The volunteer schedule has been posted here
- Stream Tech and Donations shifts will be time-based rather than game-based this year. Host and Setup Tech shifts, however will still be based on games. We may select two hosts for longer games.
- We will also have two active Tech volunteers at any given time. One will be the main tech volunteer, who will monitor the stream and audio. The second will be the setup tech volunteer, who is responsible for helping set up between games and taking over temporarily for the main volunteer if they need a break.
Basic Duties
Registration: Checks in all attendees when they first arrive, and hands out badges (and hopefully t-shirts).
Stream Tech: Sets up runs, manages stream PC and audio mixer during runs.
Setup Tech: This person is meant to help the on-duty Stream Tech get the next game set up and started effectively. We don't want to leave one person high and dry, so there will be two people at every game transition. Once the game is started and everything is going smoothly, the Setup Tech can leave the Stream Room.
Host: Announces donations and sponsors, reminds viewers who we are and why we're here.
Donation Station: Screens donations for being suitable to be read on stream, as well as handling donation incentives and any issues related to donations and incentives.
Special Tasks
Marathon Setup: We are short on time to set up the marathon this year, so we are taking dedicated volunteers to help get set up in a timely fashion. You can either volunteer to help get the Stream room (mainly tech stuff) or the Practice room (moving dozens of TVs and getting them hooked up properly, and also preventing daisy chained power strips from the outlets).
Marathon Teardown: We are required to vacate the Officer's Club by 2 AM on Friday night / Saturday morning following the marathon, so similar to setup, we will have to be quick and efficient about this. We have two smaller conference rooms reserved in the main hotel for Friday through Sunday, and we'll be moving everything out of the Practice and Hangout/Food rooms mid-day on Friday to those small conference rooms. The Stream room will be cleared out immediately following the marathon.
If you have any private questions or concerns, you may contact either myself or StingerPA on this forum or via Twitter (@AlecK47goesfast or @StingerPA).
- Stream Tech and Donations shifts will be time-based rather than game-based this year. Host and Setup Tech shifts, however will still be based on games. We may select two hosts for longer games.
- We will also have two active Tech volunteers at any given time. One will be the main tech volunteer, who will monitor the stream and audio. The second will be the setup tech volunteer, who is responsible for helping set up between games and taking over temporarily for the main volunteer if they need a break.
Basic Duties
Registration: Checks in all attendees when they first arrive, and hands out badges (and hopefully t-shirts).
Stream Tech: Sets up runs, manages stream PC and audio mixer during runs.
Setup Tech: This person is meant to help the on-duty Stream Tech get the next game set up and started effectively. We don't want to leave one person high and dry, so there will be two people at every game transition. Once the game is started and everything is going smoothly, the Setup Tech can leave the Stream Room.
Host: Announces donations and sponsors, reminds viewers who we are and why we're here.
Donation Station: Screens donations for being suitable to be read on stream, as well as handling donation incentives and any issues related to donations and incentives.
Special Tasks
Marathon Setup: We are short on time to set up the marathon this year, so we are taking dedicated volunteers to help get set up in a timely fashion. You can either volunteer to help get the Stream room (mainly tech stuff) or the Practice room (moving dozens of TVs and getting them hooked up properly, and also preventing daisy chained power strips from the outlets).
Marathon Teardown: We are required to vacate the Officer's Club by 2 AM on Friday night / Saturday morning following the marathon, so similar to setup, we will have to be quick and efficient about this. We have two smaller conference rooms reserved in the main hotel for Friday through Sunday, and we'll be moving everything out of the Practice and Hangout/Food rooms mid-day on Friday to those small conference rooms. The Stream room will be cleared out immediately following the marathon.
If you have any private questions or concerns, you may contact either myself or StingerPA on this forum or via Twitter (@AlecK47goesfast or @StingerPA).
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