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qubit: 2012-04-24 07:36:35 am
qubit: 2012-04-17 08:15:10 am
qubit: 2012-04-17 08:15:08 am
qubit: 2012-04-17 08:12:14 am
qubit: 2012-03-30 01:23:50 pm
qubit: 2012-03-30 12:02:39 pm
qubit: 2012-03-30 11:46:48 am
qubit: 2012-03-30 10:42:56 am
qubit: 2012-03-30 10:42:19 am
aka theenglishman
I've been toying with this idea ever since I saw Greenalink's newgame+ run on the site.  Doing newgame will certainly be frustrating from the standpoint of doing SDA attempts (a brand new gamertag is required for every single attempt) but it's been fascinating trying to get an interesting route.

So here are a couple of things I was able to figure out on my own while testing the newgame route:
- I recently found out that early foam is possible on newgame (it basically uses the same route as newgame+ except the tarantula fight is a lot slower due to the lack of inertial element.  It's still fast enough that the panel to the hot vent remains open.
- Early foam locks you out of the first third of the story, which means no Thrust Pack and you're stuck with the pistol until you get the Coil Rifle.  There's no way to go back to Thrust Pack after foam without early missiles (which requires infinite foam), and as far as I know, there's no way to go directly to Thrust Pack since you'd need foam to do major sequence breaking anyway.
- I'll need to pick up as many extra foam packs as possible on the way to the Omega Armour.  Foam bridges are absolutely critical as a substitute for the Thrust Pack, and I screwed myself over in early testing by not diverting enough to grab other foam packs.  I tried looking at some maps online, but they're all laid out confusingly.  I'd love some help in organizing all the potential foam packs on the way to Omega.
- Without the thrust pack, the foam/water puzzle just before Omega (which can easily be done without the scuba mask) cannot be skipped.  The helicopter fight right after that CAN be skipped with a foam bridge, although I've only done it once.
- Inertial element is not required to get to the end.  You have the option of jumping straight to the final boss after getting the Thrust Boots.
- There's this one long vertical corridor (with an unavoidable grenade pack at the bottom) which I was able to pass without double jump by sheer luck.  I think it has something to do with jumping up and firing foam at exactly the right point below Jason so that he lands on it.  It seems finnicky, because normally you're not allowed to place foam on either side of that tunnel.

My current test gamertag has been rendered unwinnable; however, I am 90% sure that was because I didn't try to grab any extra foam packs and was stuck with 12 after Omega.  I'll need as many as possible.

Newgame 100% basic conclusions:
- Early foam is a no-go for 100%, due to the reasons I've laid out below.  Only a handful of sequence breaks (like skipping the first flooded area and the helicopter fight before Omega) are doable.

I'm going to continue testing, primarily with any%, and then try and get a 100% route (which would mean getting gold bars and passkey components too)

Foam packs (based on GamesRadar's map):
- F1 (the foam gun itself)
- F2 (the same room as the foam gun)
- F3 (maybe?  It requires going through the normal route then backtracking to the foam save room to do the bridge.  Might not be worth it.  The guide says you need the scuba mask, but I doubt it).
- F4 (without a doubt, it's right in the middle of the path)
- F5 (get it right after Friction Dampener, might have to backtrack for it if the bridge lowering is skipped)

Haven't thought about any other of the packs yet, but I really think this route needs to go out of its way whenever possible to grab extra foam.

- complete prologue
- wiggle jump over the rock, collect climbing gear
- proceed as normal, collect pistol
- go to grenades, need a relatively quick Tarantula fight, seems to be random?  No further grenade pickups necessary, maybe....
- take early foam route
- all double-jump stuff replaced by foam bridges
- is Coil Rifle really needed after XOS-1?  I forget whether I collect the MP60 too.
- battlefield skip, which can be duplicated when backtracking
- magic number for foam pre-missiles is 24.  The first foam pack can be completed on the way to stopping the bottom smashers with foam.  You start with 4 foam, use one foam to blow open the foam door then stop the bottom three smashers while the foam door is exploding.  Collect the foam pack then do the top three.
- the double-jump vent after missiles can be completed without foam, I need to wallrun in exactly the right spot
- backtrack to double-jump, proceed on NG+ route
- final boss completed as normal, use RT+B to break out of missile animation after firing

Thread title:  
train kept rollin
I have a large quantity of interest in seeing this. Good luck.
Edit history:
qubit: 2012-03-30 04:45:57 pm
qubit: 2012-03-30 03:57:24 pm
qubit: 2012-03-30 02:38:17 pm
qubit: 2012-03-30 01:10:53 pm
aka theenglishman
So now my test run is up to acquiring missiles.  F5, it turns out, is right next to the bridge after the friction dampener, so there's no reason why I shouldn't get that.

