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Would just like to note that its entirely possible to do all harpy flying stuff without unlocking your mouse wheel, it just requires you spin the wheel really quickly and not slow down.  It's no harder than button mashing tricks in some games Smiley
Edit history:
rayvex: 2015-01-02 06:10:04 am
rayvex: 2015-01-02 06:09:49 am
Quote from Freezard:
Sweet! Actually the HD demo recorder is known to be pretty unreliable. That's why there is none in BFE. I don't think it even recorded jumps correctly when I tried it out, but if your demo came out fine then I guess that's alright but I wouldn't use it in the future.

OBS can be a pain sometimes. Sounds like there's some settings you need to fiddle with. People usually help here if you make a new topic or something.

Never had problems using the demo function yet. Jumps are recorded fine. The only thing that demo's seem to struggle with is very high speed causing some jittering as I just found out:

Kinda looks like spamming duck.
EDIT: Speaking of spamming duck. I found binding duck to mousewheel and spamming it easier to clip through the ground than timing it, hence why I use 40 FPS for the clip rather than 30 because it spams at a much greater speed making it more likely to get the timing right than at 30 fps.
Quote from Big_Jim:
Would just like to note that its entirely possible to do all harpy flying stuff without unlocking your mouse wheel, it just requires you spin the wheel really quickly and not slow down.  It's no harder than button mashing tricks in some games Smiley

Well I tried doing the mega flying on the first level to get over the insanely high walls but that was super tough. But yeah I guess I should try it again.

That boost was much better than mine. I guess my fps was a bit overkill Cheesy I just tried out the jump strafing and I got a 0:32 Hatshepsut. It honestly doesn't feel much faster than walking normally but apparently it is. Just your fingers hurt lol.

I've used the mouse wheel to clip through the floor but I think I just time it by pressing crouch twice now. But it might be easier to scroll at 40 fps.
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rayvex: 2015-01-02 07:06:23 am
I knew 0:32 was possible.
Just had a go, managed a 0:32 too Cheesy

0:31 seems pretty much impossible though.

Pulled back the submission to optimize some of the levels further, gonna have to wait a little longer.
At Luxor, did you use the drop down trick with the Harpy where you shoot her and duck at the same time?
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Freezard: 2015-01-02 07:32:09 am
No I just crouched. Maybe I didn't know of the trick at that time but it doesn't really matter since I did it at the same wall anyway.
0:43 on Oasis although 42 maybe even 41 is possible.
Current time is 27:33, considering there's 20+ seconds to be gained at Luxor and some very minor optimizations on other maps, I reckon sub 27 is a reasonable goal.
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rayvex: 2015-01-02 02:45:03 pm
So this is how I would do the harpy trick at Luxor:

I assume you did it in a similar fashion minus the shooting. I find this method to be extremely hard though, I haven't managed to pull it off in a run yet. 75% of the time I slide off the Harpy when jumping on her at this particular area. I believe it has something to do with the sloped wall that she flies into. Secondly, the angle at which she charges at you has got to be perfect as well (almost straight) else she will just get pushed all the way to the left after hitting the wall.
I wonder how you managed to do it in a run.
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Freezard: 2015-01-02 04:21:47 pm
Yep same way but a bit slower/more careful. I can upload the run tomorrow or so.

I think 0:40 Oasis would be possible it's just really hard to get the landing perfect.

Btw do you think the strafe jumping is faster when you go up slopes and do smaller jumps? It almost feels that way. Smaller jumps = faster, higher jumps = slower.
Edit history:
rayvex: 2015-01-02 05:03:07 pm
rayvex: 2015-01-02 04:53:42 pm
rayvex: 2015-01-02 04:46:27 pm
Quote from Freezard:
Btw do you think the strafe jumping is faster when you go up slopes and do smaller jumps? It almost feels that way. Smaller jumps = faster, higher jumps = slower.

