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I don't understand why this particular form of map glitch works in newer versions. In a newer version, the warp was canceled using a bottle. Map glitch did not activate. So why would canceling the warp with Auru's memo be any different?

Touhou anyone? :D
If I may ask, I've read some of these most recent posts about this game and I'm wondering something. I guess I'm behind the times, which is why I'm asking. Why do people not like this game? Why call it boring? Why run or even look for various amounts of glitches for a game that you don't like?
I'm sorry, but it's bugging me now. >.<
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UchihaSasuke: 2010-08-20 08:50:30 pm
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
people actually got bored of the game after finding the glitches and running it a lot. the game itself isn't very compelling and once new discoveries and routes stopped being made, it stalled and people lost interest. it is a bit of a reverse situation to what is going on with TWW lately (the game was boring for a long time but lately a lot of new discoveries were found and activity increased a lot as a result)
Touhou anyone? :D
I would think that would happen with OoT and MM if that's the case since they're still being run and new glitches/routes being found and whatnot.
I actually liked TP, but that's merely my own opinion.
:O People are finally liking WW? That's great!
The longer a Zelda game takes to finish, and the trickier it is for perfection it can be quite boring to beat.
I predict that someone will start a new speedrun with this game after the excitement for Skyward Sword goes away.

Look what happened with OOT, new records were made many years later after the game was released. Probably because most of the glitches were discovered so people knew they wound't have to start over because of some major glitch being discovered.
Oh, when you say a bottle cancels a warp, do you think it can be used to undo a map glitch? (I doubt it though)
This would save some more time and make the map glitch more useful. Besides saving a little time in snowpeak (won't have to use the wolf), it may create some new shortcuts.
So none of you want to do a massively improved run clocking down to 3:30 from 4:00 because you're oh so bored? For shame.

>game isn't very compelling
It's the best game in the line since ALttP for having an actual storyline- MM is utter shit, WW is a sailing simulation and visual novel rather an adventure game, and OoT is only good because of your nostalgia goggles
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Quote from derp:
So none of you want to do a massively improved run clocking down to 3:30 from 4:00 because you're oh so bored? For shame.

>game isn't very compelling
It's the best game in the line since ALttP for having an actual storyline- MM is utter shit, WW is a sailing simulation and visual novel rather an adventure game, and OoT is only good because of your nostalgia goggles

lol story in ALttP. It's essentially the same story as this game, which many people say isn't so good. TWW and MM have amazing stories if you get past your own bias.
Tip of the day: story means nothing to a speedrunner. We care about compelling -gameplay-, and at a higher level, Twilight Princess has gameplay that is very luck-based and annoying.
Best Ike In My City!
Quote from derp:
So none of you want to do a massively improved run clocking down to 3:30 from 4:00 because you're oh so bored? For shame.

>game isn't very compelling
It's the best game in the line since ALttP for having an actual storyline- MM is utter shit, WW is a sailing simulation and visual novel rather an adventure game, and OoT is only good because of your nostalgia goggles

We will see man we'll see. Wink
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
Quote from derp:
So none of you want to do a massively improved run clocking down to 3:30 from 4:00 because you're oh so bored? For shame.

>game isn't very compelling
It's the best game in the line since ALttP for having an actual storyline- MM is utter shit, WW is a sailing simulation and visual novel rather an adventure game, and OoT is only good because of your nostalgia goggles

derp indeed. that nonsense fits the username perfectly. TP is middleline in the series at most. it hasn't even aged good at all since TWW looks better. the dungeons are the only good part of it but outside them, complete snorefest. only TWW's sailing is more boring.

from a speedrunner's perspective, OoT and MM are among the best games in the series, with some of the 2D ones up there.

also, story in games are usually shit so you can't compare games using one of the worst aspects of them.
Just out of curiosity, what would a 100% run include? Aside from items (including all bottles and capacity expansions), hearts, golden bugs, and poe spirits, would minor things like letters and fish also be necessary? We're already ruling out the maps and compasses - basically, the rule of thumb should be "if you can see if you have it or not just by booting up the game and not visiting specific areas, then it counts". But it seems like overkill to bum around in the fishing pond for ages to get every single type of fish. What do people think about this?

