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What is a man?
Quote from Warepire:
Quote from charleon:
I remember this one Game-boy platform game from when i was small; it was really hard and I THINK it was based on an old disney-movie or something along the lines. I think it kinda was a blockbuster movie anyway. The main character was a little boy, and I remember the game/movie was about a .. book? I don't think the movie was cartoon, it was real, but maybe some animations or semi-cartoon Think adventure like Narnia or similar. The movie might be from about 1994 - 2000 ish? I vaguely remember a level from the game where you jump on pirate-boats and dodge birds. Also a level witha library where you're small and everything is really large.. arghhh!

It sounds like you're looking for The Pagemaster.
Here's some gameplay, does it look familiar?

Ahhh yes, the pagemaster! I thought it had more of a cool name like "Necronomicon" or "Book of legends" or something like that, but yu managed to find it, awesome Cheesy
For Fun! For GLORY!!
How come I never saw this? I could use help with one game I remember seeing a flicker of:
It was a PS1 game I remember playing on a demo disc, where you're a scuba diver. I can't really describe more then that, and gamefaqs isn't helping. Sad
% bad secrets
Quote from Radman:
How come I never saw this? I could use help with one game I remember seeing a flicker of:
It was a PS1 game I remember playing on a demo disc, where you're a scuba diver. I can't really describe more then that, and gamefaqs isn't helping. Sad

Treasures of the Deep?
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Quote from Eedis:
Quote from Radman:
How come I never saw this? I could use help with one game I remember seeing a flicker of:
It was a PS1 game I remember playing on a demo disc, where you're a scuba diver. I can't really describe more then that, and gamefaqs isn't helping. Sad

Treasures of the Deep?

Had to find some screenshots, but yup that's it! Cheers Eedis! Smiley
Quote from Radman:
How come I never saw this? I could use help with one game I remember seeing a flicker of:
It was a PS1 game I remember playing on a demo disc, where you're a scuba diver. I can't really describe more then that, and gamefaqs isn't helping. Sad

There's also Diver's Dream (although it's PAL-only iirc)
Hey there, I've got 3 games on my mind with a ridiculous small amount of info. Maybe you can tell me the names.

The first one is a PS2 game about a little boy who(during an attack on his starbase or the likes) decides to hide in a Gundam and controls it from that moment on. That's all i know Cheesy

The second one is a PC RTS game. I remember that there were several races(more than average) and most of them had their units "inspired" from TV-Shows, Movies and other games. I know that one of the ultimate units was similar the Metal Spider from Wild Wild West.

The third one is the easiest(i think). It'sanother RTS game for PC i played ~7 years ago. The graphics seemed up to date. Setting was second world war. The Gameplay was pretty cool. Infantery was able to dig holes to hide or go inside buildings, u could use rocket launchers to destroy bridges for tactical reasons, could use airstrikes u had to place carefully otherwise flak cannons would shoot them down before they could drop bombs. For every map u had a certain set of units IIRC and had to win with just that. The Map between the missions was a Regionmap where u could choose the next target to attack. I think the enemy could retake regions too. Sadly I was playing the french version so i never even bothered looking at the name...
If this one is famous I'm sorry, but RTS isnt rly my favorite genre.
What is a man?
Quote from Elren:
Hey there, I've got 3 games on my mind with a ridiculous small amount of info. Maybe you can tell me the names.

The first one is a PS2 game about a little boy who(during an attack on his starbase or the likes) decides to hide in a Gundam and controls it from that moment on. That's all i know Cheesy

Sounds like Zone of the Enders 1 or 2 ?

Quote from Elren:
The third one is the easiest(i think). It'sanother RTS game for PC i played ~7 years ago. The graphics seemed up to date. Setting was second world war. The Gameplay was pretty cool. Infantery was able to dig holes to hide or go inside buildings, u could use rocket launchers to destroy bridges for tactical reasons, could use airstrikes u had to place carefully otherwise flak cannons would shoot them down before they could drop bombs. For every map u had a certain set of units IIRC and had to win with just that. The Map between the missions was a Regionmap where u could choose the next target to attack. I think the enemy could retake regions too. Sadly I was playing the french version so i never even bothered looking at the name...
If this one is famous I'm sorry, but RTS isnt rly my favorite genre.

Commandos ?
Zone of the Enders is correct. That was the boy i remembered. Thanks for that.
Commandos sint it. Not even similar.
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
Quote from Elren:
The third one is the easiest(i think). It'sanother RTS game for PC i played ~7 years ago. The graphics seemed up to date. Setting was second world war. The Gameplay was pretty cool. Infantery was able to dig holes to hide or go inside buildings, u could use rocket launchers to destroy bridges for tactical reasons, could use airstrikes u had to place carefully otherwise flak cannons would shoot them down before they could drop bombs. For every map u had a certain set of units IIRC and had to win with just that. The Map between the missions was a Regionmap where u could choose the next target to attack. I think the enemy could retake regions too. Sadly I was playing the french version so i never even bothered looking at the name...
If this one is famous I'm sorry, but RTS isnt rly my favorite genre.

i Can think of a few that might be it .... Axis & Allies (2004),  Blitzkreig 1 & 2 (2003 - 2006),  Company of Heroes (2006) ,  Pretty sure most of the Command & Conquer Games has storylines where the enemy would take back regions, hope this helped in some way.
It was Blitzkrieg! Thank you! Never expected that from my shitty explanation.
Now i have hope for the third one.
Heavy Metal Powered
Quote from Elren:
The second one is a PC RTS game. I remember that there were several races(more than average) and most of them had their units "inspired" from TV-Shows, Movies and other games. I know that one of the ultimate units was similar the Metal Spider from Wild Wild West.

