Edit history:
puwexil: 2018-04-27 04:52:55 pm
puwexil: 2018-04-20 06:02:41 pm
puwexil: 2018-04-16 09:55:14 am
puwexil: 2018-04-07 11:01:44 am
puwexil: 2018-04-07 11:01:24 am
puwexil: 2018-03-23 04:37:04 pm
puwexil: 2018-03-12 01:44:58 pm
puwexil: 2018-03-03 02:00:24 pm
puwexil: 2018-03-02 09:14:58 am
puwexil: 2018-02-26 08:06:19 pm
puwexil: 2018-02-25 02:53:06 pm
puwexil: 2018-02-20 12:21:53 pm
puwexil: 2018-02-20 12:21:34 pm
puwexil: 2018-02-15 10:43:53 pm
puwexil: 2018-02-12 09:26:46 am
puwexil: 2018-02-11 11:52:45 pm
puwexil: 2018-02-11 11:51:52 pm
puwexil: 2018-02-11 08:56:38 pm
puwexil: 2018-02-11 08:56:01 pm
puwexil: 2018-01-30 07:58:41 pm
puwexil: 2018-01-20 05:31:53 pm
puwexil: 2018-01-17 11:44:33 am
puwexil: 2017-12-03 04:09:21 pm
puwexil: 2017-11-29 11:28:48 am
Professional Second Banana
The Basics
What: RPG Limit Break 2018: A charity speedrun marathon for RPGs of all kinds, benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
When: May 13-19, 2018
Where: Salt Lake City, Utah
RPGLB 2018 Staff
Lead Organizer/Point-of-Contact: puwexil
Game Selection/Scheduling: puwexil, eLmaGus, Dragondarch, and 2 other games committee members
Venue Logistics: MetaSigma, Brossentia, Essentia & Denton
Enforcement: MetaSigma & Brossentia
Tech Lead/Stream Layouts: Vulajin
Volunteer Coordinators: AlecK47, StingerPA
Prizes: Essentia
Incentives: djtifaheart
Social Media/Promotion/Partnerships: cleartonic, Brossentia
Website Design: Lag.Com, JHobz
Twitch Chat Moderation Lead: Brossentia
Discord Chat Moderation Lead: djtifaheart
Interview Team: cleartonic
Commentary Preparation/Coordination: Dragondarch
Donations will be shared by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and NAMI Utah and used to provide education and support to people affected by mental illness and their families, including young adults. Both organizations raise public awareness about mental illness to reduce stigma and advocate for access to and coverage of mental health care. They provide information and resources to people around the world who visit nami.org and their social media site.
NAMI has been a great partner for RPGLB thus far in ways such as providing meals for attendees and promoting the stream, so we’ve decided to partner with them again for RPGLB 2018. Charity selection is something we will always re-evaluate on an annual basis, based on community & viewer feedback.
After considering multiple venues and attendee feedback from previous events, we've decided to return to the University Guest House in Salt Lake City for at least one more year. The main factors in this decision were our previous experiences there and the Guest House offering us a great price for the space, which allows us to offer a reduced attendance fee as we did last event.
RPGLB 2018 will again be using the Officers Club (http://www.universityguesthouse.com/Officers-Club) just down the street from the main Guest House hotel building (2-3 min walk). As the most heavily used space during RPGLB 2017 was the practice/casual room, to alleviate crowding and accommodate more attendees, the East Conference Room (which was used for food/board games during RPGLB 2017) will be used for additional TVs/gameplay space, and we will use a conference room in the main hotel building (one of the rooms used for RPGLB 2016 and post-RPGLB 2017 storage) for food/board games.
The attendee cap for RPGLB 2018 will be200 (raised to 250, which will be the final cap) - we have an initial block of ~45 hotel rooms per night, which can be increased if needed.
Hotel Reservation/Attendance Fee Payment Info
University Guest House & Conference Center
110 South Fort Douglas Blvd.
Salt Lake City, UT 84113
1-888-416-4075 (toll-free) or 801-587-1000
Directions: http://www.universityguesthouse.com/Location-Transportation
TRAX Light Rail Transit Map: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/282213217621639168/312329696131940354/Map_from_Airport_to_Hotel.png
For people flying in to the SLC airport, we recommend taking the TRAX light rail as that's only $2.50 each way (take Green Line from airport to Court House stop, transfer to Red Line, take Red Line to Fort Douglas stop, and walk a few minutes to the hotel from there) – the full trip should take about 1 hour. Trains run every 15 minutes between roughly 6AM-11PM MST, and the full schedule can be found at http://www.rideuta.com/uploads/route703dec2015sch.pdf. For a faster trip, there’s an ExpressShuttle service (estimated cost of $19 each way), other taxi services, or you can make arrangements with a marathon attendee that has a car.
