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Psyknux: 2007-09-04 04:53:43 pm
As I've mentioned before, I don't want to skip getting the Suck Cannon because a large portion of the bolts I need are on that path (on my last run I got 2098 bolts by taking the path to the Suck Cannon).

NK3233, did you try downloading the videos as opposed to streaming them? Regarding the Umbris shortcut: I've been testing the beginning shortcut to see whether I should take it and save ten seconds or to go the normal way. Turns out going the normal way only gets me 200 more bolts so yes, I do use the shortcut at the beginning of Umbris...unless you meant do I use it in the video? If so, the answer is yes.
It's-a me, Stalin!
I didn't download before, so I am now, but just part one is only 3% done downloading and has 35 mins left :/
Tried another practice run today. This is the kind of run I've been waiting for, and the kind I hope I'll do on the actual run: no-death with a noticeable improvement over my previous runs. Total in-level time is 1:36:50 with a total completion time of 1:46:10. My goal will remain at sub-1:50 but I'm going to try to get closer to 1:45. With pretty much everything established for the run my practice runs will end Friday and I will begin trying for a submittable run this weekend.
Long live SF64!
Awesome progress newmansage! I'm glad to see that you're continuing to try new things and alter the route as you deem necessary rather than overly perfecting a faulty route. Props on the route planning and on shaving down so much time! Keep it up dude!

For the stretch jump trick mentioned by HalfMillennium that you seem to be unable to do, are you in fact using the helipack to execute the trick? I seem to remember him saying stretch jump (implying a switch back to the heli-pack) and you saying boost jump (using the rocket pack that would normally be equipped). Just a thought - I may be way off base however.

I didn't download before, so I am now, but just part one is only 3% done downloading and has 35 mins left :/

Sounds typical... try using Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) or  Flashget. A download manager allows you to optimize your bandwidth by using multiple server connections and can make a huge difference. On the other hand, a 30 minute download is pretty quick as it is - patience is a virtue...

I didn't fully watch the last video, but what I saw looked nice. I agree that the Kerwan and Novalis could use the pruning that you suggested. Did you know that you can jump across the channels on the way up to the plumber without getting in the water and using the stairs? The jump can be made across the straight portions, but is slightly easier at the curved portion. If I'm not making sense I can explain it better later.

Keep it up!
For the stretch jump trick mentioned by HalfMillennium that you seem to be unable to do, are you in fact using the helipack to execute the trick? I seem to remember him saying stretch jump (implying a switch back to the heli-pack) and you saying boost jump (using the rocket pack that would normally be equipped). Just a thought - I may be way off base however.

Yes, I am using the heli-pack when attempting these shortcuts. Regardless of which backpack you use, Boost Jumping refers to the high jump made by crouching and then pressing X and Stretch Jumping refers to the long jump made by running and then pressing R1 and X.

Did you know that you can jump across the channels on the way up to the plumber without getting in the water and using the stairs? The jump can be made across the straight portions, but is slightly easier at the curved portion. If I'm not making sense I can explain it better later.

I just tested this, and unfortunately it won't save any time unless I can get across the channels without hanging on to the ledges. I also discovered something while doing this that I should've discovered a long time ago, and that is that double-jumping while equipped with the Thruster-Pack gives you extra height when compared to the Heli-Pack (I probably never knew this because I rarely use the Thruster-Pack). I don't think I can use that to save time anywhere, though...

Well, I'm effectively off from work for the rest of the week so I'll see if I can at least get 1:47-1:48 consistantly, while striving for 1:45.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Another trick. During the Qwark fight, you can reduce his health faster than usual if you fire missiles at him while he's facing you. One or two of them should be enough to finish the first part where he does this a lot faster.

Also, on Drek as Giant Clank, it might be faster to punch him until he finishes the round instead of using the charged attack then firing at him. Or punching then using the charged attack, which might be faster as well. See what you think about these ways.
Long live SF64!
Very random, but I along the lines of jumping abilities, there were a few rare places where the side flip and backflip came in handy to avoid having to grab a ledge.

For example, on Novalis, in the room with lots of boxes just before the door to the plumber... I think there is a ledge that's just high enough that you normally have to grab the ledge, but if you're quick about it, you can clear the jump with a side jump and never lose momentum.

This may not be helpful at all, but it's something to think about as it looks flashy and just might give more momentum in a place or two especially before getting the helipack, and possibly even after. For example, you can still boost forward in the air after performing a side flip, which makes for an interesting way to make a jump and keep moving forward without having to pause briefly for the upward boost jump to not accidentally become a long jump.