The only 2 RTS games I can think of that had spider units in them were Total Annihilation and Emperor Battle For Dune. Probably neither game but throwing it out there.
It's neither of them but thanks for trieing.
Heavy Metal Powered
Quote from Elren:
It's neither of them but thanks for trieing.

Some googling suggested these:
Dark Reign - The Future Of War
Rise Of Nations
Battlezone 2 - Combat Commander
Supreme Commander ("Total Annihilation 2")

Maybe it's one of them.
Nope, none of them.
I try to add some info
The second one is a PC RTS game. I remember that there were several races(more than average) and most of them had their units "inspired" from TV-Shows, Movies and other games. I know that one of the ultimate units was similar the Metal Spider from Wild Wild West.

Additional to that the graphic were more comic based like WC3 and the races more fantasy oriented I think. The Metal Spider was a unit of some kind of steampunk race with zeppelins and all that stuff.
But thats rly all i can say to that game.
Edit history:
gammadragon: 2013-07-14 12:22:05 am
Might be magic...
Quote from Elren:
Nope, none of them.

Additional to that the graphic were more comic based like WC3 and the races more fantasy oriented I think. The Metal Spider was a unit of some kind of steampunk race with zeppelins and all that stuff.
But thats rly all i can say to that game.

Sounds a lot like Krush, Kill N Destroy - a post-nuclear RTS. The best unit from the "Mutants" team was a giant crab with a rocket launcher.

There were only two sides in that game tho so might not be that. Could be KKND2 though since I never played that one.

Edit - it's the "Mutants" sorry not the Survivors
Quote from Efreeti:
Can't remember the name of an old Windows game, where you controlled 2D spaceships from above in short bursts of time. The game controlled a lot like the games Over the Reich/Achtung Spitfire. You gave the spaceships orders to speed up/down or turn by dragging them, tracing a white line in front of them where they would go, and they followed that path. You had small squadrons of different ships with different speed, toughness and missile loadouts, and had to seek out the enemy ships on the map to engage them in 2D dogfights (the different ships also having different sensor strengths that determined how far away they noticed hostiles). You could also give general autopilot orders such as "Stay in formation", "Seek out enemy" or "Fire at will" to one or all ships.

Nobody else played this? I've been trying really hard myself to find it but to no avail.
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
@ efreeti I don't happen to know of the original game you suggested, however, there is a more recent version or at least a similar game on steam called gratuitous space battles which may be worth a look if you can't find the original one, sorry I can't be more help.
Looking for an old game, probably 15 years or older, where you play as a monkey boy. If I remember correctly the game was side scrolling, and you couldnt save. I have a faint memory of picking up red gloves as a power up.

Would be extremely glad if you could tell me what game it is as I've been keeping an eye out for it for the last five years! Smiley
I'll get you a satanic mechanic.
Monkey Magic for the ps1?
Nah, I don't think it was for playstation or n64, but rather a console from an earlier generation. If I remember correctly the console was black, but as I was 4 or 5 years old I don't know if it's a real memory or just something I've come up with during the years :p
Edit history:
Elren: 2013-08-18 03:59:16 pm
Elren: 2013-08-18 03:58:59 pm
Elren: 2013-08-18 03:58:59 pm
Could it be Alex Kidd? He sure does look monkeylike and the time fits.
Hmm it sure looks like something I've seen, looked up Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle and it seems familiar... But I can't tell if its the game yet! I'll look into it.

Is there any Alex Kidd games with an overworld?
Waiting hurts my soul...
Alex Kidd in Miracle World probably
Could be SonSon 2 for the TurboGrafx, saddl3r?
Quote from BlutoCash:
Quote from ZenicReverie:
Definitely a Sega Genesis game if it was on the Sega Channel. If you can give more details it would help. When you say "Mechanically, think Double Dragon," do you mean it's a beat'em up? Do you use weapons, or only these powers you get from genies? Do you jump or climb at all?

I suppose it is a beat em up, although much more fantasy oriented, plus you collect items I believe.  I can not remember if there is weapon/armor equipping or not, but it is set in an Aladdin type era, so I think a sword is used.

Quote from BlutoCash:
Quote from ZenicReverie:
Definitely a Sega Genesis game if it was on the Sega Channel. If you can give more details it would help. When you say "Mechanically, think Double Dragon," do you mean it's a beat'em up? Do you use weapons, or only these powers you get from genies? Do you jump or climb at all?

I suppose it is a beat em up, although much more fantasy oriented, plus you collect items I believe.  I can not remember if there is weapon/armor equipping or not, but it is set in an Aladdin type era, so I think a sword is used.

This sounds like Beyond Oasis to me.  It is on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection on PS3 and Xbox360.