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aka CheesyPoofs
I uploaded a short video on a new way to move faster when using aphelion, and zoni's in phylax sector. If you include this in your route there is another easy zoni in phylax alpha i didn't mention.

I also have other glitch videos on my channel.

Edit history:
FlamingMage: 2011-07-16 10:17:50 am
FlamingMage: 2011-07-16 10:13:44 am
FlamingMage: 2011-07-16 10:13:26 am
The Aphelion rolling technique is very cool, fantastic find. I am already aware of the zoni skips, and I do get all three from the moons in Phylax. Thanks red Cheesy


The next 40ish minutes.
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Linkinito: 2011-07-16 05:13:58 pm
Linkinito: 2011-07-16 05:07:27 pm
This is my avatar
Just saw the 2 new videos on Youtube. It was very nice, with good glitches, as I'm a terrible glitch-finder I'm always amazed at what you're doing.

Anyway, I don't know if it's faster, but you can tap X to glide faster with the hoverboots. Of course you lose some length but you fall down much faster. It's a good compromise between falling and gliding. Anyway the plan seems to be good.

By the way, you can delete your last post and repost it to bump the topic, without double posting Smiley
aka CheesyPoofs
New video all about Vorselons Warship with 1 skip. The other 22 minutes is me just doing a play through showing all the failed glitches if your interested in that stuff.

All the hidden are my other glitch videos which will most likely be in the run unless improved upon. Some of you might have already seen these.

Arrested for felony abuse of emotes
Yay, more Ratchet and Clank! ^^

These little practice videos just make me anxious for the actual run. :3
Edit history:
FlamingMage: 2011-08-05 09:04:51 am
I'm glad Smiley Once I'm done uploading these I think I'll do one more check through the whole game then start recording for real.

Edit history:
FlamingMage: 2012-01-14 10:38:17 am
Any other juicy tidbits to help my speed Red? I'm planning on beginning recording within the month, hopefully it won't take too long to finish the run. I have done a ton of practice attempts.

EDIT: just finished another practice run attempt, and this time I took down some times for parts of the run. All times are from first movement till last control, unless otherwise stated. I didn't time space sections or moons.

Clank escape sequence: 3:13
This was near optimal, I could probably get 3:10 but this run went very well.

Zolar Forest: 11:30
This is the second longest planet of the run, because there's so much bs; things like winding quark's trigger gears, rescuing children, and the trials area are all quite geographically large and I don't have hover boots yet. This run was also not particularly good, I bet that sub 11 is possible.

Vorselon's Ship 1: 7:38
Overall good run, I didn't use red's hyper strike glitch because its so unreliable in a SS. That alone will cut a bit of time off this, maybe around 7 minutes is as fast as it will go.

Clank, pursuit of Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler: 7:26
Went fine, nothing extraordinary. The boos fight was sloppy. Maybe sub 7? That seems a little unlikely, but one can dream.

Molonoth Fields: 6:55
An excellent run, the only mistakes were little bits of trouble jumping onto posts. Perhaps 6:30 is a reasonable goal?

Axiom City: 9:47
I think that I messed up every glitch once, but none of them twice, so...This could go sub 9, I think. This planet always gives me a little trouble.

Clank, fixing time across the universe: 11:10
That stupid mini game takes forever. This will probably have to be its own segment so I can manipulate the randomness of that game to get some very fast times.

Krell Canyon: 5:38
Very ugly run, I had a lot of difficulty with the second run through the OOB glitch. Could possibly go as low as sub 4? At least 4:15

Battleplex: 10:58
Eh. Unimpressive, this will be a part of the run that I'll practice a ton before recording.

Tombli outpost: 9:32
This run went very well overall, this may look a little long but that's merely because I do a bit of bolt/experience farming here, so I can buy the buzz blades from the next gadgetry vender. Smashing some crates takes very little time, and I kill a few enemies along the way, but it adds up.

Vorselon's Ship 2: 8:17
Overall acceptable, but nothing to write home about. I need to get a little better at predicting which enemies he'll kill for me during the escape, but the big royale combat at the end went flawlessly. I guess 7:55ish is a decent goal?

Clank, to the Orvus Chamber: 6:16
Nothing much to say, these chamber skips are some of my favorite glitches in the run.

Valkyrie Citadel: 4:07
This planet is such a joke, but I did mess up the full skip once at the beginning, probably cost about 30 seconds. Boss went fine.

Nefarious Station 1: 11:46
I really need to work on improving this section, but it is just a ton of combat with underpowered guns. This run was acceptable, but had a death and some ugly ammo problems. I think that sub 11 should be possible once I get down to seriously practicing this segment. Timing stopped when the elevator taking me down to the cutscene began moving.

Gimlik Valley: 7:47
Pretty good, could have gone faster on the Hydra Tanks. I guess 7:20 is a good goal.

Nefarious Station 2: 5:14
This went very well, I got from my ship to the boss fight in less than a minute and killed him fast as I could. The long hover boot sections take most of this time.

Great Clock (Clank section, then rail, then boss): 3:38
As you can see, Azimuth is no real problem. Note that this time was with a v4 Buzzblades, which will be v5 in the actual run.