Yes I think so. You can clearly notice it at Moon Mountains when jumping up those slightly angled platforms and bridges. If done right it seems to give a noticeable boost compared to walking.

EDIT: Nailed it! Luxor in 1:24

EDIT2: Also, to give you an idea how much faster strafejumping can be: the 0:52 Suburbs run I did was entirely done with strafejumping without a single Kleer boost. I even got stuck at that damned well at the end. Combining Kleer boosts and strafejumping is not possible though I noticed. Due to the additional speed you always end up out of range when the Kleer jumps at you. I also managed to outrun Kamikazes and Harpys with the strafejumping, but it really requires perfect timing and fingers start to hurt after a while Cheesy
I believe the faster you tap Left and Right the faster you go, but it's just a theory.
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Freezard: 2015-01-03 12:35:03 pm
Yeah it's kind of like in BFE then where you sprint faster than the Kleers. I actually experimented with riding on Kamikazes because they're faster than walking normally but yeah... it's pretty hard and not really realistic since enemies blow them up etc.

I got Oasis in 0:41. I have yet to manage to slide right into the exit, I don't even know if that is possible or faster than jumping into it. Also what bugs me is that the Harpy sometimes rises immediately after jumping on her, normally it takes half a second before she rises. I think that is just RNG based but it would at least make 0:40 possible since I got the normal rise in my run.

EDIT: Tomb of Ramses in 1:25. And I think I did both Gnaar parts slower than in my 1:32 so I'm going to try some more.
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rayvex: 2015-01-03 04:22:25 pm
Just got a 1:25 @ tomb of ramses too. Lost 2-3 seconds waiting for the kleer at the end..... so annoying

EDIT: 1:22
That sounds very optimized! Good thing you pulled back the submission Smiley

I think most levels can be improved... it's hard to know how much without seeing your videos and what methods you've used. I don't know how much you want to work on the levels but I can also try to work on some.

I'm wondering how you managed to do that short Sand Canyon boost. Do you always get it like that? I've tried it now on different fps but the minimum you need seems to be 200 and that boosts you really far most of the time. I've only gotten that short boost once.
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rayvex: 2015-01-03 07:11:22 pm
Yeah, I'm happy I pulled back the submission and that you're also running a few maps and beating my records.
If it wasn't for you I would've have left Hatshepsut, Oasis and Tomb of Ramses untouched. Sometimes it's just hard to estimate how much more time there is to be gained in a level until someone else shows you. The 1:29 looked pretty good to me, and now we're here at 1:22 Cheesy
I believe we can achieve an extremely good time when we work together. I'd suggest doing the maps one by one?
Hatshepsut, Sand Canyon and Tomb of Ramses sound very optimized to me, I don't think I'll try to further improve them anymore unless you want to have a go?

As for the Sand Canyon boost, 70% of the times I would get an INSANE boost (even bigger than yours) and end up flying all over the map. About 29% the boost would end up too short. The boost in my run was pure luck, it was the only time I managed to pull it off that well. Also, for some reason I would always spawn back @ the first area in 99% of cases even when the boost ended up way too strong. This was the only time that it spawned me back @ the ending part, I have no idea what factor actually decides where you spawn at. Also, I used ~250 fps for the boost.

I will upload some levels tomorrow so we can have a look and see what can be optimized and where.
As I thought then. These boosts are very luck dependent. Which makes sense because the boost is depending on what time frame you actually do it since the trees are constantly swaying. So actually having the right position and orientation doesn't give the same boost every time, you need the right timing too. The boosts in TSE are not as bad because the objects are not moving as much (or at all).

Well I'll probably try Sand Canyon a bit more and see if I can save another second or two by yoloing the boost without any setup time. The time is good though. And I also think Hatshepsut and Tomb of Ramses are maxed.

The reason that you teleport when boosting is because there's a timer that automatically teleports you back to your last checkpoint after you've been in the air for x seconds. And your last checkpoint is the starting area. You spawn at the ending area when you hit the teleporter perimeter around the ending area. This is why I've had so much trouble with the Valley of the Kings boost because the distance is even longer so you need the perfect boost or you will just end up teleporting back to the starting area.