And yes, I know the current attitude towards a 100% run is "don't do it, it's a terrible idea", but this wouldn't be submitted to SDA, it's just for fun. We're just wondering what people think should count and what shouldn't.
dem tokay
Taken from low%/100% definitions thread:

Zelda: Twlight Princess, The Legend of: All hearts (heart pieces, heart containers), all upgrades, item screen complete (all items), collection screen complete (swords, clothes, shields), all poe souls, wallet, quiver, and golden bugs
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
also, don't the letters pile up at some point where you can't avoid the postman and receive all of them at once?
I was mainly referring to the letters you get from Ooccoo and her son, which you only get if you use them in the dungeons. They're missable.
Stand: Devil's Call in your Heart
oh i see. i thought those were automatic too.
(user is banned)
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13013: 2010-09-04 01:43:43 pm
Yes Mario Riding A Pole
So I take it that all Zelda community speed runners HATE TLOZ: TP or think its to hard to 100% speedrun?
Not hate. They dislike the work involved in getting such a run up to acceptable quality.
In other words: it's too demanding. Too much luck and things involved.
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Paraxade: 2010-09-04 01:49:53 pm
So I take it that all Zelda speedrun viewers can't just shut the hell up about it already?

I'm sorry but there's a new post in this thread every few days and half the time it's someone bitching that there's no new run. Seriously it's getting really annoying. Someone will do one if they damn well want to, quit the complaining and do the run yourself if you want to see it so badly.
You don't need to get so worked up.
Most of them want to see the work of some of the very skilled runners here. It's simply a pleasure to watch their work.
Wanting to see is not the same as demanding. People are simply curious to see if there is any progress.
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Paraxade: 2010-09-04 02:01:33 pm
I can understand if people want to watch runs. I can't understand why that means people have to constantly ask about it when the exact same thing has already been discussed and answered within the last few days and argue with the reasoning people have for not running the game. Hint: It's completely subjective and arguing about it isn't going to change anyone's minds.

The last couple pages aren't even about the game. It's about why people aren't running the game. It's stupid and pointless.
That discussion surfaced simply because viewers and runners have different views on the matter. It's not stupid or pointless.
It's more about viewers expressing their concern or wish to see a run and the runners just say NO, too much work involved in this game.
...Well, regardless, let's not get into that. Think of it as a complement. People want to watch everyone's great work.

And I believe people ask about it because they don't know. And, as always, they're lazy. No one wants to read through a 200+ page topic. When you see something like that, you just skip to the end and hope that your question won't bring rage. Be forgiving. Concentrate on ignoring them and doing something that you like instead.

And bear with me. I don't mean you or any other runner ill.
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ComboKing: 2010-09-04 03:32:32 pm
Best Ike In My City!
Quote from 13013:
So I take it that all Zelda community speed runners HATE TLOZ: TP or think its to hard to 100% speedrun?
Nope love it only the elitists dislike it. Practicing Practicing Practicing.
Touhou anyone? :D
Quote from 13013:
So I take it that all Zelda community speed runners HATE TLOZ: TP or think its to hard to 100% speedrun?

I like it. :3
(user is banned)
Edit history:
13013: 2010-09-04 04:55:56 pm
Yes Mario Riding A Pole
Well sorry for going on a rampage but i was getting a little mad at the time. What i really wanted was to ask if people don't like doing a 100% speed run of the game because it takes to much work and luck. but thats over now and i understand that some hardcore gamers hate it when they get bugged about a run not being done and people complaining, but its only the viewer wanting to see the awesome work not just see a run get done.  Most of the viewers of Zelda games don't just come here to watch for it being completed but come to watch all the great work involved and skills. And i would like to point out that its probably true about any game viewer fanatics is the same applies there too.