I think that a reasonable breakup of segments would be something like:
*Parenthesis used to show Zoni

1. Clank escape + Zolar(3)
2. Vorselon1 + Clank sector 1
3. Molonoth Fields(5), Moons(8), Axiom city(11), Moons(14)
4. Clank sector 2
5. Krell Canyon(15) + Moons(16) + Argorian Battleplex(17)
6. Tombli outpost(19) + Moons(20) Vorselon2 + Clank Sector 3
7. Valkyrie Citadel, Moons(21) 
8. Nefarious Station 1
9. Gimlik Valley
10. Nefarious Station 2 + Great Clock
Edit history:
redsthename: 2012-01-14 03:19:13 pm
aka CheesyPoofs
I have found one very unreliable glitch to get you through walls, I have found little use for it so far.

It's nice to have timers for the levels now never thought Zolar was so long. I would say Nefarious Station, and the Agorian Battleplex would be the hardest to perfect but the Krell Canyon glitches are pretty difficult to pull off all in a row.
Can you describe this glitch?

I've actually gotten quite good at the Krell skips, I can reliably get OOB twice within say 5 attempts. The very stretched stretch jump to skip across the tetramite/bridge area  I can pull of about 90% of the time now.

Zolar is just so much foot travel with no hoverboots :/ I tried, but that planet's too tightly triggered.
aka CheesyPoofs
The glitch requires a enemy with a frontward attack animation and you standing next to a wall. The only enemy I know that is able to do this is the Dr. Nefarious Melee minion. On rare occasion when he lunges forward he will push your through the wall.
Edit history:
FlamingMage: 2012-01-22 08:48:54 am
Okay, very cool, I will look into it Smiley Thanks!


Finally got a good segment 1. It was quite a bitch of a segment...the time at Vorselon's ship is 13:23.

Also, I figured out that the in-game timer is reliable, and excludes cutscenes and menus. I think it also cuts out loads, once I have the video on my computer I'll check it out. But it does seem to function along reliable rules, so it will be used to time the run.
Gimme some sugar Shaggy!
Im thinking of learning this possibly for a send-in run, possible for a marathon. Whats the estimate at currently, 1:40? That would be incredibly fast, the time prediction is much longer than that. And I'm currently working on a run for submission, so once I upload that you can see all the finer points of tactics I've discovered, the bulk of which are in the videos I've posted so far.
Gimme some sugar Shaggy!
Yeah, I watched all the videos, some of those glitches are really fun to pull off Smiley There's a glitch in Gimlik Valley that skips over half the planet, where you climb up the wall and to the end, but I have yet to duplicate it, so I don't think its exactly probable.
Edit history:
FlamingMage: 2012-01-26 11:45:47 am
Could you describe the glitch at greater length, preferably in a video? Sounds very interesting. Gimlik is a pretty tightly triggered planet, I'm not sure if you mean climbing a wall in the past or present or which wall or what end you mean, but I would be interested in looking into it Smiley

Update: still no seg2 yet, it has some hard bits too. I'm aiming for a 26:40ish end time.
Gimme some sugar Shaggy!
its no use, I can't duplicate it, I've tried again and again. It's basically glitching up a wall via some vines and skipping almost all the planet (in the present)
Okay, I'll look into it, sounds interesting. Thanks!
aka CheesyPoofs
Gimlick Valley is triggered like Tombli Outpost so I doubt there's a way to skip half of it. Might have just gotten farther in the level then did the glitch thinking you could do it from the start.
I'm inclined to agree but it can't hurt to look.

Got a blistering seg2, time is now 26:29.
aka CheesyPoofs
Are you going to upload them to your youtube channel like TOD?
Yeah, I will. I want to get a little further in first, but they will all show up with commentary soon enough.
Edit history:
FlamingMage: 2012-03-06 10:17:45 pm
FlamingMage: 2012-03-01 10:17:29 pm
FlamingMage: 2012-03-01 10:17:27 pm
FlamingMage: 2012-03-01 10:16:58 pm
Okay, split seg 3 into two bits (Molonoth+moons and Axiom+moons) and now got both of them recorded too.

After seg 4: 46:12.

EDIT: And after segment five, in Krell Canyon with a 57:31 time.

EDIT2: Realized that I'm a moron and was still stuck in my SS mindset, totally forgetting that I can save warp after getting the Zoni right after the omnisoaker. So, split segment 6 to exploit this, new time is Krell Canyon (ready to leave) at 59:47.

Updated segment list:

1. Clank escape + Zolar(3)
2. Vorselon1 + Clank sector 1
3. Molonoth Fields(5), Moons(8),
4. Axiom city(11), Moons(14)
5. Clank sector 2
6. Krell Canyon(15)
7. Moons(16), Argorian Battleplex(17), Tombli outpost(19), Moons (20)
8. Vorselon2, Clank Sector 3
9. Valkyrie Citadel, Moons(21) 
10. Nefarious Station 1
11. Gimlik Valley
12. Nefarious Station 2, Great Clock
I was practicing segment 7 and decided that I should run through the rest of the game SS for fun, just to get a better gauge on the ending time. To my utmost surprise, my time was actually 2:06:37. Which means that segmented, the run is almost certainly going to clock in at under two hours. So now I wonder, will it beat my ToD time... Hrm...
Gimme some sugar Shaggy!
so I wasn't far off with 1:40... heh