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TheGlitched64: 2015-04-06 10:00:56 pm
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-06 10:00:42 pm
Awesome, thanks for that! I should actually have the 100% up today. And I will keep that in mind if I am having trouble routing, especially the 100% routes [I know level 2 100% is actually giving me some problems. Downtown Springfield is my worst map.] Tongue
Edit history:
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-08 03:49:47 am
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-08 03:43:20 am
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-08 03:15:37 am
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-08 03:09:12 am
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-08 02:59:50 am
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-08 02:53:25 am
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-08 02:42:28 am
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-08 02:38:59 am
So, here is my World Record attempt at a single segment 100% run of Level 1 [Pal] [Ps2] (32:53'99)

FEATURING THE GHOST ROAD GLITCH FOR "Flowers by Irene" AND "Bonestorm Storm."

Just like my all mission% run, time starts at cutscene, not first input.

Here is a rundown on all the little tricks I used that I think people will wanna know:
- First things first, using the car and getting to the park and the first backyard to get coins... and here we see why this is not a 32:30 time... the first 2 wasps. Tongue
Anyway, I do all the backyard stuff, including Wiggum's, before I do any mission.

- Next is doing the tutorial mission and  collecting everything around and in [in that order] around the Kwik-e-Mart before finishing the mission, buying the clothing required, and skipping off to the first real mission.

- Nothing too groundbreaking in S-M-R-T. Just race Tamzerian to the school and instead of going in, go around back and on the roof, collect all the things, hit the 2 gags in the school, textbook stuff.

- Petty theft Homer... grab the TV gag before the mission... grab some coins off route... honestly very vanilla...

- Office Spaced... controversy... I think the Plow King route is faster! Yes, I lose time getting there but I hit Smithers faster, destroy him near a phone booth and grab the sedan as I race to the bridge, grab the 2 wasp cameras and go to the bonus Cletus the slaked jawed yokel mission [Not before buying Gil's cars first though.]

- Bonus mission... Vanilla as hell but no hit & run!

- I don't mission skip to blind big brother but instead collect everything along the path, Race included.

- After blind big brother I grab the stuff in the stonecutter shortcut, grab the last card, the 19th wasp, do Nelsons's race, grab wasp number 20 and [THIS IS IMPORTANT] Do Ralph's race BEFORE flower's by Irene.

- THE GHOST ROAD GLITCH: Do Ralph's race, as soon as you win, spam the mission select button like you were going for a cutscene skip, go to flowers by irene, run inside and play the cutscene as soon as possible and if done right, voila, there are no cars for the surveillance van to crash into and screw up your run with!

- The cars stayed gone for Bonestorm storm but I have not routed this mission well... mediocre...

- Used the Carl trick for the fat and furious, roll him into the power plant before talking to him and take the stonecutter shortcut.

And... that's it... Feedback is appreciated!

If nothing goes right, go left
Okay, I watched the whole 100% run of Level 1 and it looks very impressive! Your coin route is very good and I also like your cycle through Springfield to collect all items and do the bonus missions/races. Also the Ghost Road Glitch was pretty interesting. Does it only work with the Ralph Race? Good job TheGlitched64!

As for Level 2 100%, the coin route should not be hard if you are going for an IL run: You can already collect enough coins from Level 1 to buy all the necessary stuff in Level 2 (The same thing can be done for all the other levels as well). I will also give it a try to route it and support you with this Level!

If you have trouble with the Downtown Map, I attached a 100% map for Level 2 to this post. Maybe it can help you?

Thank you! I think I have gotten most of the routing down but there is room for improvement. I have not been able to get the ghost road glitch to work with any other race, but I wouldn;t rule it out, I might have to just mess around with it and see what happens, it might have something to do with Ralph's race being so open compared to the circuit races, but, Ralph's race just happens to be the last on the route.
Also, Wow, this map is really helpful, thanks for bringing this to my attention! I have done a little bit of routing in level 2 but the routing I have done do not include the actual missions yet, so this could really help me put those missions into it. Smiley
If nothing goes right, go left
Well, I am done with the routing for Level 2 (100%) and already recorded a IL run for it:

I appologize for the bad quality... My internet speed is very low and it takes hours to upload a 30min video. Also I hope you don't mind that the language is in german. I could not find a way to change the language in the PC version

Anyway, my idea for the route was to collect as much stuff as possible during missions. Unfortunately that's not always possible, because in some cases the game does not want you to leave your car and only gives you 10 seconds to re-enter it. It was also hard to find the correct moment to buy the cars and clothes, since you cannot do that during a mission.

