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I'm confused.
I thought we could skip most of the monkeys in the Forest Temple?
dem tokay
You can't LJA across the gap in the Wii version.
Uh, if this user made a speedrun, how come he's not listed on the speeddemonsarchive.
All I can find is the GC runner.
So why isn't this guy added to the list?
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ZenicReverie: 2011-02-10 06:55:24 pm
Waiting hurts my soul...
Because people aren't just added automatically. There's a whole process involved:

It's definitely not as immediate as uploading to youtube, and can take as much as 6 months or more from the time a run gets enough verifiers before you see a run on site.

The first step though is submitting the run in the first place and waiting for verifiers, and that can vary widely.
Verification is the biggest hang up between submission and posting of the run.  That's why we try so hard to direct everybody's attention to the verification board.

However, in this case, this run was never submitted afaik.
Hey guys I know I haven't been here in a while, I've just been up to other things but I was wondering..if I completed this run, would this count as a low% run seeing as how the any% route has changed?
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
depends. do you get the lowest % possible or did you pick up something skippable?
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Tp_Fox: 2011-02-13 12:48:44 pm
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
depends. do you get the lowest % possible or did you pick up something skippable?

I didn't pick up anything that was skippable iirc, unless someone proves me I'm wrong.
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
i see.
hopefully, someone with up-to-date knowledge comes and posts since i'm behind in TP advancements outside BiT.
Since your current run is still the best, why not submit it as an %any run.
Might inspire someone to try to do better then you.
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
i bet the verifiers will reject it due to outdated routes.
2 years before I got my Wii. I rented this game for GCN and then I beat it just before I had to return it. It was so much fun. If I ever get this for the Gamecube again (If they let me have the same game for both systems) I would go to Hyrule Field and sleep to the beautiful night theme. I can still do that I if I pick up the Horsegrass and set my Wiimote down. The problem is mom likes to bowl on the Wii after Midnight and my room is too small for bowling. XD So I put MY Wii in the living room for her.
Hey, obviously I'm not going to look through 413 pages, so can anyone link me to a route for the single segment of this game? It would be much appreciated
Quote from TLoZSR:
Hey, obviously I'm not going to look through 413 pages, so can anyone link me to a route for the single segment of this game? It would be much appreciated

For a SS, this is probably the best route.

There's another route that would save over a minute, but there's a few scenerios that are very risky.  A couple of mess ups could lead to a worse time.

how much time would a good sword and shield skip save? I was thinking 2-3 minutes, and I'm semi-consistent with the glitch, with practice I could probably get it almost every time.
Quote from TLoZSR:
how much time would a good sword and shield skip save? I was thinking 2-3 minutes, and I'm semi-consistent with the glitch, with practice I could probably get it almost every time.

Once you start pushing the bulblin, you could take 2:25 to get it in the correct position and it would still save time.
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Tp_Fox: 2011-03-30 02:43:17 pm
Tp_Fox: 2011-03-30 02:42:47 pm
If anyone's even interested I'm currently practicing in getting back into shape, this segment is hard. Tongue Just got the recording gear set up again, what a hassle. :| I had to lift some tvs in the process, not fun but it set up now. Anyways I'm currently attempting to get this done and just posting as an update to what's going on.
That's cool, I enjoyed your first segments.

I think I'll attempt the sword and shield skip single segment, I'll need to practice a bit, but it's only about 15-20 minutes into the run, a reset there wouldn't be too bad. And also, a question on fighting king bulblin with bombs, do the bombs explode on impact with him, or do you need to time them so they explode when you throw them. And finally, I believe the sword and shield skip will leave you without a shield for the entire run, is there any point that would be very difficult or impossible without a shield?

Thanks for your time
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logitechSDAZ: 2011-03-31 12:08:07 am
Quote from TLoZSR:
And also, a question on fighting king bulblin with bombs, do the bombs explode on impact with him, or do you need to time them so they explode when you throw them.

You have to time the bombs to explode.
I tried 3+ hours tonight and the furthest I got was the 3rd room with the treasure chest lja. :\ I'll give it a go tomorrow, I'm tired.
Quote from Tp_Fox:
I tried 3+ hours tonight and the furthest I got was the 3rd room with the treasure chest lja. :\ I'll give it a go tomorrow, I'm tired.

glad to see you back on this....really really looking forward to watching your progress!!
Quote from UCpro:
Quote from Tp_Fox:
I tried 3+ hours tonight and the furthest I got was the 3rd room with the treasure chest lja. :\ I'll give it a go tomorrow, I'm tired.

glad to see you back on this....really really looking forward to watching your progress!!

Thanks, and in other news I tried for 20 mins this morning and I got up to the room with the fans but then I messed up. :\ But I'm getting closer now, I can feel it, hopefully I get it today.
OMG, you're back! Break this game, like I know you can!
OMG YES **** YES, I've never been this excited before. I tried for more than 12 hours yesterday, I played this the whole day and I couldn't get it. But after sleeping and doing it for 2 hours this morning I GOT IT!!! It's pretty good but the bad news is I won't be able to upload until Sunday though. But expect it then. Smiley
Quote from Tp_Fox:
OMG YES **** YES, I've never been this excited before. I tried for more than 12 hours yesterday, I played this the whole day and I couldn't get it. But after sleeping and doing it for 2 hours this morning I GOT IT!!! It's pretty good but the bad news is I won't be able to upload until Sunday though. But expect it then. Smiley

Awesome job, i love your dedication.  So can't wait to see this!!!