Sounds good!
Edit history:
rayvex: 2015-01-04 07:09:10 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 07:06:10 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 07:05:49 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 07:05:07 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 06:59:19 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 06:57:56 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 06:56:51 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 06:56:43 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 06:55:22 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 06:54:45 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 06:54:13 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 06:53:43 am
k here are some vids:

Valley of the Kings - 1:59

Jumping on top of that tree you can trigger the bull 1-2s earlier by shooting him.
I missed the first two rockets in the boss fight, lost ~1.5 seconds.
Using the second Gnaar to push you while flying increases your speed even further. Also, it might look like I lost some time getting the Gnaar to fly but I actually didn't. If you fly too early the second Gnaar will get stuck at the wall and not boost you, so you always have to wait 1-2 seconds there.
Obviously if the tree boost you've been talking about works it would save a ton of time but using the current route, this looks pretty good to me. Dunno if I could improve it that easily.

Moon Mountains - 1:03

Missed the Kleer boost, then again it's hardly doable using the strafejumping.
Didn't use Harpy flying but the jump down trick which I incidentally found out on my own at the same time the other new Moon Mountains run was in verifying stage (which I didn't know about at that point).

Dunes - 1:45

Looks ok to me? I mean, you could save 1-2 seconds by having the PERFECT bull riding pattern, but that's very unlikely.
Also, jumping on top of the bull, dropping down and then jumping on top of it again (like I did in the run) is just as fast as constantly trying to stay on top of the bull (which is unnecessarily harder).

Suburbs - 0:52

Probably possible to save more time using a bit better strafejumping and not getting stuck @ the well.
Maybe Kleer boosting is even faster if done right.

Sewers - 0:59

There's surprisingly lots of time to be gained here.
Initially the 1:00 run was thought to be pretty close to perfect.
However, by using duck to go down in the first water area (where u press the button) and jump to go up, you can save 1-2 seconds since it's much faster than holding forward and adjusting your view with the mouse; also, no need to shoot the fish.
At 0:46 (video time) I lost 3 seconds by getting stuck on that darn fish! After that part I did crouch swimming since the first 2 fish don't give any noticeable boost anyway. That's another improvement to cortez's route.
Anyway, considering the fact that I got stuck on the fish plus maybe some more luck with fish boost @ end, a 0:55 or less is possible I think.

So, any comments / thoughts?
Valley of the Kings: Nice, I've tried out the Gnaar floating from that position as well but I found it slower because I only used one of them. That makes it much easier especially if the boost is consistent with two Gnaars. Btw, wouldn't this be useful in any other level? Using that kind of double Gnaar floating must be faster than running normally. Anyway, apparently I mentioned an old time I had on this level. My best one is actually 1:58. I'm using a tree boost on the very first tree to the left to get to the green guy immediately. You can save over 20 seconds there easily. Then another 20 seconds if you manage to boost over the wall to skip the boss fight. And like I mentioned, if you manage to boost directly to the exit it's like a 30 second run or so. 1:15-1:20 should be possible with a boss skip though.

Moon Mountains: I feel like this level should be more than 2 seconds faster than the 1:05 when strafe jumping since there's so much ground to cover. The Kleer boost is definitely faster but it's not that easy to get. Using Harpy flying at the end would probably make it sub-1:00. You need low fps though because you need to stun the Harpy and jump up on her which for some reason is almost impossible at high fps. Which makes the actual flying tougher. I could be wrong though, could try it out some more.

Dunes: Been working on this level a bit now. Also got a 1:45 and would have gotten a 1:42 if I didn't fuck up the battle. It's pretty hard with a normal scroll wheel. Can't get the same boosts you do reliably, I just get knocked away most of the time. The good thing about riding is that you can get a nice jump at the end to get over the wall with some speed.

