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Willing to teach you the impossible

Heidrage - "Hay, I wanna beat the current low % record"
Random forum member - "Good luck"
Heid - "I beat the current Low% time"
RFM - "Grats, you should try to beat the weapons run too"
Heid - "Hay, I beat the current Weapons run too"
RFM - "Grats on beating a great time, are you done with this game?"
Heid - "No, I wanna make my Low% run better"
RFM - "OMG really? it all ready is really amazing. How can you make it better?"
Heid - "Hay, I got a no death run Low%"
RFM - "You are crazy. Grats dude. Are you done with this game now?"
Heid - "Naw... I beat the game, then I destroyed the game, now I want to humiliate it."
RFM - "WTF How are you gunna do that?"
Heid - "Do it blindfolded"

... so what does the RFM say in response? You decide...
Hi! I'm andrewg!
that would make my day
Everybody's favorite monster
Do it shirtless
Do co-op with me?
Haters gonna hate
Beat it with a Power Glove.
SGL Scrublord
Do a Pacifist run
Do it with your feet.
That's a lot of muscle memory.
Intruding N313 and F014
Well, his muscles are very smart.  That would be an awesome run.
I'll wrestle him down if I catch him doing low% again. <_<
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Quote from Heidrage:

I don't know, I think this Heid guy should just call it a day already.  Wink  Do what you love, even if it's insanity my friend.

But I feel your pain.  I can't leave Contra III alone. 

Yes, even if it's on easy Mike...
torch slug since 2006
Shirtless, blind, co-op with PJ and power glove - all put together.
Do it.
so pro u don't even know
IMO it is time to move on Heidrage. You have too much talent to just keep playing one game forever. You could do a poll like andrewg did and have SDA decide what you will run next. Take this with a grain of salt thought b/c it is coming from the guy that can't stop playing MTPO.
I will say he should improve any% before he does, though.
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Quote from sinister1:
IMO it is time to move on Heidrage. You have too much talent to just keep playing one game forever. You could do a poll like andrewg did and have SDA decide what you will run next. Take this with a grain of salt thought b/c it is coming from the guy that can't stop playing MTPO.

Unfortunately, I got lazy about smw... :/

A faster any% run is always nice heidman Wink
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Quote from sinister1:
IMO it is time to move on Heidrage. You have too much talent to just keep playing one game forever. You could do a poll like andrewg did and have SDA decide what you will run next. Take this with a grain of salt thought b/c it is coming from the guy that can't stop playing MTPO.

Who told me he hasn't played since JRDQ when I last talked to him. Tongue
Willing to teach you the impossible
Edit history:
sinister1: 2011-06-21 06:43:06 pm
so pro u don't even know
@ Andrewg: we all know you got sidetracked getting 4:59, but you don't hear anyone complaining about that, and we all know you will get SMW done, but it is no easy run.

@mikwuyma: Hey, that was true when I said it. I just recently figured out some new tech and had to go back to the drawing board for single segment, and one IL fight Sad I DID FINALLY PLAY TMNT IV THOUGH!!!! p.s. I suck.

@heidrage: cool, it will be nice to see how this turns out.
Edit history:
Mr. K: 2012-06-30 02:01:50 pm
Mr. K: 2012-06-30 12:28:37 pm
Research Bump

I've located the memory addresses that correspond to how much health enemies have.  I've found some interesting things.  You are punished for having spread.  Enemies take more hits to kill when you have spread and so do bosses.  This only happens with spread and it doesn't happen with flame or peashooter.  Part of why flame is so strong in this game is because enemy boss health is not increased like it is with spread.  What's also a bit annoying is that the memory health addresses change depending on whether or not you have spread.  I need to figure out how these values behave when you have two players, but I'll be posting my progress and eventually attaching the sheet with the values in this thread when I'm done. 

Stage 3
The miniboss is vulnerable slightly before it fires the first shot.  See attached image.  The visual cue is to note that the third leg from the left is off the floor and is just about to touch the ground.

Stage 5
See attached screenshot for when the boss is vulnerable

Stage 6
See attached screenshot for when the bosses are vulnerable

Stage 7
The boss boss is covered by a core that shoots fire circles.  That is only vulnerable when it is open.  The skull at the top is only vulnerable when its mouth is open.

Stage 8
See attached screenshot for boss vulnerability.  It doesn't matter that the eye is closed.

Edit history:
Heidrage: 2012-06-30 04:45:32 pm
Heidrage: 2012-06-30 02:09:15 pm
Willing to teach you the impossible
Questions for you. What is the difference in health in 1p spread and w/o spread, 2p both with spread, 2p one with spread? Does this apply in Contra as well? ? (I dont think it does) And if possible, values of each boss in each scenario. This way we can figure out exactly what weapons are needed in each given area. Also does this rule apply to the cannon in stage 3?

I will ask more as more info is available. Dont wanna ask questions that serve no purpose...

Edit: I am sure you have my phone number, feel free to call/text me on the weekends. If not then here (850) 459 - 2079. I dont care who has it as I pass it out to everyone at the marathons anyway
-Difference in health with and without spread I have and will be posting a spreadsheet of all the values soon once I figure out 2 players
-Having two players without spread does not change enemy health over 1 player without spread.  This is probably why the Super C TAS does not use spread. 
-Testing 2P with spread health difference now
-For stage 3 cannon, answer is yes.  All enemies that take more than one shot to kill have a health increase when you use spread.
Wow that is an interesting find.  Nice sleuthing, Mr. K!
Edit history:
Mr. K: 2012-06-30 04:50:17 pm
Mr. K: 2012-06-30 04:31:12 pm
Mr. K: 2012-06-30 04:26:09 pm
Thanks PJ!

Update: For 2 players, if either player has spread it increases enemy health at the same rate as the 1 player spread increase.  If both players have spread enemy health increases even further.  The increase for 2 people having spread is not as drastic as the increase with one person getting spread.  I should have the spreadsheet finished with the new info soon and that should be my last bump with this thread until something else important comes along.

Thanks to invincibility cheats, RAM Watch, and turbo mode, it's finished! (for now)

Next goal will be to get x and y position.  My plan will be to write down the correct x and y positions for certain boss fights.  Using RAM Watch I'll figure out what these will be and post screenshots for practice.  I can also figure out what the correct positioning is for the cliff climb glitch jumps and start practicing that as well.  I am, however, done for the day with this.

EDIT: Fixed the obvious mistakes
Willing to teach you the impossible
For your viewing pleasure
I didn't upload the stage 3 boss vulnerability.  There really isn't a visual cue for it, but it's vulnerable exactly two frames before the pink rotating guns appear.  This is really important for fire, not so much for spread though.