The Blaster Master game page for some reason contains a '\' char before the doctype. Not that I know if we care about valid XHTML or not, still felt like mentioning it.
Category note: Runs using oob glitches such as infinite speed and secret worlds are considered separate categories.
I'd suggest a reword here, this sentence has a number of problems... random visitors might not be familiar with what oob means especially since it's not capitalized like an acronym, infinite speed is not an oob glitch, and secret worlds are just going out of bounds so it's a bit redundant and also confusing for people not familiar with the terminology. Maybe "Category note: Runs using out of bounds glitches or the infinite speed bug are considered separate categories."
The Prime 2 page's category note meanwhile doesn't mention the infinite speed bug at all and has a similar problem with confusing terminology And I could mention that "Note" is capitalized on the Prime 2 page and not mostly everywhere else but that's getting pretty close to nitpicking.
Pikmin 2 page is a little redundant:
Category note: A best ending run requires collecting all 201 treasures.
eh. I still call it infinite speed, haven't seen flickerball used anywhere recently, but in any case I don't care enough to get into an argument over it. I'm still calling it IS, it can have multiple names as far as I'm concerned.
I think I know why this happened. When Enhasa made the features page, he moved the interview into a features folder without fixing the links on the game pages.
I'm really shocked no one has pointed this out until now.
The following either needs to be removed or modified from the Dracula X Chronicles page:
The game was also ported to Wii Virtual Console on April 22, 2008, but only in Japan (Konami really doesn't want free money from Castlevania fans outside of Japan).
This game was released in the states on March 15th, and in PAL regions on the 19th.
This quote is no longer on the TG-16/Virtual Console page, but a line on there should be modified as well:
The game was never released outside of Japan...
Since it was released outside of Japan on Virtual Console, a good fix might be to say it wasn't released outside of Japan on the TurboGrafix-16 or something like that.
Tomb Raider III: The Lost Artifact is the proper name, not Artefact. I don't know why the main menu says Artefact when my copy says it's Artifact (US/UK version ?), but most sources say it's Artifact. Even MMAN himself put Artifact in StatID.
That main menu screenshot on the run page is from the run itself. It's not surprising, really, since Eidos is based in Britain, and Artefact is the British spelling. Also, it's possible there were actually two versions, one with British English spelling and one with American English spelling, though I possess no knowledge about that (also no knowledge as to why the hell would they bother). As for why Artifact is the more prominent spelling on the Internet, it's actually pretty simple - there's more Americans on the Internet than Brits :).
I went with the main menu spelling from the run on the main page. If it's such a huge deal, I can change it, but really now...
Well, I just thought it would be more accurate to have Artifact since that's what most sources refer to, but as you said it's probably because there are more Americans than Brits.
Manhunt 2 - the last part of the blurb might need rewording; the game has now been released in the UK with the same censorship as the US version.
Final Fantasy Tactics - 'The game introduced most westerners to tactical RPGs,' the page claims. 'North Americans' might be a better choice of words; Tactics was infamous for not being released outside Japan and North America until the PSP version.
Star Fox - should be a currency symbol ($, presumably) before the '99.95' part.
Another thing to note about the news post for FF IV: The After Years - not all of the scenarios are actually done. The final one, The Crystals, is the only one not represented.
Wasn't sure if this was quite the right place to post this, but the embedded flash videos for CannibalK9's GTAIII 100% run link to nothing. When I press play, it comes up with a "file not found or access denied" message.
Point me in the right direction if I'm supposed to bring this up elsewhere in future