Also, I don't know if anyone else knows this, but lowering the bridge can be skipped.  There's a glitch where you can sort of preserve your friction dampener when wall jumping.  It seems random as of this writing.

16 foam is enough to get to the XOS-1, and I have 24 by the time I get to the missiles.  Hilariously, once you acquire the XOS-1, the game automatically sets the grenade launcher animation for you, which means I'm now firing grenade rounds with my pistol.  Awesome.

Another major problem so far is ascending vertical passageways with the foam.  It's so unreliable and completely random, at least to me, and I really hope there'll be some explanation as to how to do it consistently.
Uwee Hee Hee
Why do you need a new gamertag for every new game attempt? I know the game auto-saves, so couldn't you just delete the save data from the xbox's memory?
train kept rollin
Even if you can its probably faster/less frustrating if you just create 30 new gamertags and pick a new one each attempt rather then deleting your save file from the hard drive each time.
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Greenalink: 2012-03-31 02:59:17 am
Greenalink: 2012-03-31 02:58:53 am
DS Dictator
Why do you need a new gamertag for every new game attempt? I know the game auto-saves, so couldn't you just delete the save data from the xbox's memory?

The Experience points data is part of the actual gamertag.
The Shadow Complex Save data is basically the location of where Jason is after loading up the game and unlockable features on Proving Grounds mode.
This is why there isn't even a segmented run as basically every retry the Exp Bar is increased despite replacing the new Shadow Complex Save data with an older one to redo the segment.

I need to test out an offline gamertag from a USB memory stick and see if copy/pasting onto my PC hard drive is the only way to back up old experience points.
Edit history:
qubit: 2012-03-31 02:30:42 pm
qubit: 2012-03-31 02:30:40 pm
qubit: 2012-03-31 02:30:30 pm
aka theenglishman
Okay seriously, this whole debacle with the vertical shafts is just getting old.  I'm just unable to put the foam down consistently; the one I'm really having trouble is the vertical shaft right after acquiring missiles.

Greenalink, I know you've done this particular trick before, and I would be extremely grateful if you could provide a video tutorial on how to do it.  I think it's the best way for me to understand what you did.
DS Dictator
Qubit saw this live but I made a highlight of the successful attempt
aka theenglishman
Finally managed that vent without foam using an idea of Greenalink's that he couldn't get to work on his previous stream.  I suggest turning down the volume if you're not a fan of maniacal laughter.
Uwee Hee Hee
That is such an awesome laugh Smiley
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Just wanted to voice my support in seeing a run, especially an optimized 100% route. Getting the CHAIRness achievement was probably the most fun I had with the game!
I'm not one who's good at route planning, but I'd love to see a 100% route and I may be tempted to look into doing a few SS attempts.
aka theenglishman
Good news, everyone!  I will start streaming speedrun practices again in a few days, alternating between God of War II "boot camp" (i.e. learning the game), Shadow Complex any% attempts, and Resident Evil 4 WR attempts.  I'm probably going to be focusing on one game per streaming session, which means you'll see a lot more Shadow Complex with my current route.
DS Dictator
I gave Any% a go today and here are a few notes:

* After getting chased by the helicopter, don't jump down towards the pit, instead carry on going to the right and you should see a second pit with a ladder, taking that route skips using a switch and picking up the weaker standard gun.
* I skipped the Grapple Hook after rescuing Claire. This does mean you have to kill a few regular enemies to collect foam ammo. 20 after activating the bridge switch with a Dash boots jump and roughly 24 after escaping from the trap room (from top left platform, aiming towards the top right platform).
* No need to pick up ammo expansions for grenades.

