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Eldra: 2016-05-18 10:38:49 pm
Game: Mega Man : Super Fighting Robot
Category: Any%
Estimate: 45:00
Misc Info: Fan game, played on default settings.

Game: Dragon's Curse
Category: Any%
Estimate: 50:00
Misc Info: Also known as Wonder Boy 3 : Dragon's Trap.

Game: Rockin' Kats
Category: All stages
Estimate: 28:00
Misc Info: Possible to cut extra stage and remove 5 min from the run.
Projected Availability : From 10AM to 11PM EST

EDIT: added video link for every runs since they are probably mostly unknown
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Highspirits: 2016-04-24 02:18:09 pm
Game: Breath of Fire 3
Category: Any%
Estimate: 9:30:00 (Still learning game, could come down)
Misc Info: Just learning the route at the current time.  Popular BoF game with great music, Honey, and nekkid sprites, what more could you ask for?
Projected Availability: M-F: 6am-11pm EST, Sat: 11am-6pm EST, Sun: 1pm-11pm EST

Game: Dragon Quest 1 (SFC)
Category: Any%
Estimate: 2:00:00
Misc Info: Much faster version of DQ.  This would be a race with a bunch of others submitting.
Projected Availability: M-F: 6am-11pm EST, Sat: 11am-6pm EST, Sun: 1pm-11pm EST

Game: Jungle no Ouja Taa-chan
Category: Any%
Estimate: 25:00
Misc Info: Japanese WTF game.  King Tarzan of the Jungle... in Japan.  He is a bodybuilder, flexible... and a pervert.  Best looking sprites ever.
Projected Availability: M-F: 6am-11pm EST, Sat: 11am-6pm EST, Sun: 1pm-11pm EST

Game: Noobow
Category: Any%
Estimate: 35:00
Projected Availability: M-F: 6am-11pm EST, Sat: 11am-6pm EST, Sun: 1pm-11pm EST

Game: Yume Penguin Monogatari
Category: Any%
Estimate: 15:00
Misc Info: Cute NES game, you play as a fat penguin who is trying to lose weight to impress a woman.  You get harassed by an evil penguin (dubbed Mr Feedus) who does everything possible to make you fat so he can steal your woman.
Projected Availability: M-F: 6am-11pm EST, Sat: 11am-6pm EST, Sun: 1pm-11pm EST
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)
Category: any% Sonic
Estimate: 27:00
Misc. Info: I did this at the last one and may not be scrubby enough to do it again, but I may as well offer anyway. Wink

Game: Final Fantasy XII
Category: any%
Estimate: 7:30:00
Misc. Info: One of the most challenging FF speedruns, but still safe enough for marathons.  I've been involved in running it for years now.

Game: Mass Effect
Category: any% (can also do NG+)
Estimate: 2:00 (or 1:50)
Misc. Info: 3rd person shooter/RPG with plenty of interesting glitches and skips.  NG+ is safer, but less interesting.  Either way, I need something to kick me in the ass and get me back into the game.  Would not want to run both this and KotOR.

Game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Category: any%
Estimate: 1:40
Misc. Info: This estimate is quite safe because in the past year the game has been broken to shreds (and it already had some major skips).  Highlights include opening "impossible" locks and skipping large portions of most major planets.  Also RNG isn't much of a thing in the run anymore.  Would not want to run both this and Mass Effect.

Availability: I do things with friends on Wed., Fri. and Sun. evenings (Eastern Time), but if that's where my run(s) fit, so be it.  Otherwise I'm flexible.
SPEEDruns not SAFEruns
Game: SEGA Bass Fishing
Category: Any%
Estimate: 15:00
Misc. Info: The ultimate angler's skill showcase on the Sega Dreamcast. Trophy bass hitting fast, don't blink or you'll miss this blur of a run!

Game: Dynamite Cop!
Category: Any%
Estimate: 30:00
Misc. Info: Unofficial sequel to Die Hard: Arcade. Watch me bash a slew of baddies with anti-tank missiles, pork buns, machine guns, samurai swords, hair spray, and the good ol' fisticuffs.

Game: Contra
Category: Any% / Low% [Only if you want me to hate you]
Estimate: 15:00
Misc. Info: More masculinity than scrubathon deserves. If you are sensitive to testosterone probably not the run for you.