Hotel rooms (before taxes) are $115/night for 1-2 people, $125/night for 3 people, and $135/night for 4 people (so a 4-person room would be approximately $35 per person per night if split evenly). Roommate arrangements can be made via the RPGLB 2018 Attendees Thread (once opened) and Discord channel, linked above.
Room reservations can be made by phone at 1-888-416-4075, and need to be made by April 10th, 2018 to qualify for our event rate. Only 1 person per room (who needs to be at least 18 years old) needs to call to make the reservation, though the hotel will need the names of all occupants prior to check-in, along with whether or not the bill should be split. A credit card is needed to place the reservation, but will not be authorized until check-in. When calling, please mention that you're attending RPG Limit Break, so you get the event rate.
The hotel also has an online booking system at https://res.universityguesthouse.com/V1WebControls/Custom/TabbedUI.aspx, but this system is separate from our event block/rate (so it will show different prices from the above, and may incorrectly show that no rooms are available during the event dates). If you use the online booking, you will need to notify RPGLB Staff so we can have the hotel change your reservation to our event rate (otherwise you’ll be charged a higher rate, and your room won't be counted toward our contract) – please do so by Discord or SDA Forum PM to Brossentia or MetaSigma with your name and the dates of your reservation. In addition, if you use this system, you will still need to call the hotel (at the above number) and provide a credit card to hold your reservation (which will not be authorized until check-in).
Alcohol is not allowed in the conference rooms or other public spaces at the hotel (by both RPGLB staff and hotel policy, since we don't have a license for serving alcohol at the event), but is fine to have and drink in guest rooms as long as everyone there is of legal drinking age (21 in the US).
All attendees must be at least 18 years old - minors are welcome to attend free of charge, as long as they’re accompanied by a parent/guardian that is registered & paid.
Attendance Costs (Payment due April 1st)
As in 2017, we were given a discount on our costs for the event space; and because of this we’ll be able to again have a reduced attendance fee.
The attendance fee will be $30 USD for the full event - payable via PayPal to RPGLimitBreak~AT~gmail~DOT~com (or alternative arrangements with puwexil if you can't or don't use PayPal). Please use the 'send money to friends or family' option (which avoids PayPal fees), or if you choose to use the 'pay for goods or services' option instead (or if that's the only option available for your country) please add $2 to cover PayPal transaction fees ($32 total for full event).
If you’d like to cancel your attendance and receive a refund, you can do so up through April 29th (2 weeks prior to the event start). After the 29th, no attendance fee refunds will be given.
Signup Forms/Threads
Attendee Signup Form: https://goo.gl/forms/rcYn56B9ZWl4VwHT2 (registration & payment deadline 4/1 - runners please register ASAP)
Attendees Thread (roommate finding, onsite event planning): https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/rpg_limit_break_2018__attendee_thread.html
Volunteer Info Thread: https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/rpg_limit_break_2018__volunteer_thread.html
Volunteer Signup Form: https://goo.gl/myuoQb (deadline 4/1)
Commentary Guidelines/Signups: https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/rpg_limit_break_2018__commentary_thread.html
Attendee & Enforcement Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H5-WIdcEL-XP5ZX-uFCPCe33mxKvp-eNbe-K0g4Dgis
Prize Submission Form: https://goo.gl/forms/GfsEuY9JWnczE1H53
Attendee Shirt Pre-Orders (Deadline May 2nd): https://theyetee.com/products/rpg-limit-break-2018-attendee-tee
Game Submissions/Schedule
Schedule: https://goo.gl/Tf4bgA or https://horaro.org/rpglb/2018
See the games thread for the games list and other details.
Game submissions were open January 20-28, 2018, the game list was posted on February 11, 2018, and the full schedule was posted February 25, 2018. We decided to do submissions later than previous events to give runners extra time to prepare their submissions, and allow for a smoother game selection/scheduling process (which in the past was challenging due to games committee members’ holiday/AGDQ plans).