Suburbs: Don't think the well cost you much time really. Not sure about the boosting. It looks like you get the "fail Kleer" where it keeps following and charging at you but never hitting. That happens often when running normally as well so I think you can get some boosts.

Sewers: Really? Crouching/jumping is faster than swimming forward? Didn't know about that. Yeah the fish RNG didn't go your way. I hate this level though. You can actually clip through the floor and swim OoB to the end. But the time was around 1:00 as well when I tried it out so it wouldn't be faster.
Edit history:
rayvex: 2015-01-04 12:13:01 pm
rayvex: 2015-01-04 11:30:45 am
rayvex: 2015-01-04 11:30:23 am
Yeah, I only recently found out about the double Gnaar floating. I wonder where else it would come in handy though? The only thing that comes to mind is Karnak. I didn't use it in my 2:25 Karnak run and I lost some seconds too since gaining height with Gnaar @ low FPS is actually very random and difficult. I reckon Karnak can be done in sub 2:10 now.

I've tried Harpy flying at moon mountains but found it very hard to do. I'm also pretty bad at the stun method. You should have a go at this one I reckon and Valley of the Kings too since I'm havin problems using OBS.
1:42 on dunes is sick, I couldn't get to the arena quickly enough to achieve such a time, bull riding must've been perfect there. Shame you lost the time in the battle though.

I know what you mean about the Kleer that keeps missing you, still I have actually never gotten any decent kleer boosts at this map, seems im pretty unlucky there.

Where exactly can you clip through the floor at Sewers? And how can you swim to the end? Usually once getting OoB in SSHD you just fall down the map until you respawn in the room you clipped out of.
I do however also had an idea about going OoB at Sewers by trying to clip through the roof using a Gnaar, but never really managed to do it. There are small ducts in the first area of Sewers that you can get to using a flying Gnaar.
I tried to see if it's possible clipping through the roof using the Gnaar and the angled wall in one of the ducts since the "roof" at that place is extremely thin, but I haven't managed to completely clip through it.
You can just clip enough to be able to shoot OoB, but not to actually pass through the roof entirely. Here's a video:

Regarding the duck/jump in water: It feels to me that it's faster, can be my imagination too though lol.

P.S. just added you at steam
Yeah I think Karnak is the only other level with floating Gnaars. But they're pretty far away from each other if I remember correctly (at the pool).

Well right now I'm still trying Dunes... I got a 1:40 so far. A few frames from 1:39. The battle was only average so I'm hoping to improve it.

I had a video of the Sewers OoB stuff but not anymore it seems. Anyway I clipped through the floor with a fish, then you can swim around the rooms since the water area is a bit outside the level as well. But you can't swim right to the exit, you have to follow the water around the level so that's why it's not so fast. That Gnaar clip looks interesting, been trying various ways to get out of Sewers too but haven't managed to. Maybe try it on different frame rates? Not sure if it would be faster to float to the exit though. Testing the water crouch/jump speed should be easy, can check it out later. Also in your Sewers run, don't you think it's faster to kill the first fish so it won't push you backwards?

Edit history:
rayvex: 2015-01-06 03:45:38 pm
Sewers is down to 0:56, still workin' on it.

As for the Gnaar clip, I did try it with various different framerates but to no avail.
I do believe flying with the Gnaar would actually be considerably faster since the end of the level is not that far away and its literally just a straight line till there. I reckon the flight itself would take 10 seconds, maybe a bit more.
However, even IF I managed to clip through the roof, the Gnaar would most likely not clip with me so I think this theory is not even possible. I will give it a few more tries though.
Edit history:
Tezur0: 2015-01-10 12:47:44 pm
Tezur0: 2015-01-10 12:27:18 pm
Tezur0: 2015-01-10 12:13:34 pm
Wow that's some insane stuff you guys discovered. How do I do that treeboost on map 2? I might even try to get back to Single-Segment again Cheesy
Can you also share Metropolis and Karnak VODs?

