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djcj: 2007-12-29 06:13:03 pm

I was going to do that the next time Wink

Ah, okay. By the way, how many segments did you use for this run?

Ah, okay. By the way, how many segments did you use for this run?

one per map and for escape01 I used 2.
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djcj: 2008-01-01 01:34:11 pm
I've discovered a faster method to escape from the rocket turret room:

I like the way how you get that turret to shoot Glados.
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Reaver: 2007-12-29 07:43:58 pm
Awesome. Nicely done. I liked what you did with chamber 16.
Swedish Fish

Any progress / new tricks lately?
Isn't the game already tricky enough?  Tongue
Is DemonStrate still working on the last chambers/levels?
If we were you, we would quit now.
Is DemonStrate still working on the last chambers/levels?

I havent been working on them. I just literally stopped working on it. I really wanted to get it done. I can never seem to finish a project. I hope i get some spark of motivation to work on it.
King Laskdjf
Love this game. 31 hours in 2 weeks :P.
I'm not the best when it comes to speed at this game, but I may give some things a go :).
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
I havent been working on them. I just literally stopped working on it. I really wanted to get it done. I can never seem to finish a project. I hope i get some spark of motivation to work on it.

motivation eh?

I'll hunt you down and kick you in the nuts if you don't finish. If you do finish, I'll hunt down your arch-enemy and kick them in the crotch.
Hey groob, are you still picking away at your single segment run?
Edit history:
groobo: 2008-01-17 07:17:24 am
I'll get back to portal when I finish that damn Okami run. I'm three segments short... since two months. The difficulty is stunning :-/.

edit: Oh, riiight... I'll also have to encode the hlbs run and it's not a one minute job, you know >.>.
Just seeing what was up. I've been playing Portal on my brand spankin' new PC for the past couple days, and began to wonder about this run. Glad to hear it atleast hasn't been abandoned =P

Anyhow, to actually contribute something pretty useful, I found a new trick in Test Chamber 17. If you do the cube jumping at the start fast enough, you can use the cube to deflect the on coming orb back into the room and out of the hallway, enabling you to ABH down the first hallway, and down the second hallway, cutting a decent amount of time. Probably best suited for segmented runs.
That was already known :P, sorry to be a downer.
I fart in your general direction.
piece of cake!
So bad, I've just finished this game, it was too short... 1h30, very interesting but too short.

Now I can watch the vids!

Edit : Hey, so many interesting stuff, ideas and tricks there! I really liked some parts, good job Wink
If we were you, we would quit now.
I got back into the speedrun. I hopefully should complete the game within a weeks time.

Chamber 16:
King Laskdjf
Hopefully :P.
Nice work on Chamber 16, although was shooting the portal under the turret really nessecary?
Also, the second portal on the floor, how you said you lost time there? You jumped and didn't land before you shot the portal, so you didn't lose any EXTRA time. You only lost the time from jumping :P.
@DemonStrate: Btw, I submitted my run you could see on youtube some time ago, but it is still being verified, I dont know if they will replace that run, if it will be submitted, with yours or if they say that they dont need that run anymore.
The best I could get was a low :13 in this chamber so if you want to submit I'd have to ask you to get at least a world record run on every map :P.
If we were you, we would quit now.
The best I could get was a low :13 in this chamber so if you want to submit I'd have to ask you to get at least a world record run on every map :P.

:-P. I got like 14 seconds. Jeez. Im not going for a 'perfect' run this time through. Im just gonna at least get the most optimized routes at the best speed i can do without killing myself over fractions of seconds i missed.
Actually it's more like a full second, not just a fraction. Anyway, you'll regret this later after you submit the run... at least I always do :P.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
@DemonStrate: Btw, I submitted my run you could see on youtube some time ago, but it is still being verified, I dont know if they will replace that run, if it will be submitted, with yours or if they say that they dont need that run anymore.

If it's faster than yours, yours will probably be replaced.
If we were you, we would quit now.
Chamber 17 is done! I'm getting on right through this thing. I can't wait till its all done. I'm exited to finally be getting close to the escape levels. I spent alot of time trying to find the fastest way to do those.

Chamber 17:
Really liked that chamber, excellent job. The beginning was pretty good, but what sealed it for me was the way the ending was handled. Beautiful work. Can't WAIT to see what 18 looks like.