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42009233/RPG-limit-break-horizontal.png (Horizontal RPGLB Logo)
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42009233/RPG-limit-break-1000.png (Vertical RPGLB Logo)
http://i.imgur.com/Q8RLbWk.png (Kingdom Hearts)
http://i.imgur.com/nMboiZg.png (Dragons)
https://i.imgur.com/DeiCtvN.png (Nu & Drippy)
https://i.imgur.com/FNAyYB1.png (Clowns)
https://i.imgur.com/HTFFYty.png (Wacky Block)
Feel free to use this thread, RPGLB Twitter (https://twitter.com/rpglimitbreak), and RPGLB Discord chat (http://discord.gg/rpglb - #rpglb-charity-marathon channel) for any general questions about RPGLB 2018!
What: RPG Limit Break 2018: A charity speedrun marathon for RPGs of all kinds, benefiting the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
When: May 13-19, 2018
Where: Salt Lake City, Utah
RPGLB 2018 Staff
Lead Organizer/Point-of-Contact: puwexil
Game Selection/Scheduling: puwexil, eLmaGus, Dragondarch, and 2 other games committee members
Venue Logistics: MetaSigma, Brossentia, Essentia & Denton
Enforcement: MetaSigma & Brossentia
Tech Lead/Stream Layouts: Vulajin
Volunteer Coordinators: AlecK47, StingerPA
Prizes: Essentia
Incentives: djtifaheart
Social Media/Promotion/Partnerships: cleartonic, Brossentia
Website Design: Lag.Com, JHobz
Twitch Chat Moderation Lead: Brossentia
Discord Chat Moderation Lead: djtifaheart
Interview Team: cleartonic
Commentary Preparation/Coordination: Dragondarch
Donations will be shared by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and NAMI Utah and used to provide education and support to people affected by mental illness and their families, including young adults. Both organizations raise public awareness about mental illness to reduce stigma and advocate for access to and coverage of mental health care. They provide information and resources to people around the world who visit nami.org and their social media site.
NAMI has been a great partner for RPGLB thus far in ways such as providing meals for attendees and promoting the stream, so we’ve decided to partner with them again for RPGLB 2018. Charity selection is something we will always re-evaluate on an annual basis, based on community & viewer feedback.
After considering multiple venues and attendee feedback from previous events, we've decided to return to the University Guest House in Salt Lake City for at least one more year. The main factors in this decision were our previous experiences there and the Guest House offering us a great price for the space, which allows us to offer a reduced attendance fee as we did last event.
RPGLB 2018 will again be using the Officers Club (http://www.universityguesthouse.com/Officers-Club) just down the street from the main Guest House hotel building (2-3 min walk). As the most heavily used space during RPGLB 2017 was the practice/casual room, to alleviate crowding and accommodate more attendees, the East Conference Room (which was used for food/board games during RPGLB 2017) will be used for additional TVs/gameplay space, and we will use a conference room in the main hotel building (one of the rooms used for RPGLB 2016 and post-RPGLB 2017 storage) for food/board games.
The attendee cap for RPGLB 2018 will be
Hotel Reservation/Attendance Fee Payment Info
University Guest House & Conference Center
110 South Fort Douglas Blvd.
Salt Lake City, UT 84113
1-888-416-4075 (toll-free) or 801-587-1000
Directions: http://www.universityguesthouse.com/Location-Transportation
TRAX Light Rail Transit Map: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/282213217621639168/312329696131940354/Map_from_Airport_to_Hotel.png
For people flying in to the SLC airport, we recommend taking the TRAX light rail as that's only $2.50 each way (take Green Line from airport to Court House stop, transfer to Red Line, take Red Line to Fort Douglas stop, and walk a few minutes to the hotel from there) – the full trip should take about 1 hour. Trains run every 15 minutes between roughly 6AM-11PM MST, and the full schedule can be found at http://www.rideuta.com/uploads/route703dec2015sch.pdf. For a faster trip, there’s an ExpressShuttle service (estimated cost of $19 each way), other taxi services, or you can make arrangements with a marathon attendee that has a car.
Hotel rooms (before taxes) are $115/night for 1-2 people, $125/night for 3 people, and $135/night for 4 people (so a 4-person room would be approximately $35 per person per night if split evenly). Roommate arrangements can be made via the RPGLB 2018 Attendees Thread (once opened) and Discord channel, linked above.