Even if this run is probably far away from optimised, I really hope that it helps you for your further routing in Level 2!
Edit history:
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-11 12:29:32 am
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-10 06:32:53 pm
TheGlitched64: 2015-04-10 06:23:40 pm
Very nice routing. Beats my PB by 6 minutes. [Well... 4-5 minutes after removing load times]
But very nice integration of the gags, cards etc. into the missions and around the missions. The fireworks mission was cool to watch, if not for all the stuff you could grab whilst doing that mission, I personally have to grab all the stuff before starting the missions to remember everything, which takes my time down a lot. Great work! Smiley

Edit: Recorded another run. Getting closer. 32 minutes. Smiley
If nothing goes right, go left
Sounds cool! Will you upload it to Youtube? I would love to see this Level done on console!

Sub 30min is definetly possible, but not very easy with my route. I was thinking about a way to get the wasps and card at the Trainyard earlier, but I am not sure when we should get those. In my PB I went there after Nelson's race, although it could be faster to do it during a mission. Do you think it's recommendable to grab them at the mission where we flee from Skinner?
Actually almost finished uploading now... taking forever. Tongue Will edit this post with the run once done.
31:14... it was close! Tongue
If nothing goes right, go left
Awesome run! Your route is a bit different than the one I used in my run, that's interesting. It seems that you have been faster, maybe that is because you collected a few items before starting a mission, then you could concentrate on the missions more and did not need to stop during these to get items. Is this the reason why you collected the wasps around the city centre first and not at the monkey mission? Nevertheless your run is executed very well. Congrats on WR!

I will try to record another run today. Your run gave me some ideas to improve my route and save travel time. Also I tried out to get the Trainyard wasps during the Skinner mission. It is possible, but hard to do, because you need to lose him before you even arrive at the Trainyard. Otherwise you won't have enough time to collect everything.
Thank you! Actually the reason I get those wasps first is because when recording I was still uncertain about the route I was going to take, and didn't want to miss a wasp in that area, which I frequently did. I would be faster to do them the way you did, I was just playing the slower, safe route.

And yeah, there are a lot of things I got out of your run actually, mainly the parts where you collected things as you were doing missions, so I have to thank you for that one! Smiley

Good luck on the other run, hoping for sub 30!
If nothing goes right, go left
Got 29'29''11 today:

Here are the most important parts of the route that I changed:

- I managed to get the Wasps + Card from the Trainyard at the Skinner mission. This often killed my runs, because Skinner can be mean sometimes. If you do not lose him, then you won't get extra time to collect all the stuff...

- Just like you did in your run on the console, I went to DMV after the Skinner mission and bought the clothes there. By doing that, I can save the time which I would need to travel there later. This also changed the Gag route, which was completed earlier.

- Since there is so much time left at the "Dial B for Blood" mission, I decided to destroy the hidden wasp in the train during it.

There is still some room for improvement. Next time I should take your route from the Race with Snake, because it is faster. Also I lost much time when I had to flee from Chief Wiggum and also got trolled from the traffic at the Cletus mission, resulting in missing the train cycle and almost destroying my car. I wonder if it is possible to get the Ghost road glitch after Nelson's or Ralph's race, that could save a few seconds as well.
Very nice run, congratulations on the sub 30! I am going to need to step up my game and try close in on this time on console.
Very nice skinner route and a smart idea to use the extra time in Dial "B" for the wasp camera. Congrats on the awesome time.
I am trying to convince the mods right now to add IL levels to the leaderboards at If I can convince the mods to get that going you really should submit your runs there. They are an awesome watch.
If nothing goes right, go left
Thank you! I am glad that you like my run. Also I hope that you can get sub 30 on console as well! It could be hard, because of the loading times, but I am sure that you can do it!