I may not be making any sense, but that's ok. I'm mostly rambling anyway.

I have made the jump across the channels heading up to the plumber without having to grab on, unfortunately I could only get it about 1/10 tries at best. The art of flipping at the perfect moment in the air to get maximum range on the jump, and jumping at the last possible moment is a tricky one.
Okay, it looks like I won't be able to start the run this weekend. Two reasons: 1) I couldn't find the equipment I was looking for around town yesterday, and 2) there is no way I'm going to remove all the wires behind all the equipment on top of the living room TV, meaning I'm going to have to do the run on the living room TV, which isn't gonna happen on a weekend. If I can find the equipment I'm looking for and if I don't get called back to work Monday I will start then. If I do get called back I will start Tuesday.

In the meantime, I have found two small shortcuts, both of which save 5-10 seconds:
- On Nebula G34, in the circular room right before the Alien Queen, instead of going clockwise, I can use the Blaster to shoot the switch on the right which lets me get to the Queen's room quickly without having to go around and waste Bomb Glove ammo fending off aliens. Saves about 10-15 seconds.
- Found this one on accident. On Rilgar, after meeting Qwark and getting the coordinates for Umbris, instead of taking the hovertaxi back to the ship I can simply jump on it and then Stretch Jump to the versa-targets below which I can then use to swing back to the ship. Saves about 5 seconds.

I've only looked for shortcuts up through Pokitaru so if I find more I will post them.

I have made the jump across the channels heading up to the plumber without having to grab on, unfortunately I could only get it about 1/10 tries at best. The art of flipping at the perfect moment in the air to get maximum range on the jump, and jumping at the last possible moment is a tricky one.

I have about the same success so that's probably not something I'm going to use since it's too unreliable. Regarding the side flips: I can think of a few more places where it may help. I'll have a run through Novalis again to see what I can do.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I was going to mention the Nebula G34 shortcut, but I wasn't sure if you'd have the Blaster.

Are the Qwark and Drek tricks useful?
Long live SF64!
- Found this one on accident. On Rilgar, after meeting Qwark and getting the coordinates for Umbris, instead of taking the hovertaxi back to the ship I can simply jump on it and then Stretch Jump to the versa-targets below which I can then use to swing back to the ship. Saves about 5 seconds.

Ah man, that was one of the early things that I had been doing ... I'm sure I mentioned it somewhere, but that makes me wish I had watched your video more closely so that I could have pointed it out.

You can actually fall in the water and get eaten by a fish and be placed on land near your ship, but it doesn't always work, and it looks a lot sloppier than swinging.  Also, if you do the races before seeing Quark, you can hover down from the race area to the entrance of the Quark path.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I would have suggested that as well, but it would presumably (from what I've seen) mean the run would have to be marked "with death abuse", because it would be intentionally dying to save time doing something.
Great run!

Minor mistakes with shooting cannons in space, but this is SS so in the end not bad Smiley

I have one question: in the last segment of fight with Drek, when You are escaping beam by sliding around the arena can't You use a Blaster to shoot this bad guy? I do not remember exactly, but I think this method can do pretty nice damage.
But I can be wrong ... I didn't play R&C1 for over a year Tongue
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I think I've worked out why you can't do the Batalia and Kalebo III shortcuts. I thought it might be this, but now I've tested it. First, I tried them in 60hz, and I couldn't perform either of them. Then I switched to 50hz, and I pulled them both off on my first play. So, it doesn't work in 60hz.

Now, the US version can only run in 60hz, so unless there's abother way, you can't do it in the US version.

So, presumably, runs on 50hz will have to be counted separately to runs on 60hz, because with these two shortcuts alone, it could save about five or six minutes.
Long live SF64!
I have one question: in the last segment of fight with Drek, when You are escaping beam by sliding around the arena can't You use a Blaster to shoot this bad guy? I do not remember exactly, but I think this method can do pretty nice damage.
But I can be wrong ... I didn't play R&C1 for over a year Tongue

I didn't watch this portion of his video, but if I'm following you correctly, then I think the answer would because the Blaster has a limited range and limited firepower, it is an inefficient choice compared to the devastator. I think with the best of luck, newmansage should be able to use the devastator to do most of the damage to Drek by getting mostly devastator ammo from the ammo boxes which appear every time 3 weapons are drained below 80% of their capacity. Also, because of the ammo pattern, using the blaster below 80% would be counter-productive since the ammo boxes would then start giving lots of blaster ammo, which isn't nearly as useful as devastator ammo...

