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That's awesome! Since you don't need the market and Vigor fight and the cutscene about the diamond eyes to actually obtain them Cheesy If we can get this to work somehow, we can skip Blimp/Crush, Market, Vigor Cheesy
We would need atlas unfortunately, so not sure what it would do with the timer n stuff... Sad
I got a little too excited, lol. I forgot I did all that stuff with cheats enabled, including....... Atlas Grin
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TheAngryPanda: 2014-01-21 11:06:10 am
Speed > Safety
I'll edit this later when I have time to do so, but I have an idea/theory....


actually, if you don't mind, could you just post what you've already tested on how to get it working in RTA?
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AsFarAsIGet: 2014-01-21 11:08:48 am
Havent done any testings yet. Just discovered the fact that those rooms are stored in the same map so far and that you could theoretically enter the exit triggers.
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TheAngryPanda: 2014-01-21 11:19:36 am
Speed > Safety
i wonder if any maps are on the same map ID as the Northern Forest map ID. Because we can get OoB there easily.
Mostly indoor rooms are connected, outdoor places are big and dont contain other parts in it. What northern forest you mean exactly?
Speed > Safety
I'll look into it later, I'm pretty sure there's nothing because like you said, most bigger maps have their own distinctive ID's.

The rooms though, each of those rooms in that map ID will have to be tested to see if there's a legit way to escape the boundaries of the door. If there isn't, then we're basically back to only being able to do it with non-legit methods. I wonder if assassin has a list of all areas included in each map ID... that could prove useful. I also wonder if there's a way to override AI pathing and roll another AI pathing option mid-path via menu'ing... I dunno if we could utilize this or not, but it's an option that hasn't been thoroughly tested to my knowledge.

Also, this skip would have MAJOR implications in 100% and I think Any% might not be able to benefit as much as people think, unfortunately. Mostly due to money management. But who knows, if we get it working and find out how much potential time there is to save, perhaps I can work around that to find us the most optimal route for money to make use of it, shouldn't be too awful.
It seems that there are more places where you can trigger the landing scene next to Fire Eyes Village at Eastern Forest. Untill now i haven't found any other landable place Sad

It triggers at very precise places, Meta was unlucky Wink Tongue
Hmm trying to find the accelleration adresses of the boy and the dog but can't find them anywhere... I wonder if assassin mb got those.
Speed > Safety
acceleration address? like for speed gains? I feel like I've seen that mentioned somewhere before. I know the speed remains static at a certain point unless on a auto-moving terrain such as the water in sewers. Being able to store that speed, however, would be pretty sexy.
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Grumly: 2014-01-21 02:48:06 pm
Grumly: 2014-01-21 02:46:00 pm
It's 7E4EB7 and 7E4EB8 for the boy. The value 400 (hexadecimal) is the max : you can keep running at 99% for ever
Hey grumly, 7E4EB7/8 is the 100% bar. I ment the adress that determines how fast the characters are running.
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Grumly: 2014-01-21 02:53:58 pm
Hey. I misunderstand. Sorry.
Yeah i always wondered what happens when u full sewer poison, confound speed die into pixie dust? Wink
No, i dont know if u know the zelda a link to past glitch, where they store super movement speed. Would be cool for SOE aswell. Cheesy
Speed > Safety
Would be worth looking into for sure.
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GreenAmbler: 2014-01-21 04:47:23 pm
GreenAmbler: 2014-01-21 04:32:25 pm
GreenAmbler: 2014-01-21 04:15:51 pm
GreenAmbler: 2014-01-21 04:14:44 pm
GreenAmbler: 2014-01-21 04:14:38 pm
GreenAmbler: 2014-01-21 04:14:26 pm
GreenAmbler: 2014-01-21 04:11:53 pm
As for the connected rooms, you can walk OoB in some of them by doing the Wrong Entrance thing (the way I do Thraxx cutscene skip). Depending on what other entrances are on the same map, you can force the characters to walk down/left/right instead of upwards upon entering, and depending on the room, you either get stuck, still be on walkable terrain (but not OoB), or OoB and able to walk around a bit. The camera doesn't follow you though, and I'm not certain how far you can walk or if it would let you walk onto any adjacent screens. Unfortunately the Jaguar Ring cave is only accessed by the whirlpool which moves both characters, although you should be able to do the switch I did for the Early Acid Rain guy to fix this

Asfar, how do you get the camera to follow you when using the walk through walls cheat? That'd make figuring things out way easier.

Edit: Wrong entrance does not allow you to walk around OoB for Jaguar Ring cave, you only get stuck. I'll try other connected rooms, but don't get your hopes up
Speed > Safety
The thing that has me all happy about this discovery is that if we find a way to make it work with Act 1 >> Act 2, we skip magmar, enable the gondola with the dog, go to market to start the timer, get atlas glitch, cross the river, do mids/ruins (gets crush in the process), knock aegis out (and vigor, if needed), then pop Aquagoth and we're gone. That's a MASSIVE savings. So I think exhausting every possible chance this could work is a good idea. I plan to do some testing in the near-ish future with some things, but the more people checking it out the better.

On a side note, if someone wants to hunt down other map ID sharing rooms, that'd be great too.
I've used the Walk Through Walls cheat, but it doesn't scroll the camera Sad However, when I walk through the first exit the screen fades out and stays black > softlock

2nd exit gives me HB cave
Haven't got to the act 2 cave yet Tongue since I can't see where I'm going
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TheAngryPanda: 2014-01-21 04:49:13 pm
Speed > Safety
what is the first exit? that raptor cave? It may lock up because of the event that supposed to be played.

edit: Also, I'm looking for guinea pigs for a soon-to-be-finished marathon route (AB100%). We (Meta and I) probably need to brute force test the hell out of the route once it's actually finished to make sure it's as safe as possible. I don't particularly care for how fast an attempt is finished more than I care about the attempt being finished. I also want to make sure this route is easily available for people who may wish to run it for future events.
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AsFarAsIGet: 2014-01-21 04:50:01 pm
Nono, ull need these aswell!

7E08F6 D0
7E08F7 07

7E23ED D0
7E23EE 07

Those Increase the x-width of the area to the right and remove the camera restrictions. (they only work to the right side, not to the left)
Havent figured them out fully. I also found the x-left, y-up and y-down ones, but they are all kinda messy...
I count to 12 and walk down > succes Tongue
Evermore Extrodinare ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ
Darklink how about you stream this stuff? I'm kinda curious as to what you're doing? At least seeing it in action I guess?
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DLDarklink: 2014-01-21 05:10:20 pm
DLDarklink: 2014-01-21 05:05:05 pm
DLDarklink: 2014-01-21 05:02:37 pm
DLDarklink: 2014-01-21 05:02:24 pm
DLDarklink: 2014-01-21 05:00:46 pm
i'd love to, but my computer is getting a clean install right now Tongue maybe later tonight Smiley

edit: the laptop i'm using now is kinda... f*cked, it goes into meltdown when i start xsplit XD

edit 2: one of the exits is at the volcano path

If I understand GA's stuff, you can wrong-entrance there. 1 character goes into the cave, the other one leaves into the Western Swamp

edit 3: from the Volcano Path cave it's the first exit Smiley  Thanks Asfar for the code Tongue
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AsFarAsIGet: 2014-01-21 06:26:47 pm
AsFarAsIGet: 2014-01-21 06:26:04 pm
No problem, now we only need to find a way to get there without the use of codes. ^-^

Another funny fact is that in the pyramid, the game checks exactly for the bronze axe to be equipped before u are able to smash the doors.
In the temple every spear except the horn spear is working to trigger the staircase. :/