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Chomp: I personally think that low% as in lowest number of portals used would be a nice category because most maps play very very differently if you want to save up on portals.

Working on a 3 Portal solution to 13, got a 10 on 15 that I'm not yet satisfied with.

Can you give me a better explanation of the walljumping? Anything I have to do except for hammering the use and jump buttons?
Chomp: I personally think that low% as in lowest number of portals used would be a nice category because most maps play very very differently if you want to save up on portals.

Working on a 3 Portal solution to 13, got a 10 on 15 that I'm not yet satisfied with.

Can you give me a better explanation of the walljumping? Anything I have to do except for hammering the use and jump buttons?

Pretty much just hammer away at the buttons.  I also hold forward, to stay against the wall, and strafing back and forth sometimes helps stabilize yourself too.

You need a good object though, I tried with a camera and it is very inconsistent.  I also tried with one of the little computer towers that was in one of those side rooms with the radios and ventilation (looks like a resistance safehouse or something).  It didn't work too great.  If it did there were a few shortcuts I saw that would be easy with a block, which I didn't have access to at the time.
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Siyko: 2007-10-12 01:02:11 am
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
I just got 0:14 on level 13, I fraps'd it too, although it could have been 0:13 except my framerate was so bad, I couldn't jump well, and I messed up on the end. Probably can get 0:12 with this route.;8775267;/fileinfo.html

edit: got this route to 13 a few times, can't get 12 yet
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marinmo: 2007-10-12 12:54:22 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I just got 0:14 on level 13, I fraps'd it too, although it could have been 0:13 except my framerate was so bad, I couldn't jump well, and I messed up on the end. Probably can get 0:12 with this route.

Uploading the video file as soon as I compress it

I got 13 on level 13. I haven't frapsed it yet, will do if there's any demand, but with my route I very much doubt 12 is possible. Anyway, the demo is here:

Probably someone will come along and do this faster than me, but for now my demo is nice for a techdemo. I feel very few things could've been improved on this run; and even if the small mistakes were corrected I'd still say it's a solid 13. We'll have to see I guess.

Edit: Here's the video (6,3mb, xvid):
8 Seconds on Chapter 6. On the xbox 360…
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Siyko: 2007-10-12 12:47:24 am
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
edit: nvm got it working

Nice run, its actually the same route of mine except for some very minor changes. I messed up in different places than you, I still think 12 is possible.

Chapter 7 48 seconds. I have a feeling you guys onthe PC will be able to beat these though, what with the mouse and keyboard…
Here's a video of me doing chamber 18 in 1:02:

Just thought I'd throw it in to get things rolling.
cell: I think the start can be done roughly 2 or 3 seconds faster using the minimum portal start with 4 portals to the button.
cell: I think the start can be done roughly 2 or 3 seconds faster using the minimum portal start with 4 portals to the button.

What's that?
Waiting hurts my soul...
I just got 0:14 on level 13, I fraps'd it too, although it could have been 0:13 except my framerate was so bad, I couldn't jump well, and I messed up on the end. Probably can get 0:12 with this route.;8775267;/fileinfo.html

edit: got this route to 13 a few times, can't get 12 yet

Does that placement thing mean you get a bronze for the level?  Watching these videos makes me want to get this game and join in the speedrunning, oh well.  Last leg of school starting up next week and a busy weekend keep me from gaming once more.  Keept it up.
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
It compares it against 3 times, bronze, silver, and gold. Gold for that level is I think 0:19, so it beats it by a good amount.
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flechette: 2007-10-12 03:21:10 am
Ah, I see Cody's been posting here as well! His stage 15 (er, that'd be his 48 second run) is the best of that level I've seen so far, but I think that he's right, there's still a few tricks you can do to squeeze out more time.

As far as stages 13 and 14.

Stage 13 done in 10 seconds:

Stage 14 done in 6 seconds:

I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
damn, thats nice stuff!
Stage 17 in 1:16, though that's with quicksaves. I think I can get sub 1:20 on a normal run with a bit of luck.
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DJGrenola: 2007-10-12 04:23:50 am
haha, post a crappy :16, go to bed and someone posts a :10 ... works every time.

nicely done.
Anyone know any (big) differences between the PC and x360 versions?
Good runs, I think my hands/mouse are too skakey to contribute though. Sad
Chomp: Can you give me any hints on wallclimbing with a camera? I can get it perfectly fine with the weighted companion cube, decently with a normal cube and absolutly not with a camera. However, the camera is the only option to get 7 Portals on Chamber 15.
Speed is everything!
Hey guys, nice movies! Grin
Today I will get the game so I can run it too! Smiley
(user is banned)
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Spider-Waffle: 2007-10-12 06:05:28 am
Don't think!  feeeeeal
You could do a 3 portal solution to 13 if my thinking is right.

Use 3 portals to get yourself and the box out into the big room.  Then use the box to fly up and get the other box.  Fly both boxes onto a button and jump to the finish.
Don't think!  feeeeeal
Well I can't seem to do 17 without raising those lifts due to mechanic where you lose all your air control once above a certain speed.  However, you can do it without raising the last lift; from the middle lift it's an easy jump to the next ledge.

I found a big time saver for 15.  You can go through that acid hallway without activating the moving platforms.  It takes 2 quick dual-portal moves.  You can even fall into the acid, fire a portal and get into it.  I'm not sure how your supposed to get  the gold time without doing this.  Anyone know?

There's also two level-14-like shorcuts you can do on 15.  The first and much harder one is right after the small lift, to launch up over the glass wall.  I've only done it once.  The next is for the final lift, much easier.

I don't think I could do those two hard shorcuts, plus the last easy one on level 15 in one run without hundreds of hours of practice.  This level is daunting.

One level 16 is anyone able to get past the room with 3-turrets and the button without knocking all 3 turrets down?  I'll try this some more, but it seems very hard.  Without doing this my best time is only 50, just 2 seconds below gold :(..
You can do Chamber 13 with just two portals. Chamber 15 takes 6, Chamber 17 can be done without any portals. Chamber 18 likely in less than 10. 12 has been reported, my best is 14 so far. 14 and 16 obviously take 2 portals.
Don't think!  feeeeeal
Can you get the first cube without any portals?  Or how else can you do 13 with 2 portals?  2 portals as in 1 orange and 1 blue?

I did manage to get past the 3 drone room with them all up.  Just run it with a portal on the ground behind the button.  Open the door, fire, then run backwards.  You'll get pushed back too and you can just barely survive.

I'll try to make a demo of my 16 route.
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Siyko: 2007-10-12 08:52:00 am
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
What's your route? I just got 0:49 with knocking the 3 robots over, haven't tried your way.

I did... drop portal under first android, peek thru hallway and portal to the right and behind the next android, strafe left a bit and portal the wall, go thru, turn left and portal to the end of the corridor near the boxes, walk backwards thru it, portal above the android behind the glass, portal below the metal boxes, run forward and grab a box, charge the android holding the box in front, knock the android over with a box, turn around fast and run into the next room, knock both those over with the box, drop the box on the portal-able ground, portal above one android, portal below the box, charge the second android and throw it at the third, stand on button and portal behind the grate, set portal on wall and walk thru, pickup android and drag him into the end chamber

and yes they're robots not androids.

also, avoid demos if you can, I don't think they work right - all mine playback all... choppy and bad.