I am also working on another segmented run, faster than my previous one at 17:50, however it is segmented by the loading areas. I do not save at all during each chamber and I am estimating mid 16 minutes for the final product.
I am also working on another segmented run, faster than my previous one at 17:50, however it is segmented by the loading areas. I do not save at all during each chamber and I am estimating mid 16 minutes for the final product.
Like mine... except mine will be 16 or a bit under 16 minutes.
First of all, I am not finished yet And I think DemonStrate does his run way better than mine, but I finish it anyway, I can post a link in the forum then.
Thats strange, mine is pretty much optimized for a straight segmented run. I have completed the chambers up to escape 02 very quickly, maybe losing about 3-4 seconds overall which I might go and fix in another run. So even though I haven't seen your run, if its under 16 minutes, I will be pretty certain mine is there too. I also remember you posting that you reached chamber 16 at 9:42? I reched it in 9:15...23 seconds faster lol. Oh well, once I complete the last segment, I ill release the vid.
I finally picked up Portal. Fun game... rather short main game, but the accomplishments will take a while to complete. I probably won't ever speedrun this type of game, but I'll appreciate everyone else's run a lot better. Plus, I'll be able to verify, although I don't think we're every short on those for this game...
I might try and run portal, to be honest I'm pretty AMAZING at it.
EDIT: Actually, if 2 other people are I won't bother. Might be a pain in the ass...
Take it you just saw some of their gameplay demos No seriously, why not? Competition brings out the best in people. You should go for it if you think you can do it.