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Dex has been a mod for a long time.
Hmm...seems like I should have known that...where has my mind gone?
i often wonder.
Quote from nate:
i often wonder.

And here I thought you didn't acknowledge me.
Edit history:
Enhasa: 2008-11-18 11:16:07 pm
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I made a detailed diagram that perfectly encapsulates what our IRC channel is like.

Edit history:
Kibbo: 2008-11-18 11:19:48 pm
I don't get it?
My feelings on The Demon Rush
The best part about that picture is how it's open to interpretation.
welcome to the machine
And it's so true, too. Sad
Cigar Man
Is that a little dick on the figure on the left?
Doin Good
The second from the left one is Alfalpha, or more likely a mod of similar charecter? Chubby Mikwuyma is obviously the far left one, we have a hint for the next one, but still no idea who the 3rd is. The sad one is Prot I think.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this one or not, but Mike said "post post post posti" so who am I to disagree? This one has an entirely different subject matter from the first one.

everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Quote from MrSparkle:
The second from the left one is Alfalpha, or more likely a mod of similar charecter? Chubby Mikwuyma is obviously the far left one, we have a hint for the next one, but still no idea who the 3rd is. The sad one is Prot I think.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried, but don't feel bad, people so far are 0/8 on their first guess (although many got it on their second). BTW people without faces are supposed to be just anybody.
I don't even know what the fuck this is
Enhasa, you dumbass, LIGER LEFT.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
But there's no yogurt or pushups in the picture.
I don't even know what the fuck this is
He's flexing, though.
Based on the facial expression I would guess me, tiki or liger. But liger has already been ruled out, I guess Tongue
We all know lag has bad teeth.
Yeah, but he also has a hell of a lot of hair which you don't see in Enhasa's... erm, beautiful drawing Grin
in 1st one the one all the way on the right is lag.  middle one is nate because he's the leader, and mike's the 3rd one cause he's nate's right hand man.  on the left is me, you can tell because the guy on the left is white
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I hope Lag doesn't think it's him because several people have incorrectly guessed this for some reason when it's obviously not. I know alucard knows it's not, but for some reason people take him seriously (ahem guy in mm9 thread) so I have to point this out.

BTW I'm not answering any more guesses because this is all sort of stupid, and I'm not making any more. This was just a one-time thing because I was bored while waiting to reconnect.

PS I should have just said nothing and left it all open to interpretation, but I figured that if I didn't explicitly say no, people would think that my silence would be implicit agreement.
sda loyalist
BTW I'm not answering any more guesses because this is all sort of stupid, and I'm not making any more. This was just a one-time thing because I was bored while waiting to reconnect.

Well, you could have at least explained what it was before coming to that decision.
The Sleeper Sleeps
Anyone currently getting 'Too many connections from your IP?' error?
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Quote from LandonLeo:
Anyone currently getting 'Too many connections from your IP?' error?

Means that too many people in the same channel are on mibbit at the same time. You can use mirc too instead of mibbit. I like mibbit better, but sometimes I have to use that.