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brassmaster: 2013-05-20 10:43:35 am
If it's the fight at the end of the research base, I explained it earlier, but I will be doing SS attempts tonight and I'll try to explain it for a highlight.  also, made it half way through the Salarii fortress when Zydin pops in and tells me about a fight skip we previously thought not possible.  it's the 2nd fight after the fire arrows, shoot the bar down and then clip the door like the deer door or the radio tower door.  needless to say, I'm back to shantytown on my segmented run.  it's worth the extra 50 seconds it could save.
Heeeh so it is because you are burning the bar down that everything can spawn... heeeh. HEEEH. Nice Zydin. Nice. (heeeh) Need to try running this game once more... One day.
Im not quite sure about which fight youre talking about.. is it after you get the fire arrows and before the 1st grim skip?
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GoHC farfadet: 2013-05-20 10:10:05 am
yep, on the door on which you have to use the fire arrows. And i just discovered you need to make it in one try.
If you reload the fight the wood bar is already burnt, and the next exterior never load anymore by clipping the door.
sorry, i realized I typed "first" instead of "fire" which could have caused some confusion.
Hey, brassmaster. You know how we were looking at the fight just after you reencounter sam and dr whitman? Well...I think I was able to get through the door on the right, but it warped me back into the main room. Maybe you will have better luck.
Steps I took: 1. Move as quickly as possible to the right to position yourself as close as possible to the door to allow enemies to run through it. 2. Kill an enemy to trigger the door opening. 3. Incapacitate the enemy moving through the door before he gets through (this keeps the door open longer. I've yet to incap at the time of posting this. Only injure) 4. Get through the door?
Also, in reference to the beam on fire skip...cookie said its not possible on pc
Nope. Doesn't work. Sigh. Back to the drawing board
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Aphox: 2013-05-20 10:37:41 pm
Also know as L0rdy
You guys are talking about the gate where you have to set the wooden bar on fire / use the fire arrows the first time no?
I skipped that door on PC, not sure why everybody is saying that it doesnt work : (.

EDIT: After talking to Brassmaster it seems logical that you guys only tried the normal clip technic instead of old version from pewable where you use the shield dude to clip through the gate.

You can find that here:
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Zydin: 2013-05-21 12:26:42 pm
Skip it in a way that it isn't useless. Also, I found a couple minor things to shave time off a run. Ill upload a video as soon as I get internet again
Also know as L0rdy
Skip it in a way that it isn't useless.

Not sure what you mean with this.
Skip it so that the next section loads so you can advance
Also know as L0rdy
That would be simple no? You shoot the wooden bar as you do with the other method, and then clip through the door using the shield dude.
Well the beam is the trigger, so as long as it's burned it shouldn't matter how you clip through the door.
Also know as L0rdy
There you go, you skipped it in a way that isnt useless!
We're talkin pc vs xbox though. I'm on xbox and I know it works. Cookie said it doesn't work on pc
Also know as L0rdy
Yeah npnp, I was just checking that I didnt had a stupid flaw in my thinking, but I am pretty sure as long as the burning down of that wooden bar triggers the next area to load you are able to execute this trick on any platform. Using the shield dude is a bit more tricky then the newer clipping method tho.
No, you've got the proper idea. Not sure why you'd shield clip instead of lunge clip. The lunge is faster because you don't have to wait for the shield guy. But what you're saying is that it -is- skippable on PC?
Also know as L0rdy
Yes, you can use the shield clip on PC, I was confused why cookie said the door wasnt clipable on PC, but my guess is that he only tried to clip doing the new method and that one does not work on PC, and that is obviously why you would use the shield clip over the one you use on xbox.
Hmm. Don't you have to kill some people before he comes out? Maybe you can make him appear then clip through the door thee normal way. In some games you have to kill certain people to trigger events. Maybe you can just kill the right guy to get to the shield guy...
Also know as L0rdy
If I remember correctly there was one shield dude who spawned with the first 4 that spawn at the start and you had to leave 1 other dude alive to make sure the next wave isnt already spawning, so you'd kill 2 while he is walking up to you. Then you need some luck that he pushes your through the gate. Didnt train it that much so you probably want to train that skip a lot to see how consistant you can get it to work on PC before using it.
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Zydin: 2013-05-21 04:46:44 pm
I don't have any plans to get it for pc. Just trying to help you guys get a faster time
Also know as L0rdy
Never told you to get it on PC I am only telling this to all the PC players out there.
You mean I don't get to be self centered and think everything is directed at me? *gasp* NOOOOOOO. Or should I say...KAHN!!!!
star trek reference? really? ok it did just come out, alright I'll let it slide...

Zydin, are there any other skips you know about that we might have missed?