It would be great if IL runs are added to the leaderboards. You should submit your run as well, together with your Level 1 Any% and 100% run. Still the question is how they will compare PC and console runs... These will probably appear on the same list, just like they do in other categories, but this would give PC players an unfair advantage because of the loading times.

Btw. I have just seen your Ghost road glitch tutorial on Youtube. Thanks for uploading this, I will definetly try to experiment with this glitch as well!
So im watching kayumon's 100% level 2 to give pointers since ive been running / been in the community for about a year.
1. When you hit the dirt jump before triggering skinner you could get a box inside the tunnel then.
2. Right before moes Tavern you can get Skinner stuck on a building to the right it is consistent and really fast to do so.
3. if you spam the jump button after you finish a mission you can move during the mission complete text
4. It would be quicker to get the wasp you got at the end of the blood mission during the black van follow since you gotta wait for him to go all the way around anyways
5. You can get the car wash wasp with your car I didnt see you try it once if you're going for IL's its worth trying the three times you can
6.Once again you can get the wasp by Ralph with your car and you didnt even try
7. if you go to the left of the jump you tried and stick just on the grass you will get rid of Wiggum almost immediately
8. if you turn a hard left right after the long tunnel in the nerd race its an easy shortcut
9.Why did you buy the Mr. Plow then? and not right before monkeys?
10. It's faster to do the snake race by turning around when the race starts and take a turn to the right its faster to do the race Smiley
11.Half of the wasps in Monkey See Monkey Doh you can hit with your car and you dont even try to for IL's thats not smart tbh
12. That Cell Outs was pretty bad not gonna lie
13. Overall not meaning to be rude but they playing was pretty sloppy as well just tightening up gameplay could save a minute
14. Also watching the cutscene counts towards 100% so time shouldn't stop until after the cutscene.
Actually LP3, cutscenes don't show up on the Level Progress page, so it's debatable if they should be included in 100% ILs (I actually just raised this over at the forums - the community should probably decide).

Also, for point 1, you don't need to get the box - all the coin grinding is pre-done on Level 1.

2. True, but I actually get this pretty inconsistently. Maybe I'll try to put up a video of it, anyway, to demonstrate.

And to follow up from 7, I have a video showcasing the strat, just to make it clearer:

The rest I think I agree with, particularly going for wasps with your car. Case in point, the stairs in front of you as you get in your car at the start of the level (I think it's a courthouse?) is really consistent to hit with the Honor Roller. Also, German Hans Moleman is just wrong. Also also, looks like you got wobbly car (where the steering goes super responsive) for the first third of that. That sucks (and is RNG). More helpfully,

a) If you mash 'action' after following the black van, you should instantly get back in your car. You can then drive to Wiggum and save just a bit of time.
b) At the end of Bart und Frink, you can move during the black screen. Doesn't take too much practice to get the radio blind.
c) In Cletus' mission, you can reset your car after getting the roadkill behind the train, instead of waiting for the cycles to move to get back out.
d) In Monkeys, you can drive behind the museum sign directly from the stairs to get monkey #13.

Depending on how much motivation I have to do my coursework, I might take the time to have a go at some ILs. It's always good to get a mix of strats to choose from.
Decided to finally post my All mission% IL run of level 2. Some improvements could be made of course... the biggest one is fixing my xbox version and getting these load times down a second or two! Tongue
Let's a-go (hopefully fast)!
I hope this thread hasn't bit the dust, I really enjoyed the discussions. I did have a question for you, TheGlitched64, but I doubt you'd remember if I asked it. It was about why you entered the trainyards (Level 2) twice to collect stuff when you could have gotten it in one go. Granted that post is almost two years old...Ghost Road glitch was freaky, by the way! Also, why do speedrunners of this game do not use the power slide option? I was under the impression that it lets you take curves without losing speed (especially tight curves).

Oh, and Pessimistic Mango, cutscenes do show up on the Level Progress page in my copy of the game (I have the GCN version). Do you think I have an odd copy, or is it a difference among game systems?