Availability: Should be open from the 21st until the 26th. Prone to bitch about time slots due to being lazy and/or wanting to hang out with IRL wife instead. Sometimes I'd rather watch baseball than kick a terrorists ass with a tuna fish, but we'll make something work.
Edit history:
TheZedna: 2016-05-13 02:45:28 am
Game: Lost Odyssey
Category: any%
Estimate: 7:15:00
Misc. Info: I did this at Scrubathon IV and actually wanted to route any% no gamble but didn't have time until now. Some minor optimizations with Slot Seeds are basically the only change since last time.

Game: Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
Category: any% glitchless
Estimate: 4:00:00
Misc. Info: Only putting this here if no one else (looking at Feral, Vultuz or Happy) wants to run it since they are better than I am even though I am slowly improving.

Game: Final Fantasy X-2
Category: any% HD (PS4)
Estimate: 3:30:00
Misc. Info: Currently learning the category. Quite different run than all the PS2 versions due to heavy use of the monster capture system plus a category that's never been done at a marathon afaik. Also features waifus and dancing. Estimate might drop a bit depending on how quickly I make progress.

Game: Noobow
Category: any%
Estimate: 35:00
Misc. Info: For the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Potential race with Highspirits.

Projected Availability: Weekdays (except Wednesday) from 6:30 pm on forward. Weekends pretty much all the time.
Game: Where's Waldo?
Category: Any% Easy
Estimate: 5:00
Misc Info: Race with Crak_Atak (or whomever wishes to) to find the man who can't be found.
Projected Availability: I should be available June 21st, 22nd, 27th, 28th, and 29th 3 am EST - 8 am EST

Game: Mega Man 9
Category: any% Buster Mostly
Estimate: 47:00
Misc. Info: MM9 buster only category, except buster mostly because there are a few parts that aren't possible to get through without weapons.

Projected Availability; I should be available June 21st, 22nd, 27th, 28th, and 29th 3 am EST - 9 am EST
Edit history:
Nightbarrel: 2016-05-01 10:33:45 am
Nightbarrel: 2016-04-26 04:32:28 pm
Nightbarrel: 2016-04-26 04:30:07 pm
Nightbarrel: 2016-04-26 04:29:57 pm
Nightbarrel: 2016-04-26 04:29:50 pm
Nightbarrel: 2016-04-26 04:29:40 pm
Game: Jet Moto
Category: Full Season
Estimate: 37:00
Misc Info: Love jet ski hoverbikes racing over land AND water?...and swamps...and snow...and metal platforms high above LA? (supposedly) Then this is the game for you!
Projected Availability: Weekdays from 7pm-1am EST; Weekends all day.
Game: Chrono Trigger (US)
Category: Any% No LSS / 100%
Estimate: 3:25:00/5:15:00
Misc Info: if someone want to race why not
Projected Availability: 24.06 - 8:00-17:00 / 25.06 12:00-17:00 CEST (starting time)
Game: Mother 3
Category: Any% English
Estimate: 7:00:00
Misc Info: Can play on Japanese version to save time if you'd prefer that.
Projected Availability: Weekdays after 6 pm EST, all day on Saturday and Sunday. I won't be available on Friday, June 24th.
Game: Castlevania 64
Category: Reinhardt Any%
Estimate: 50:00
Misc Info: Races always accepted.
Projected Availability: Weekdays 8 am - 10 pm CST,  Weekends Anytime
Game: Deus ex
Category: any%
Estimate: 1:00:00
Misc: Preparation for the SGDQ / ESA runs which will happen afterwards + showcase of new tricks.
Projected Availability: Germantime around 22:00-0:00 during the week, otherwise Weekend after 18:00

Game: Deus ex Human Revolution
Category: any%
Estimate: 1:00:00
Misc: My first speedgame and still one of my favourites! Love to show it off and the crazy tricks you can do.
Projected Availability: Germantime around 22:00-0:00 during the week, otherwise Weekend after 18:00

Game: Tomb Raider Anniversary
Category: any%
Estimate: 1:00:00
Misc: Airwalking Bo... I mean laura..  I mean Lara which can skip almost everything pretty easily.
Projected Availability: Germantime around 22:00-0:00 during the week, otherwise Weekend after 18:00

Game: Metal Gear Rising Revengance
Category: any% NG+ Hard
Estimate: 1:15:00
Misc: Going OOB thanks to the ability to do the Pole arm jumps! Quick boss fights and nice music.
Projected Availability: Germantime around 22:00-0:00 during the week, otherwise Weekend after 18:00
Edit history:
NachoYacopu: 2016-05-24 08:25:59 pm
T r i P T e a M
Game: Rudra No Hihou
Category: Any% Glitchless Co-op / Surlent+Dune%
Estimate: 7:20:00 / 3:30:00
Misc Info: Coop with CronoKirby, regardless I'd be doing Surlent and Dune (the final scenario). I've done this before, using a save with Sion and Riza scenarios already beaten so I can beat Surlent's scenario and jump straight into the endgame (since I've already done Sion and Riza scenarios for Scrubathons I feel this is whats missing to complete the Scrubathon trilogy of Rudra).