....if I'm wrong in my answer then, uh, sorry, but I think that's a decent explanation...
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
He used the Bomb Glove on the rails to conserve Blaster ammo.
I saw that bomb glove move ... but why to conserve Blaster ammo? I mean: is it faster to use Blaster after railing?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
The Blaster eats ammo at a very high speed, so it's best to save it for when it's most useful.

If I were to perform a run on 50hz, taking advantage of the tricks you can only pull off in 50hz, would it be accepted? There's no speed difference between the two in this game (not that I've seen, anyway).
Long live SF64!
Hey newmansage, how's it going?

just wanted to see if you're still out there and if so ask how things are going with ratchet and clank. . .

If your schedule is anything like mine, you haven't had time to work on it, which is completely understandable.
Long live SF64!
I've just been re-reading long portions of this topic and refreshing my memory on the game and I was wondering if anyone was working on it or thinking about it these days... It's been a few months since newmansage has been around, so I assume he's been busy with real life and whatnot.

I would love to work on this some more, but after the brilliant work newmansage was doing, I feel like I wouldn't have time to make the quality of run that he was preparing to make.  Does anyone have the videos he originally posted?  We need to document those in a more permanent place than filefront for the sake of the topic.

I think about this topic a lot and so I just thought I'd bump it to see if anyone else had Ratchet and Clank on their mind....
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RJWaters2: 2008-03-23 07:20:46 am
two rows of links on main page pretty nifty
I'm nearly halfway finished with my run.  Check my signature for updates.  I searched for this topic a while back but couldn't find it.  I might put some of my progress on Youtube.
I'm at 7 completed segments of 17.  I just reached Orxon [as Clank] with the Pilot's Helmet already acquired.  I have only the bomb glove, and will buy/gain only the Devastator. 
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Psonar: 2008-03-23 07:26:58 am
Long live SF64!
From RJWaters2 Signature
R&C [<2 hours] (7/17)

So does that mean that you're 7 segments through with a 17 segment run?  You should post at least an outline of your run here - I'd certainly be interested to hear about your progress.  Especially since 5 minutes ago I didn't know anyone was even working on the game....

edit: crap, I'm getting sleepy.... you answered my question in your post... ok nevermind... feel free to update the thread with your progress whenever you'd like!

edit2: So no blaster, suck cannon, or pyrocitor... interesting... what will your weapon inventory be for the final Drek fight?
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RJWaters2: 2008-03-23 08:10:33 am
two rows of links on main page pretty nifty
You ARE sleepy, that's in the post too, lol.
I will only get the Devastator, because I'm left with 10,000 bolts when I reach Veldin.  With the given Bomb Glove, I use those two weapons with filled ammo.
I was trying to keep the route a surprise, but here's a planet-by-segment outline:
1) Veldin+Nobalis
2) Metropolis+Eudora
3) Aridia
4) Blarg Tactical Station
5) Rilgar
6) Umbris
7) Battalia+Gaspar
8) Orxon [clank]
9) Pokitaru
10) Orxon [ratchet]
11) Hoven
12) Gemlik Base
13) Oltanis
14) Quartu [clank battle]
15) Kalebo III+ Quartu [Drek's Fleet Infobot]
16) Drek's Fleet
17) Veldin [through clank battle]
18) Veldin [final battle]
Damn. 18 segments.  I have a bad counting skill.
If newmansage still goes here, I want to ask:
What was your best in-game segmented time? [aka the final time shown on the save/load screen]
Long live SF64!
The reason I asked about final boss weapons is that I found that ammo refills are given during the Drek fight when 3 of your weapons get below 80%.  This fact can be manipulated to get lots of devastator ammo when you need it by strategically emptying the "3rd" weapon, like the Blaster.

I'm curious to see what happens with only two weapons that require ammo unless I'm having trouble remembering any non-purchased weapons that use ammo other than the bomb glove.
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RJWaters2: 2008-03-23 08:26:04 am
two rows of links on main page pretty nifty
Somebody posted in this thread (forget who) said they beat Drek only buying the Devastator, so there must be some sort of ammo spawn.  To collect an extra 2500 bolts, plus 100 bolts for ammo takes time, especially because I won't get any use out of it.  The main reason I get 10,000 at Veldin is the ~4000 bolts given at the Kalebo III race and ~3000 given at Quartu.

I don't get any free weapons either, the suck cannon and morph-o-ray are worthless to me.  The only thing close to a use for suck cannon is on Pokitaru, but I use wrench and Bomb Glove more effectively. 
It's-a me, Stalin!
Finally!! An R+ C run in the works again! Be sure to use all of the tricks mentioned in this forum, and keep us updated, you should've posted in this thread earlier.