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Now Reap The Whirlwind!
I think that's it. Thanks
Can't remember the name of an old Windows game, where you controlled 2D spaceships from above in short bursts of time. The game controlled a lot like the games Over the Reich/Achtung Spitfire. You gave the spaceships orders to speed up/down or turn by dragging them, tracing a white line in front of them where they would go, and they followed that path. You had small squadrons of different ships with different speed, toughness and missile loadouts, and had to seek out the enemy ships on the map to engage them in 2D dogfights (the different ships also having different sensor strengths that determined how far away they noticed hostiles). You could also give general autopilot orders such as "Stay in formation", "Seek out enemy" or "Fire at will" to one or all ships.
I cant remember a text based game I used to play online. It was a medieval military game where you had to choose a military type like fire which you could eventually get dragons to help. The purpose was to build up a army and you could attack other people and have your friends help you attack your enemies.
Quote from darkwolf:
I cant remember a text based game I used to play online. It was a medieval military game where you had to choose a military type like fire which you could eventually get dragons to help. The purpose was to build up a army and you could attack other people and have your friends help you attack your enemies.

Dragon Realms?
I've been looking for a 2D side-scrolling space shooter for Windows 95 or 98. You control a spaceship and slowly advance through the outer space while shooting down a lot of enemy ships. You start by firing in 3 directions at once and get a lot of weapon upgrades to cover huge portions of the screen with shots. You can move up and down, speed up or even fly backwards (to the left), which is necessary in some spots. There are some bosses and I think at one point there's a big spaceship on the bottom of the screen with some enemies walking on it. The health bar displayed at the top consists of like 4 blue sections. I think the logo on the title screen was blue, but of course I can't remember what it said.

I've done some research on this before but without success, so I hope someone knows what game I'm talking about.
Were discussing old rpgs with some friend. But there was one in particularly that i didn't remember the name on.

I know it's on Game Boy/Game Boy Color.

The intro, i think it is. Starts off with some of the characters standing at a waterfall and one of them falls down.

That's all i can remember. And i don't for sure if it was an rpg or not.

Please... help.
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from dxtr:
The intro, i think it is. Starts off with some of the characters standing at a waterfall and one of them falls down.

That sounds like Secret of Mana. How certain are you it was gameboy? Anything else you can remember?
Now Reap The Whirlwind!
You control a spaceship and slowly advance through the outer space while shooting down a lot of enemy ships. You start by firing in 3 directions at once and get a lot of weapon upgrades to cover huge portions of the screen with shots. You can move up and down, speed up or even fly backwards (to the left), which is necessary in some spots. There are some bosses and I think at one point there's a big spaceship on the bottom of the screen with some enemies walking on it. The health bar displayed at the top consists of like 4 blue sections. I think the logo on the title screen was blue, but of course I can't remember what it said.

That sounds vaguely like a Gradius game. I also thought about Raiden, but those games you move vertically, not to the side.
Quote from dxtr:
Were discussing old rpgs with some friend. But there was one in particularly that i didn't remember the name on.

I know it's on Game Boy/Game Boy Color.

The intro, i think it is. Starts off with some of the characters standing at a waterfall and one of them falls down.

That's all i can remember. And i don't for sure if it was an rpg or not.

Please... help.

That could be Final Fantasy Adventure. The waterfall thing isn't immediate, but it's close to it.
I love speedruns!
I'm searching for a game that i remember almost too vague.
The only thing i remember about it is that it's an 2D sidescroller, the maincharacter was some kind of a mailman/postman OR similar looks, i remember a skeleton bridge that you crossed and the bridge collapsed after you so i guess it was a "fast pase" game.
I also remember that the game was on CD on the earlier consoles (Playstation 1 or Sega 32x CD).