Game: Final Fantasy III
Category: glitchless with EC Skips
Estimate: 4:30:00
Misc Info: Can race with Crono and anyone else who's crazy enough to attempt this

Projected Availability: Any day before the 29th, prefer graveyard shift because less chance of internet being bad.

Can't wait to scrub it up.
The Dork Knight himself.
Game: DmC Devil May Cry (the reboot)
Category: New Game Any% Nephilim difficulty
Estimate: 2:00:00
Misc: Sequence breaking, combat mechanics abuse, sprinkle in a little OOB, and you get a run that has little downtime. I won't be using the Infinite Glide glitch since it was patched out.

Game: Double Dragon II - Boss Edition
Category: Knee%
Estimate: 30:00
Misc: This is a romhack of the original DD2 which replaces most of the enemies with much tougher enemies. It will be done using a PowerPak on a real console, but due to the fact that dying just once on any level can softlock the game (the hack uses a prototype version of DD2 as the base), savestates will be used at the start of each level to ensure I can complete it. Expect some really weird animations/glitches.

Projected availability: I'll be available pretty much anytime since I can take a day off of work. If both games are accepted and are not on the same day, one will have to be in the 6pm - 12am EST timeslot.
Game: Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins
Category: Glitchless/Any%
Estimate: 0:28:00/0:05:00
Misc Info: I ran Glitchless during last Scrubathon and would be very happy to showcase this most popular category of the game again this time around. I hope to get one or two other runners to submit so we can have a race!
I'm also submitting Any%(the weird out-of-bounds shenanigans!). This category was considered not marathon safe until I recently found a more consistent route. With this I'm very confident to be able to finish the run in 5 minutes max consistently. Believe it or not: there might be the possibility of a 3-way race of this!
Projected Availability: June 21st - 23rd & June 27th - 28th from 3PM - 5PM EDT; June 24th 3 PM - 7 PM EDT; June 25th - 26th 6 AM - 5 PM EDT
Game: Super Mario Lands 2 - 6 Golden Coins
Category: Any%
Estimate: 0:05:00
Misc Info: Picked this up during the #12HourChallenge, new strats and a new route were found, and I even had WR for a brief time. Submitting as a race with Oh_DeeR and possibly a third participant.
Projected Availability: June 21-23 & June 27-30 - 7am to 9pm EDT
oh yea
Game: Mega Man Zero 3
Catagory: NG+ Ultimate Mode
Estimate: 55:00
Misc Info: A face paced run using new game + but also with ultimate mode which gives you all the chips

Game: Stider 2
Category: Hien%
Estimate 30:00
Misc Info: Alt character for strider 2 on psx

available anytime
Edit history:
Freddeh: 2016-05-20 05:02:12 am
Freddeh: 2016-05-01 04:45:57 pm
Game: Tales of Xillia
Category: Milla side Any%
Estimate: 3:25:00
Misc Info: Pretty consistent little game as long as I'm in practice for the tough fights. First hour is a decent amount of running punctuated by the toughest fights in the game, the rest is a bit quicker pace though the combat can get a bit same-y from a casual perspective. Still some difficult and different fights towards the end though. Relatively short for a RPG.

Game: Final Fantasy XII
Category: Any%
Estimate: 7:00:00
Misc Info: Strats have had quite a bit of change since the last time this was featured in Scrubathon, we also have many backup strats (costs time but won't kill a run) in case gil comes up badly for Dustia 2, so its pretty much guaranteed to finish. Willing to race if other runners submit.