Room reservations can be made by phone at 1-888-416-4075, and need to be made by April 10th, 2018 to qualify for our event rate. Only 1 person per room (who needs to be at least 18 years old) needs to call to make the reservation, though the hotel will need the names of all occupants prior to check-in, along with whether or not the bill should be split. A credit card is needed to place the reservation, but will not be authorized until check-in. When calling, please mention that you're attending RPG Limit Break, so you get the event rate.
The hotel also has an online booking system at https://res.universityguesthouse.com/V1WebControls/Custom/TabbedUI.aspx, but this system is separate from our event block/rate (so it will show different prices from the above, and may incorrectly show that no rooms are available during the event dates). If you use the online booking, you will need to notify RPGLB Staff so we can have the hotel change your reservation to our event rate (otherwise you’ll be charged a higher rate, and your room won't be counted toward our contract) – please do so by Discord or SDA Forum PM to Brossentia or MetaSigma with your name and the dates of your reservation. In addition, if you use this system, you will still need to call the hotel (at the above number) and provide a credit card to hold your reservation (which will not be authorized until check-in).
Alcohol is not allowed in the conference rooms or other public spaces at the hotel (by both RPGLB staff and hotel policy, since we don't have a license for serving alcohol at the event), but is fine to have and drink in guest rooms as long as everyone there is of legal drinking age (21 in the US).
All attendees must be at least 18 years old - minors are welcome to attend free of charge, as long as they’re accompanied by a parent/guardian that is registered & paid.
Attendance Costs (Payment due April 1st)
As in 2017, we were given a discount on our costs for the event space; and because of this we’ll be able to again have a reduced attendance fee.
The attendance fee will be $30 USD for the full event - payable via PayPal to RPGLimitBreak~AT~gmail~DOT~com (or alternative arrangements with puwexil if you can't or don't use PayPal). Please use the 'send money to friends or family' option (which avoids PayPal fees), or if you choose to use the 'pay for goods or services' option instead (or if that's the only option available for your country) please add $2 to cover PayPal transaction fees ($32 total for full event).
If you’d like to cancel your attendance and receive a refund, you can do so up through April 29th (2 weeks prior to the event start). After the 29th, no attendance fee refunds will be given.
Signup Forms/Threads
Attendee Signup Form: https://goo.gl/forms/rcYn56B9ZWl4VwHT2 (registration & payment deadline 4/1 - runners please register ASAP)
Attendees Thread (roommate finding, onsite event planning): https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/rpg_limit_break_2018__attendee_thread.html
Volunteer Info Thread: https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/rpg_limit_break_2018__volunteer_thread.html
Volunteer Signup Form: https://goo.gl/myuoQb (deadline 4/1)
Commentary Guidelines/Signups: https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/rpg_limit_break_2018__commentary_thread.html
Attendee & Enforcement Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H5-WIdcEL-XP5ZX-uFCPCe33mxKvp-eNbe-K0g4Dgis
Prize Submission Form: https://goo.gl/forms/GfsEuY9JWnczE1H53
Attendee Shirt Pre-Orders (Deadline May 2nd): https://theyetee.com/products/rpg-limit-break-2018-attendee-tee
Game Submissions/Schedule
Schedule: https://goo.gl/Tf4bgA or https://horaro.org/rpglb/2018
See the games thread for the games list and other details.
Game submissions were open January 20-28, 2018, the game list was posted on February 11, 2018, and the full schedule was posted February 25, 2018. We decided to do submissions later than previous events to give runners extra time to prepare their submissions, and allow for a smoother game selection/scheduling process (which in the past was challenging due to games committee members’ holiday/AGDQ plans).
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42009233/RPG-limit-break-horizontal.png (Horizontal RPGLB Logo)
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42009233/RPG-limit-break-1000.png (Vertical RPGLB Logo)
http://i.imgur.com/Q8RLbWk.png (Kingdom Hearts)
http://i.imgur.com/nMboiZg.png (Dragons)
https://i.imgur.com/DeiCtvN.png (Nu & Drippy)
https://i.imgur.com/FNAyYB1.png (Clowns)
https://i.imgur.com/HTFFYty.png (Wacky Block)
Feel free to use this thread, RPGLB Twitter (https://twitter.com/rpglimitbreak), and RPGLB Discord chat (http://discord.gg/rpglb - #rpglb-charity-marathon channel) for any general questions about RPGLB 2018!
Thread title: