ball & Chain early as well and possibly use it on Diababa for a much faster fight.)

Edit: Is it possible to kill two twilit monsters at once with a single Bomb Arrow?
I want to do some random testing with the infinite bomb/arrow BiT glitch. The problem is that I cannot get bombs to appear in my inventory with BiT.  Only the bow appears. I guess I'll try to get the exact same items in my inventory Razor had to see if bombs will finally appear after BiT <_<
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mzxrules: 2011-08-03 08:32:48 pm
On the save, do you have all 3 Bomb Bags? Maybe that's part of it?

Also, some things I'm sort of wondering about now...

Is it possible to kill two twilit monsters at once with a single Bomb Arrow? (most important of all imo, as killing the twilit messengers across the gorge will lead to skipping half the FT)
What happens if you obtain the bow/bombs legit in the new save?
What things can we do with the bow/bombs in the Forest Temple (quick boss fight maybe?) and Goron Mines?
Razor mentioned something about the B&C. Can we get that early and use it in the Forest Temple now?
Can't we blow up the rock in the Zora Grave to get to Lake Hylia early (90% sure this crashes the game... but worth a try)?
Edit history:
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-05 02:54:25 am
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-05 02:48:34 am
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-05 02:38:27 am
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-05 02:33:25 am
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-05 02:05:38 am
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-05 01:53:12 am
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-05 01:22:38 am
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-04 12:27:31 am
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-03 09:23:28 pm
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-03 08:48:03 pm
logitechSDAZ: 2011-08-03 08:39:56 pm
Quote from mzxrules:
On the save, do you have all 3 Bomb Bags? Maybe that's part of it?

Also, some things I'm sort of wondering about now...

Is it possible to kill two twilit monsters at once with a single Bomb Arrow? (most important of all imo, as killing the twilit messengers across the gorge will lead to skipping half the FT)
What happens if you obtain the bow/bombs legit in the new save?
What things can we do with the bow/bombs in the Forest Temple (quick boss fight maybe?) and Goron Mines?
Razor mentioned something about the B&C. Can we get that early and use it in the Forest Temple now?
Can't we blow up the rock in the Zora Grave to get to Lake Hylia early (90% sure this crashes the game... but worth a try)?

Well, looking at Razor's vid, it looks like before he does BiT he has 2 bomb bags + stolen bag, which is what I have as well.  Here's what he has in his inventory I don't...hawkeye, 4th bottle. Other than that, my inventory is the same as his and I'm still not getting bombs to appear after BiT. I'll get those other items and try again I guess.

Also, I'm wondering about those things you mentioned as well. I'd like to do some testing, but I can't do much until I get bombs to appear (I don't have AR, so I can't do any testing that way).  And yeah, bombing the rock and entering lake hylia early crashes the game. Going through that entrance always crashes the game if lake hylia is empty in the twilight realm.

edit: I finally got bombs. As far as I can tell, the exact trigger for bombs is to have 19 items in your inventory (Razor had 19) before doing BiT. I had a couple of different items in my inventory than Razor (ooccoo jr, Ashei's sketch). So I don't think it matters what items are there as long as you have 19 of them.

edit 2: Nevermind. I was wrong. Looks like you get bombs with BiT if you have the Goron bomb bag in your inventory. I emptied the Goron bomb bag, caught one bombfish, did infinite bomb/arrow glitch, did BiT, and now I have the bow and 15 water bombs.

edit 3: I haven't tried opening the portal at the gorge yet by killing the messengers with bomb arrows, but I attempted to open the portal in Kakariko village using bomb arrows just to see if it was possible. It didn't work.

edit 4: One bomb arrow beats Ook. Diababa is owned with bomb arrows. You can kill him quickly before Ook even appears. And this is probably known and old (most likely discovered through AR experimentation), but you can bomb the rock to enter FT before rescuing Talo. If you then leave FT, the rock reappears, and you instantly clip through it and fall to your death.
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
that rock was a bad way to cover the entrance anyway. they should have put a proper door.
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mzxrules: 2011-08-05 05:27:57 pm
^Tell that to Grezzo.

Edit: Just realized that taking water bombs back with you means no rupee dive =O