aka theenglishman
Quote from Greenalink:
I gave Any% a go today and here are a few notes:

* After getting chased by the helicopter, don't jump down towards the pit, instead carry on going to the right and you should see a second pit with a ladder, taking that route skips using a switch and picking up the weaker standard gun.
* I skipped the Grapple Hook after rescuing Claire. This does mean you have to kill a few regular enemies to collect foam ammo. 20 after activating the bridge switch with a Dash boots jump and roughly 24 after escaping from the trap room (from top left platform, aiming towards the top right platform).
* No need to pick up ammo expansions for grenades.

No grapple means that the Walker is going to be a nightmare.  How did you manage to do it quickly?
Edit history:
Greenalink: 2012-04-22 02:17:56 pm
DS Dictator
I forgot to add that I also skip the triple jump boots too. Yeah the escape sequence later on is troll worthy alone.

Basically after saving Claire, I go to the trap room and then after farming enough foam ammo, I go to the final battle.
Edit history:
qubit: 2012-04-23 11:54:08 am
aka theenglishman
Okay, I just did three reasonably fast newgame attempts a few minutes ago.  Or should I say, they WOULD have been decent attempts, if the early-foam vent had been open.  I'm convinced there's some secondary trigger OTHER than time, because I was definitely moving faster through to Tarantula and beyond than I had before.

I've never had the foam shortcut lock on me THREE TIMES IN A ROW, let alone when I was moving quickly.  Something's really fishy here.
DS Dictator
If the early-foam vent had been open.  I'm convinced there's some secondary trigger OTHER than time, because I was definitely moving faster through to Tarantula and beyond than I had before.

After defeating the Tarantula, do not go near that grenade door to the right of that room.

Another thing, after rescuing Claire, it's actually better to get the double jump boots. You gain fast climb on ladders, 0 foam after bridge switch with Dash + Double Jump, seriously you save a huge amount of time not skipping the double jump boots.
aka theenglishman
Quote from Greenalink:
If the early-foam vent had been open.  I'm convinced there's some secondary trigger OTHER than time, because I was definitely moving faster through to Tarantula and beyond than I had before.

After defeating the Tarantula, do not go near that grenade door to the right of that room.

Another thing, after rescuing Claire, it's actually better to get the double jump boots. You gain fast climb on ladders, 0 foam after bridge switch with Dash + Double Jump, seriously you save a huge amount of time not skipping the double jump boots.

Ah, I knew I was missing something.

So what about grapple?  Are we still skipping that?
DS Dictator
So what about grapple?  Are we still skipping that?

Positively yes.
Edit history:
qubit: 2012-04-23 06:59:54 pm
aka theenglishman
Okay, in that case I'd love to have some sort of video strategy on a grappleless quick Walker.  I'd imagine it would be quite the roadblock for a run such as this.

EDIT: Nevermind, we're skipping Walker.  Derp.
Edit history:
Greenalink: 2012-04-26 04:53:54 pm
DS Dictator

43:45 in-game time NG (No golden shotgun, infinite foam, etc)

5 reloads
1) time saver
2) electric water room
3) electric water room ... again Angry
4) 4 machine gun giants room (skip this cutscene so you can attack much sooner before they do)
5) fixed camera glitch during final battle (launch a nuke at the same time the mothership is about to counter attack, during the counter you can press B to let go, I was mashing B to mess around only to find out the glitch occured).
Edit history:
qubit: 2012-04-26 11:25:36 pm
aka theenglishman
I just did a really bad run following Greenalink's route and got 1:16:33.  It was truly terrible but hey, at least I can do it!  And I only spent like 4-5 minutes on the Cursed Vent of DOOOOOOOM so that's a plus I guess.  Greenalink, how's about you and I start racing this category? Cheesy
Edit history:
Greenalink: 2012-04-27 04:50:26 pm
DS Dictator
Greenalink, how's about you and I start racing this category

We will need to practise the cursed vent of doom to find a consistent way of getting up there without double jump.

Got a new run of 40:56
DS Dictator
Double post because of important route change on Fresh file any% now