What is a man?
Quote from Warepire:
Quote from charleon:
I remember this one Game-boy platform game from when i was small; it was really hard and I THINK it was based on an old disney-movie or something along the lines. I think it kinda was a blockbuster movie anyway. The main character was a little boy, and I remember the game/movie was about a .. book? I don't think the movie was cartoon, it was real, but maybe some animations or semi-cartoon Think adventure like Narnia or similar. The movie might be from about 1994 - 2000 ish? I vaguely remember a level from the game where you jump on pirate-boats and dodge birds. Also a level witha library where you're small and everything is really large.. arghhh!
It sounds like you're looking for The Pagemaster.
Here's some gameplay, does it look familiar?
Ahhh yes, the pagemaster! I thought it had more of a cool name like "Necronomicon" or "Book of legends" or something like that, but yu managed to find it, awesome