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Nice discussion here  Grin
I started speedrunning the game yesterday and I completed all levels but the last one in a somewhat fast way.
Too bad there are demo issues in Portal. Sad Sad

Anyway, I'll try to complete my "speedrun", it's multi-segmented starting with a normal New Game.
Maybe it should be called a playthrough instead, but I use some neat shortcuts Smiley
I'll post the demofiles in this thread when they're done and later a video file and later a link to the video on google video Tongue
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tekknej: 2007-10-12 09:31:56 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
and then a patch will come along to screw all those shortcuts =(
or not... =)
Don't think!  feeeeeal
Got a 42 on level 16, I know I could get 41.
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Siyko: 2007-10-12 09:00:28 pm
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
In chapter 17, is it possible to use the cube to fly up past where the 3 lifts bring you and keep the companion cube? I can't seem to do it without dropping the cube after I get up to the top, and I have to set a portal in the last area then go through and pick it back up. I can get under 1:15 with this, but there has to be a clearner way.
Ah, I see Cody's been posting here as well! His stage 15 (er, that'd be his 48 second run) is the best of that level I've seen so far, but I think that he's right, there's still a few tricks you can do to squeeze out more time.

I managed to get 42 just now, and I think even that is improvable.
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Wells: 2007-10-12 11:06:38 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Check out these two threads for lots of vids:

People are doing crazy shit.
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Siyko: 2007-10-12 11:50:46 pm
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
Just got 1:10 on level 17, still without retaining the cube through flight (i tried a lot, and never got it working once, but I do think it's possible).

There are stil mistakes and it can be cleaned up, but enjoy.

Don't think!  feeeeeal
I've found a way to get level 18 done in 11 portals.  Some of the tricks I have very low success rates with.  I think two demos would explain everything though.
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Siyko: 2007-10-13 07:59:45 am
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
I've found a way to get level 18 done in 11 portals.   Some of the tricks I have very low success rates with.  I think two demos would explain everything though.

apparently someone got it with 9 portals... its on gamefaqs boards

I was practicing some of the earlier levels, and there are lots of timesaving tips. A couple levels can be almost entirely skipped, including the one where you first get the orange-portal gun. The first level with the energy balls can also be avoided by using ceilling-floor speed to launch up the exit like level 14.

Also, the 'portal through a portal' can be done to bypass all of the 'true' level 19 (which means the funky music doesn't trigger  :()

I haven't done much in the 'behind teh scenes' parts, but I'm gonna work on that when I get a chance.
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lowerlogic: 2007-10-13 08:25:53 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Just did level 17 in 1:01 (using autohotkey to climb, but at least it shows its possible to keep the cube if you approach the top of the ledge at the right angle.)
Don't think!  feeeeeal
9 portals huh? I wonder how that number came to be, it's rather strange.  I found out you can easily wall climb to the finish saving 5 portals, 6 if you were using my extra saver.  This let me finish in 6 portals.

I just can't see you you would get 9 though without doing at least 2 obviously wasted portals.

I got 2 demos which should explain everything unknown to most.  You need to get that turret to hold the door open and then come out on the other side so you can boost with it.
There's two strategies for 9 portals. Both require 4 portals to get through the door. I'm just not any good with wallclimbing so I used 5 portals to get to the top. If you can explain to me how to reliably climb all the way up there with the turret I'll give it a shot, I still have a save with 4 portals in the final room.

I mostly played steps today. I got Chamber 13 in 4 steps and Chamber 16 in 5 Steps =)
Don't think!  feeeeeal
How can you get through the door in 4 portals?  through the door and with a turret?

To boost just use an auto hot key script that spams two different keys.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hey guys. I've actually been considering Portal for a Speed Run/Done Quick project for a while. I was just wondering if there was enough interest in it for me to bother setting up a VBB or YABB on my webspace.

Also, over the past 2 days I've been doing a "rough" run of Portal. Not really put much effort into it and all that, many mistakes. Managed to get 28 minutes and 13 seconds. Demos can be found here. This is FAR from an optimized time. I do believe with a lot of work it could be pulled down to 25 minutes or MAYBE at best, 20 minutes.

As I said previously, if there's intrest I'll stick a Forum on my webspace for you guys so we can have an "organised" discussion about routes, tricks, tips and how anyone ever plans to dump what they've recorded to AVI. (Demos look screwy...I'll talk to Valve about that.)

Justin "Bandit5k" Stone.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
behold of an interesting thing i found... (will be a shame if it is already known =), but i haven't seen it before)
portal boost (or whatever funky name you give it later):

the first one shows some mediocre boosts... there are two chained near start... and the second one shows pretty good one, though i had better... now i am trying to grab orange portal gun, using this trick (i did once, that's how i found it), but couldn't do it =( maybe i need a little crouch/jump script...
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Siyko: 2007-10-13 05:45:10 pm
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
0:57 on level 17, again with no portals

didn't record it, but heres a ss

2 or so seconds could be shaved off by better execution and hopping
Does anyone else see a problem with using autohotkey??

I had thought about using the program for wallclimbing but felt that it takes away from the skill required. Trying to wallclimb up to the top of 18 without it is possible, just difficult.

Anyhow i believe that using autohotkey for speedrunning would be unacceptable by SDA rules.

Just throwing it out there.
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tekknej: 2007-10-13 06:57:36 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
here's a comparison of portal boost and a simple fling.

boost pretty much wins and that was probably not the best one =)
so it could be used when you need momentum, but there is no height to drop from... though maybe the only one place like that is to grab orange portal gun quickly... well, however, you allways need more speed in speedruns, and you could probably use this boost with much higher speeds =) i think you just need to barely touch the edge of a portal, while crouched... in these demos i just quickly press crouch+jump at the right moment...

okay, its me again =)

if done without retries it would be faster then the intended variant... still not very good place to show off this trick... i was just playing around... in the end i got frustrated and randomly shot a portal =) result was pretty good =)
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Anyhow i believe that using autohotkey for speedrunning would be unacceptable by SDA rules.

It was acceptable in HL2 when we did that, why wouldn't the same apply to Portal? They're exactly the same tricks and it'd be flat out hypocritical to say "Yeah, you can do it in HL2, but not Portal." The reason we used it in HL2 was to take less stress away from the runner in doing perfect bunnyhopping/button mashing and moving it along to getting the perfect route.

Besides, before they allowed AHK we had several runners who would hook up loads of peripheral devices and mash buttons with their feet and hands. Wink
scripts are allowed, but they're their own category these days.
Zelda fanboy
scripts are allowed, but they're their own category these days.

But they still euthanize older runs which don't use them, so why is this another category crap?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hey, just thought I'd metion that I've installed YABB on my webspace. You can find it here. Wink
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Here's a shortcut for level 12:
(user is banned)
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Spider-Waffle: 2007-10-14 12:52:02 am
Don't think!  feeeeeal
Those portal boost demos crash my game Sad  I really wanted to see what it was your talking about.
Someone make a video of those boosts. My game also dies when trying to play those demos.