Availability: May be out of town on the weekend. Will keep you up to date.
Game: Two Worlds
Category: Any% / All Main Quests
Estimate: 00:03:00 / 01:10:00
Misc Info: AMQ will be really entertaining, any% would be good afterwards as practice for my SGDQ run

Game: Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death
Category: Co-Op Jury
Estimate: 00:46:00
Misc Info: Co-op with DrTChops as practice for our SGDQ run

Projected Availability: Any time on weekends, weekdays mostly mornings or late night
Edit history:
ShadowKiller4826: 2016-05-21 11:09:55 pm
ShadowKiller4826: 2016-05-01 06:47:21 pm
ShadowKiller4826: 2016-05-01 06:47:08 pm
Game: Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals, SNES
Category: Ancient Cave Any%
Estimate: 1:30/2:00
Misc Info: Possible race/score challenge ThatsFairZack and whomever else might want to join.

Game: Little Samson, NES
Category: Any% Easy No Out of Bounds
Estimate: 0:15-0:20 min.
Misc Info: Cute, short platformer.  Still learning, but current PB is ~17 min.

Game: Where's Waldo, NES
Category: Any% Easy
Estimate: 2-3 min.
Misc Info: The meme-iest of meme games.

Projected Availability: I should be available weekdays 5PM - 11PM EST, and any time on Saturday and Sunday.  I travel a lot for work so weekends may be better for me, all depends if I have to travel that week.  May be possible to make arrangements with work to fit schedule once it is released.
Game: Super Mario Lands 2 - 6 Golden Coins
Category: Any%
Estimate: 0:05:00
Misc Info: As a fan of credits warps, I picked up this category thanks to slashinfty about a month or so ago. I'll be submitting this as a race with him and Oh_DeeR.
Projected Availability: anytime
Game: Mega Man ZX
Category: Any% (Normal)
Estimate: 1:00:00
Misc Info: I dont think this game needs more misc info than the one Zinfogel's did, i am submmiting this as a race with him and open to race anyones else if it is the case. thanks.
Projected Availability: Full availability (by that time i really hope so)

Game: Mega Man X4
Category: Zero 100%
Estimate: 00:50:00
Misc Info: Mega Man X4 is one of the funniest ps1 games to speedrun on it, aside from any other x game on ps1 this is a really solid run when it comes to platforming and movement, with some hard tricks and quick kills only as zero, this is my favourite speedgame to run, so i hope it can get it, im sure people will enjoy it.
Projected Availability: Full availability (by that time i really hope so)
Edit history:
n_man36: 2016-05-02 09:08:08 am
Who ate my tacos?
Game: Sonic Heroes
Category: Team Sonic (GCN)
Estimate 1:25:00
Misc. Info: It's a Sonic game. You go fast. Need I explain more?
Projected Availabilty: I should be available for the entire week during the daytime. Work schedule can be worked with if a conflict arises.

Game: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Category: All Debts
Estimate: 1:00:00
Misc. Info: The goal is to become a rich human among a pack of animals using a cardboard box
Projected Availability: See above

Game: Sonic Rush
Category: Blaze%
Estimate: 52:00
Misc. Info: Sonic Rush came to Scrubathon last year with an awkward world record setter for Sonic%. The game has been heavily refined since that run, and I think it's time to show off the other half of Sonic Rush with Blaze%. This time Blaze has a few neat tricks compared to Sonic's run this time around making for an interesting platformer to watch through.
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Vultuz: 2016-05-03 01:10:58 pm
Game: Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (PC Version)
Category: Any% / Assembling-Chronoscepter ("100%")
Estimate 0:50:00 / 1:00:00
Misc. Info: Most Recent Game i'am learning right now.
It's a Shooter with some normal and futuristic weapons. Game is really fast paced.
The Chronoscepter is a really broken weapon and getting it is basically the 100% Category.
Estimate based on a practice run i did. Going on for a bit and i guess 40 Minutes is really possible (any%)

Game: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Category: Any% / 100%
Estimate: 2 / 3
Misc. Info: Same as always. Havent seen a submission yet (Maybe just skipped over it) so maybe its finally time to show the glorious Hundo in Scrubathon?!
Game: Mega Man ZX
Category: Any% (Normal)
Estimate: 1:05:00
Misc Info: Can race with ArielRx and Zinfogel.
Projected Availability: Not available at 23(7-9am EST) and 24(12-3pm EST)

Game: Mega Man ZX Advent
Category: Any% Begginer/Normal (Ashe or Grey)
Estimate: 1:20:00
Misc Info: Can race with GymFreak.
Projected Availability: Not available at 23(7-9am EST) and 24(12-3pm EST)
Who ate my tacos?
Since I didn't have my video links on hand at the time I submitted, I might as well submit here:
Wild World: