Last year, Team Ludendi got invited to a video game fair here in Sweden, Gothenburg. They wanted to try something out and put a Speedrunning booth there for show. We accepted and gathered a bunch of people to do some runs. And the response from the audience was very well recieved.
You can find the last years performing here on ESA's youtube channel:
The audio sounds like shit since we wanted to capture the surroundings. Bad call. We will use a standard mic for the runner only this year.
Team Ludendi will attend again this year with a new line up of games and perform live on stage and over twitch.
When: May 3 - Starting 9 AM GMT+1
Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AvMPoM9ugxPMdGNSa3lPREF4dGNaMllHQkRrZHg0c3c&single=true&gid=0&output=html
The games are final!
Quick fact about RSM: Retrospelsmässan is an annual event in Gothenburg. It first started in 2010 and was a success. You get to try all the old school consoles all the way back to the 60s, and up to 90s. And there is a video game market where you get a chance to buy back some of the old childhood memories. The event also have alot side quests: tournaments, perler section etc.
NOTE: the stream and all commentary will be in Swedish. Since it's in favor for the video game fair. Streaming is just a bonus for you guys.
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