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I am trying to find a use to it, will post it tonight if I don't find something with it. Wasted potential is going to be wasteeed.
Quote from CrypticJacknife:
Fly a little? You mean this?

That's like what happens when I fail in the last jump :
you can jump in that state if you place the camera correctly.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Yep, I remember Brass using what you are talking about the first few runs he used Finale skip. Never had a FL go well in the finale myself, it's either over the top or miss :/
No need to be so high on that pillar!

I think the best way to do the skip is to face the pillar, jump against it then go left a little and it should be ok. Then just smash jump towards the bridge...
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
That looks like the plan Tongue Getting on the highest part isn't too tough but hopefully that can be a crutch if I screw the second jump a little.
EDIT: ST2 vid coming up. Give it an hour or two it's a pretty damn big video.
Edit history:
CrypticJacknife: 2013-03-20 10:19:36 am
CrypticJacknife: 2013-03-20 10:17:50 am
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Accuracy reticle microtransactions for single player. This is something we are banning. Okay? What are they doing....

MS Store Page says "helps her utilize her weapons more accurately"
Who cares about this thing anyways. Aim for the head > kill. Not a big deal.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Funny part is they just announced today there isn't going to be any more SP DLC >_>
80 minutes to video being up.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!

Doing Geo Caves now. Also shoutouts to 50% item collection! ~

EDIT: Herp.
In the optional tomb Chamber of Judgment you can throw those cans in the area on the plate, that's maybe a bit faster?

When shooting the gas and you get hit and thrown backwards in the caverns, maybe better to just jump/crouch backwards one time and shoot the gas? Smiley
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Those cans give me enough trouble just trying to drop them. Faster, but much riskier.

Kind of pick your poison with the gas explosion. Considering the 100% route you don't tap it early, so you lose as much time jumping back and shooting as you do just tapping the seam with the fire tip and taking the damage. Was thinking this area may have potential for re-route, but that's something I will take into consideration when I actually get the entire game routed, and I go fine-tooth on the route's ass.

Keep the suggestions coming! Cheesy

Summit Forest is next and I hate red cap round-up. Kay? Kay.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!

Thinking I may go and do fourth visit for MV and second for SF after getting the rope ascender. Sounds right?
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!

Now this is just nice.
Yeah nice!
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
So just ran ahead in the route to make sure everything is all okay with the apparent glitched 100%. Things are all good, at least in the version I'm using. Even better, the game gives you the post-game journal during the ending, so timing will still stop at final hit on Mathias.

Also of note, apparently Solarii Fortress is worth 10% by itself. The final boss? Not worth a damn thing, 100% works with finale skip.

Shipwreck Beach visit 1 spans nearly fifteen minutes, so that video might take a while for me to be happy enough to upload a run. In lieu of that, I may just do a spontaneous 100, see what time I end up with Smiley We'll see.
Edit history:
CrypticJacknife: 2013-03-22 02:07:16 pm
CrypticJacknife: 2013-03-22 02:06:59 pm
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Shit just got real. Did that spontaneous 100. Even with Bunker and Base completely unrouted, 3:15:17!!!!!


Intro - 9:41
Coastal Forest - 17:56
Mountain Temple - 26:19
Mountain Village V1 - 34:03
Mountain Base - 41:04
Base Exterior - 47:15
Mountain Village V2 - 57:36
Chasm Monastery - 1:04:10
Fire Arrows - 1:10:19
Shanty Town Gate - 1:18:12
Shanty Town - 1:31:08
Geothermal Caverns - 1:39:08
Solarii Fortress - 1:48:03
Gondola Transport - 2:00:00 (!!!!!!!)
Shipwreck Beach - 2:14:17
Alex - 2:24:00
Cliffside Bunker - 2:28:34
Enter Research Base - 2:38:17
Clean Up Start - 2:45:18
Finale Start - 2:56:33
Stronghold Battle - 3:05:48
Done! - 3:15:17

Can't wait to see what it drops to when all is set in stone.
Nice Cryptic, good luck recording it...

I am trying to do a video with all my glitches but I am so bad at editing. It never works. Be prepare to see some useless glitches involving camera etc.
New litttle skip! I CAN'T believe it is new Cheesy !
wow, awesome to both cryptic and pewable.  I'm looking forward to watching them
What are you guys using to put a timer during a stream? I use the software Game Capture HD to both recording and streaming. Do I need to download something else to stream? It is easy to stream with my current software so... :/

I want to beat my time but uploading to youtube etc is sooo troublesome. The fact that twitch will keep the video is really useful... But my stream often crashs... Errr.

My next video will be soon, I have so much problem with Sony Vegas, my computer is laging like hell too.
welcome to the goob show
Most people use Wsplit for a Timer and Splits.  There are a couple others, though:
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-23 08:19:44 pm

There is it, my little useless glitches! I forgot a lot of clip though now that I watched it.

I will see if I can do something with Wsplit, thank you Goobi.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Second 100 run. 3:14:39. Was five minutes behind at Beach O_O These will be fun splits. Shows how unstable that ending is atm :/
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-24 09:53:24 am
Found a way to remove Lara's ponytail... Screw you Square Enix, I made my own skin, keep your DLCs.

Edit: Next checkpoint gives Lara her ponytail back Sad ...
Playing with my editing software! Uploading a Grim Skip tutorial!