EDIT: I guess I should call back my submission Cheesy

EDIT2: Dang, I talked to Freezard and it seems that some of IL strats will not do for Single-Segment Sad but still with map 2 I can probably try shawing off 1 more minute there
rayvex posted a video of Sand Canyon earlier. Just try to do the same thing and jump after you got the boost. It's really too hard to do in SS though unless you wanna reset constantly. No need to pull back your submission. It's already verified and everything Tongue

I got a 1:00 in Moon Mountains. You're right that strafe jumping isn't as fast at 30 fps. It's just slightly faster than walking. Also more difficult to control. I guess I'm going for 0:59 if I can get a good Kleer boost but playing at 30 fps is damn annoying.

I also tried strafe jumping in non-HD and BFE but that just slows you down. Odd.
Quote from Freezard:
rayvex posted a video of Sand Canyon earlier. Just try to do the same thing and jump after you got the boost. It's really too hard to do in SS though unless you wanna reset constantly. No need to pull back your submission. It's already verified and everything Tongue

I got a 1:00 in Moon Mountains. You're right that strafe jumping isn't as fast at 30 fps. It's just slightly faster than walking. Also more difficult to control. I guess I'm going for 0:59 if I can get a good Kleer boost but playing at 30 fps is damn annoying.

I also tried strafe jumping in non-HD and BFE but that just slows you down. Odd.

Nice time on Moon Mountains. And yeah, playing at low fps is really a pain. The strafejump is much more inconsistent on top of being slower just as you said.

Quote from Tezur0:
Wow that's some insane stuff you guys discovered. How do I do that treeboost on map 2? I might even try to get back to Single-Segment again Cheesy
Can you also share Metropolis and Karnak VODs?

EDIT: I guess I should call back my submission Cheesy

EDIT2: Dang, I talked to Freezard and it seems that some of IL strats will not do for Single-Segment Sad but still with map 2 I can probably try shawing off 1 more minute there



I agree about most of the IL strats being not viable for SS. However, the double Gnaar floating @ Valley of the Kings is a pretty consistent strat and also makes the level easier to run imo since the Gnaars can sometimes troll you when going for the Gold Ankh (which is not needed with the new route). Can save up to 20 seconds.

Also, I reckon that going for the Metropolis clip might be worth in a single segment run. Ideally it will save over 4 minutes so you have a big timeframe to do the clip. That means that even if you fail the first few tries you can still potentially save time. However, this could also be a potential run killer (but its the same with the Kleer boost anyway).
The big downside to this is that you would have to run at max 40 (maybe 50) FPS.
Normally I would say that a safe strat would be to try the clip for 2 minutes during the Kamikaze fight and if you fail just proceed with the fight instead (you don't actually lose time during the Kamikaze fight itself since only the last Kamikaze is the important one). The problem however is that due to the low FPS you would have to walk to the arena in the beginning of the map instead of using the Harpy to get there which is about 30-40 seconds slower. So even if you continued the fight after having failed the clip, you would lose 30-40 seconds overall in the map.
Edit history:
Tezur0: 2015-01-11 07:18:03 am
I'd rather reset at Metropolis than at The Great Pyramid.
I'm gonna look into running SS in different FPS,in about a week, when I have time.
Thanks for VODs btw Cheesy
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Freezard: 2015-01-11 08:04:53 am
The problem with playing on 30-40 fps is that you can't do Harpy/Gnaar flying, tree boosts or strafe jumping well. Still it's probably faster to play on low fps in a single-segmented run... it's just annoying. Maybe the easiest thing is to do a no large skips run which doesn't use clipping. Although the large skips category has always been controversial in the SS series since basically just jumping out of a level is skipping a ton of things already.
I just remembered... There was some 100% run submitted, but got rejected, due to not being 100%. Haven't seen the run itself, but is 100% possible in some way? That might be really interesting. I'd do such ILs at least (though I'm not really fan of doing them) Smiley