Thanks in advance ^_^
Edit history:
Siyko: 2013-04-09 01:53:04 pm
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
I have a really difficult one for the PC. I remember getting it from an AOL "Mail Bomb" of games in the 90s from the 'warez' chat channels. It was a first-person 3d game, similar in graphic quality to Wolfenstien 3d or Doom, though it was specifically outdoors with a bright happy setting. I remember getting a pogo stick and jumping around, and a wall of hedges. The game ran pretty slowly typical of Windows 3.1 / Dos games of the time. If I had to put a year on it, I'd guess 1995.

I also remember a house, and if you go inside there is a blue alien, You walk up to him and it opened a dialogue window of some crap he wants you to do.

I remember very little about this game, other than being amazed and exploring around this 3d world that wasn't scary like doom, and had a vertical element to it that one could explore.

Also, I'm pretty sure the game's file was called 'UPS', though that could mean anything.
I remember a game i played on the SNES but i forgot the title.

All that I remember , it was a kind of RPG-Fighting game.
Was looking like Street Fighter for combat.
It's a 1v1 fighting game , all I remember that you can grind to get stats to your character.
The main character was White with Black or yellow hair.

help please , I been doing some search with google with '' RPG-Fighting '' for SNES. hard to find
Quote from Michael:
I remember a game i played on the SNES but i forgot the title.

All that I remember , it was a kind of RPG-Fighting game.
Was looking like Street Fighter for combat.
It's a 1v1 fighting game , all I remember that you can grind to get stats to your character.
The main character was White with Black or yellow hair.

help please , I been doing some search with google with '' RPG-Fighting '' for SNES. hard to find
Doomsday Warrior? It has an RPG-like system where you can put points into hit points, energy, punching power, kicking power and defence.
Personal text
I played a game as a kid.. you would paint squares different colors, then small instruments, with eyes, would walk across the squares and play the tone that the color corresponded to.

Anyone? Cheesy
Quote from CrimsonxxMana:
Quote from Michael:
I remember a game i played on the SNES but i forgot the title.

All that I remember , it was a kind of RPG-Fighting game.
Was looking like Street Fighter for combat.
It's a 1v1 fighting game , all I remember that you can grind to get stats to your character.
The main character was White with Black or yellow hair.

help please , I been doing some search with google with '' RPG-Fighting '' for SNES. hard to find
Doomsday Warrior? It has an RPG-like system where you can put points into hit points, energy, punching power, kicking power and defence.

Jokaah , I have a guess but well Mario Paint-SNES ?

hmm.....No , I don't think it was this game.
Doomsday Warrior , maybe its the game but im not sure really , seem to be a good game.
I remember that HP bars on top of screen was yellow.
The character was full White like a judo/karate kid.
I remember , it been one of my favorite game when I was 8-10.
Still on SNES of course.

I remember some of the other stuff , when you win the combat , you gain stats , strenght , stamina and etc.... I think there was purple bars for stats or it was you , choosing which you are going to fight next.
There was a place where you type your password and continue where you were at , at the last point of game.
Edit history:
Joka: 2013-04-29 02:10:11 am
Joka: 2013-04-29 02:06:07 am
Joka: 2013-04-29 02:04:37 am
Personal text
Quote from Michael:
Jokaah , I have a guess but well Mario Paint-SNES ?

No, it wasn't a Mario game (I would've remembered that).
Also.. it was on PC.

I really can't remember what the name was... something with "toons" maybe? I realized the game demo came with a magazine in like ~1999-2001 (so I guess I wasn't really a kid :P).

EDIT: LOL, got it! "SimTunes" (1996) Smiley
Quote from Michael:
hmm.....No , I don't think it was this game.
Doomsday Warrior , maybe its the game but im not sure really , seem to be a good game.
I remember that HP bars on top of screen was yellow.
The character was full White like a judo/karate kid.
I remember , it been one of my favorite game when I was 8-10.
Still on SNES of course.

