Postman letters: You get them all throughout the game anyway, with the exception of ONE, which requires getting Ooccoo in any one dungeon. It would just add time to a run, especially a Wii run where the postman is skippable.
Cave of Ordeals: We go down to floor 42(?) anyway for a Poe Soul. A Wii run would be 8 more levels of boomeranging torches; a GCN run would be 8 more floors of boring waves of enemies.
Poe Scents: This one is very unimportant to have in the goal. The last scent in the game is the medicine scent and it's required to complete our current 100% definition.
Fish Journal is really the only object that has a case going for it. Anything I said could be turned the other direction. The ruling was accepted by Mike and the majority of the TP runners of old, including everyone that planned the 100% routes. I'm sure the vast majority of the viewers would rather see a faster run than watch the runner add time onto a run just to get what some people believe is 100%.
I'm not going to bother commenting on 13013's comment, but I think it's pretty obvious what I'm thinking.
the only one of those i could see people asking why it isn't fully completed in a run is the cave of ordeals because of the challenge's nature. we could make a note that beating the last floors is just like beating the obstacle course in OoT for the cow since you don't get an actual collectible.
Well hell see people are willing to do it then why not someone do it already. Since you did mention that it seems like you care.
"I want someone to do something for my entertainment and I don't care if they don't want to do it because derp herpaderpa herp."
OT: I do feel that there could be some fairly large improvements to the Any%, but that's probably in the same place as 100%. Why does this game have to be so stubborn to breaks? And loooong on top of that.
Though I guess it's only really long compared to the ridiculously broken MM and OoT.
Guys, omfg. I think we might be able to SKIP HALF THE FOREST TEMPLE and Faron Tears. However, as I was just finishing this up I totally forgot that we need to use Z to warp off the map screen for CitS early. But this shit might still be doable.
Kakariko Bridge is no longer a requirement for the Map Glitch due to the alternate map glitch from Chimpa's vid. I just tested it myself by transforming into a wolf, warping directly with Midna, and cancelling by howling into the reeds in GCN V1.0. Haven't gotten it to work the way Chimpa's did it yet... I'm trying to run through what we need to get this to get this to work and what will kill it.
Ok, the current route is BiT -> Sword/Shield/Epona, get Boots on day 3 ->Hyrule Castle -> S&S skip -> EMS. After that, the only thing we really need from the Forest Temple is the Gale Boomerang as it's used for LJAs and I think (not sure) a puzzle or two in Ganon's Castle. The Shadow Now here's where my route would deviate. The Shadow Whatsits from the forest temple SHOULD be skipable like the Goron Mines one is because of the cutscene at the end of Lakebed. But anyway, after getting the Gale Boomerang, we can then activate BiTE at Faron Bridge to skip to Kakariko Twilight (can't be skipped because of Goron Rock). Now after we clear that, we should be able to go north of Kakariko, activate the Map Glitch, and fly Epona around until we get back in bounds and enter Laranyu Twilight there. From there we should be able to continue the route, as long as we can warp the Goron Rock. The only way I see us not being able to warp it is if either Midna won't even talk to us, or if we're forced to press Z in the map screen to open up the portals.
Ugh, spent an hour or two doing everything up until the Map Glitch and I couldn't get neither mine or Chimpa's method to work at all. I'm hoping I'm not wrong about this... I got it to work on a completed save file, but it shouldn't make that much of a difference should it?
mzxrules, I'm not sure how Chimpas' method is useful. In his video, he opens up the map with D-pad, opens portals, then cancels the warp with Auru's memo. To open portals on the map, you have to kill the gorge messengers. I've done his method. What I can't do is open up the map with Z button, then cancel a warp. If you can do that, then you can do map glitch right after getting ems. But even if that is possible, you'd get stuck trying to warp the sky cannon to lake hylia. There is not a way to warp the cannon early without opening portals on the map screen, which means the gorge messengers have to be killed.
logi, you're right about Early CitS being impossible unless we can Z-warp from the map. But still, I'd like to see if we can skip at least one set of tears even if it takes longer. Also, I finally got Map Glitch without Z-Map to work legitimately with my new method, but I howled at a stone in the twilight.
I think I know why it didn't work last night. The only thing I really did different from last night was I made sure Midna was on Link's back. Whenever you talk to Midna while she's not on your back as a Wolf, Link will tilt his head down slightly. But when she's on your back, he cranks his head around significantly to look at her directly. My theory is that it takes a few more frames for Link to move his head back into position when Midna's on his back, giving the Howl option more time to appear on the screen.
I still haven't managed to get Chimpa's method to work, so I'm still hopeful that we can do the Map Glitch without Z-Map anywhere.
Uh, just thought of something. Well not sure how long it would take but you should be able to map glitch out the forest once you turn it back to the light. You would have to put Epona in a wall somewhere, then save, and load. Then ride Epona out the forest and all the way to the gorge to kill those gorge messengers. Should be faster then rolling all that distance, right?
Uh, just thought of something. Well not sure how long it would take but you should be able to map glitch out the forest once you turn it back to the light. You would have to put Epona in a wall somewhere, then save, and load. Then ride Epona out the forest and all the way to the gorge to kill those gorge messengers. Should be faster then rolling all that distance, right?
It's been practically a year since I last played, but IIRC the game crashes if you ride Epona into Faron Woods before you beat the Forest Temple.
Well even if you could skip half of the forest temple, I'm not so sure if you can warp the fire rock to Zora's River. I remember sometimes with my glitching I could not warp this rock. It's been a while so I forget exactly what caused this but I believe it had to do with the forest area in some way.
If you can get through that one gate with wolf link, I wonder if there are any other gates that work the same way. Or how instead of an enemy use transformation. It got us to the Canon early.
If you can get through that one gate with wolf link, I wonder if there are any other gates that work the same way. Or how instead of an enemy use transformation. It got us to the Canon early.
What one gate? If you mean the Faron Woods gate, it's not even there after Hyrule Castle 1, it's a Midna Barrier. The only theory that I've heard that seemed like it had even a remote chance of getting through involved luring a bug all the way over there and performing an LJA off of it as a wolf.
Someone posted in this thread very recent that they managed to get through the gate by attacking a bug (go back about 6 posts, too lazy to quote). Just saying maybe there are other gates we can get through with some different methods.
At most the time saver would be maybe 30 seconds if you could get through every gate quickly.
"Or how instead of an enemy use transformation." Bad wording. I meant to say instead of using an enemy to get through a gate, maybe we can try transformation next to a gate to try to get through any barriers that block our way.
Odd and slightly off topic question, but can't we BiT and beat the game without getting EMS (even though it would be slower)? Just trying to remember stuff about TP.