I was on your stream during this run Heidman, and I was nervous just watching it! I know it is frustrating to get so close, but one of these times you are bound to get it, it is just a matter of attempts at this point.
Quote from sinister1:
Don't say that man. You are my inspiration to keep running MTPO trying to get sub 17. We are both so close. MUST...KEEP...GOING!!!!
Quote from Flip:
You sound surprised. Don't be. Doesn't apply to only sinister1.
Quote from DK28:
Looks like a typical night at my house Heid.
Keep the faith Brother, we're all in your corner.
Quote from PJ:
You got it Heidman! I have faith in you!
Quote from dunnius:
Yeah, when they are right after each other, it reminds me of the TASing process.
Keep it up, you will get it eventually!
Quote from spacoina:
please only give up when you've got it man, you're the inspiration of a whole community
Quote from sinister1:
The point is I hope you keep trying, and good luck.
I am making this post for a few reasons. First, thanks for all of the support. Means more than most know.
Second, no matter how emo I get I am just too damn stubborn to ever give up on anything that I have set in front of my self. Don't expect me to ever quit on this, even if I say I am going to are that I am done. If I don't have the run I want, I wont stop. Just need to vent from time to time to be ok with sticking with it.
Third, that video I posted with all of my fails was not going towards me quitting in any way. Just showing how much time in a week and a half I put into this damn thing. I don't know if I will be keeping any more, just thought it would be fun to make one.
Also, another song that my fellow speed runners will enjoy
I also like how awful I was when I first came here to SDA. Way back when I first joined SDA, I made this post and my spelling was SOOOOOOOO bad. Got better due mostly thanks to Firefox spell check. Regardless, bringing up the past mostly to realize I took over this thread on page 11 and we are now on page 25. That is a lot of posts...
Sadly no. I ran into some SUPER bad luck near the end, but I am ok with it for a few reasons. I am tired of this game, it adds some serous entertainment to the run, and it is still faster than my last run.
"YAAHHHH!!! I'm number one!" Shouting in a loud voice, a victorious Heidman thrusts out his bloodied limb at the crowd. He remembers what he learned growing up in the ghetto, "Sometimes only the power of a man's finger can save his butt on the streets of life." This belief has made him the greatest speedrunner in the world. Children all over the country may once again believe that the American dream is still alive.