I remember some of the other stuff , when you win the combat , you gain stats , strenght , stamina and etc.... I think there was purple bars for stats or it was you , choosing which you are going to fight next.
There was a place where you type your password and continue where you were at , at the last point of game.
That sounds like Power Moves. The only difference is the HP bars at the top of the screen are orange-red. The rest is how you say. When you win you are taken to a screen with purple bars for stats and you can put points into them. And then after you have put your points into the purple stats bars a password would pop up. The character has a white top half to his karate Gi and the lower half is grey with a black belt. He also has black hair and his name is Joe. You can select to fight against any character you want and it shows the same purple stats bars.
Quote from CrimsonxxMana:
Quote from Michael:
hmm.....No , I don't think it was this game.
Doomsday Warrior , maybe its the game but im not sure really , seem to be a good game.
I remember that HP bars on top of screen was yellow.
The character was full White like a judo/karate kid.
I remember , it been one of my favorite game when I was 8-10.
Still on SNES of course.

I remember some of the other stuff , when you win the combat , you gain stats , strenght , stamina and etc.... I think there was purple bars for stats or it was you , choosing which you are going to fight next.
There was a place where you type your password and continue where you were at , at the last point of game.
That sounds like Power Moves. The only difference is the HP bars at the top of the screen are orange-red. The rest is how you say. When you win you are taken to a screen with purple bars for stats and you can put points into them. And then after you have put your points into the purple stats bars a password would pop up. The character has a white top half to his karate Gi and the lower half is grey with a black belt. He also has black hair and his name is Joe. You can select to fight against any character you want and it shows the same purple stats bars.

Yes! thats the game , thank you so much your awesome
No problem, glad I could help. Tongue
Ok, I'm thinking of an old game, for kids, around 1997-2000 kinda time frame, i believe it had a bunch of mini games? it was about knights and stuff, and i remember a room which had their armour or shields up on the wall, and there was a minigame where you had to touch different coloured crystals, I feel like it might have been a broderbund style game since I played darby the dragon a lot aswell

Also Another game I've been wondering about is one where there is an Air Show kinda thing with like, 4-5 different coloured planes and you had to organize the event or something, and they had funny sound effects..

Hopefully someone get's this.
% bad secrets
I remember an old tanks game that I used to play on Win95. It was one of those tank games that were based off of the QBASIC Gorillas idea, and the game might have been a QBASIC game itself I don't remember, but you had different types of ammo and stuff to do different things. There were filler shots that created ground and drill shots that could drill through the dirt and stuff. The environment was destroy-able too, as in the the ground and stuff. It isn't Charred Dirt, but the same principle.
Might be magic...
Tank game = Scorched Earth?
Edit history:
charleon: 2013-05-31 05:52:28 am
What is a man?
I remember this one Game-boy platform game from when i was small; it was really hard and I THINK it was based on an old disney-movie or something along the lines. I think it kinda was a blockbuster movie anyway. The main character was a little boy, and I remember the game/movie was about a .. book? I don't think the movie was cartoon, it was real, but maybe some animations or semi-cartoon Think adventure like Narnia or similar. The movie might be from about 1994 - 2000 ish? I vaguely remember a level from the game where you jump on pirate-boats and dodge birds. Also a level witha library where you're small and everything is really large.. arghhh!
Heavy Metal Powered
Quote from charleon:
I remember this one Game-boy platform game from when i was small; it was really hard and I THINK it was based on an old disney-movie or something along the lines. I think it kinda was a blockbuster movie anyway. The main character was a little boy, and I remember the game/movie was about a .. book? I don't think the movie was cartoon, it was real, but maybe some animations or semi-cartoon Think adventure like Narnia or similar. The movie might be from about 1994 - 2000 ish? I vaguely remember a level from the game where you jump on pirate-boats and dodge birds. Also a level witha library where you're small and everything is really large.. arghhh!

It sounds like you're looking for The Pagemaster.
Here's some gameplay, does it look familiar?
% bad secrets
Quote from gammadragon:
Tank game = Scorched Earth?
Yes! Scorched Earth! Thank you. Smiley